Home > Partner Resources > Manufacturers > Resources for Appliance Manufacturers and Retailers

General and Program Resources

Consumer Brochures

Partner Resource Guides

Product Snapshots

Criteria-Related Updates

Promotional Materials

ENERGY STAR Training Center ENERGY STAR Training Center

Media Outreach




Appliance Sales Data

Qualified Product List Updates


Campaigns, including the Appliance Campaign and the Cool Your World Campaign.

Partner Activity Search: Find out how other partners are promoting ENERGY STAR to create leveraging opportunities.

Database for Incentive and joint Marketing Exchange: Identify joint marketing opportunities.

Collateral for Events and Point of Purchase Materials
Did you know that if just 1 in 10 homes used ENERGY STAR labeled appliances, the change would clean as much carbon dioxide from the air as planting 1.7 million acres of trees? Use these marketing materials, and help spread the word about ENERGY STAR labeled appliances.

Web Banner

General Appliance Brochure

Product Specifications and Reporting Forms


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