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Conference Calls

Transit Security Grant Program Tier I FY 2006

Conference Call Summaries

12/27/06 Conference Call

Opening Comments:

Welcome. We are still in the process of addressing some of your concerns from last week's call. There really is nothing new to discuss from our end, so I'd like to open up the call for questions.

Questions and Answers:

There were no questions raised or comments made during this session.

Wrap Up:

If there are no questions I'd like to say that we're looking forward to the submission of your project plans. I'd also like to remind you that these documents are due Friday, January 12, 2007. Thank you. This concludes the call.

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12/13/06 Conference Call

Opening Comments:

Welcome. Our TSA subject matter experts are working on reviewing the FY 06 Tier I draft project plans. TSA's goal is to complete the review and to a summary of the reviewers comments back to the SAA's by close of business on Friday, Dec. 15. Realistically, because of the numbers (50 or so Plans) received, it may take longer. In that case, the SAA's will receive comments no later than close of business on Monday, Dec. 18.

I'd now like to open the call up to questions.

Questions and Answers:

There were no questions raised during this conference call.

Wrap Up:

TSA is working hard to get the project plans reviewed so that we can together meet the security demands of the nation. We have also provided this pre-submission project plan review by subject matter experts for the ferry applicants.

Thank you. This concludes the call.

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11/29/06 Conference Call

Opening Comments:

Welcome. Today is the second day of the National Grants Conference here in Washington, DC; therefore, many parties may not be calling in. First, I'd like to say that properties that fall within the ferries group will be granted an extension on the date by which they must submit their draft proposals. Draft ferry proposals must now be turned in by December 7; all other stakeholders must turn their draft proposals in by December 1. Please remember to submit your documents electronically in Microsoft format. Once you're uploaded the draft via the secure portal, please notify TSA personnel with an email.

I'd now like to open the call up to questions.

Questions and Answers:

There were no questions raised during this conference call.

Wrap Up:

If there are no questions I'd like to say that we're looking forward to your draft project proposals and ultimately awarding funds based on your final submissions. Thank you. This concludes the call.

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11/15/06 Conference Call

Opening Comments:

Welcome. I'd like to discuss a few issues first before we open the call up to the question and answer period. First, I'd like to say that TSA encourages multi-year projects. In your project plan submissions, please break the project down into discreet elements that demonstrate the expected benefits of the project over the course of the period of performance, which is 30 months for this grant cycle. Second, we encourage the agencies to submit draft project proposals through the ODP secure portal by December 1. TSA will review the proposals and return feedback to you by December 15. Please be sure to password-protect your documents and send the password to TSA via email. Third, if you have any questions regarding the Tier 2 review process that took place during this past August, please submit all inquiries to

I'd now like to open the call up to questions.

Questions and Answers:

How will the agencies receive feedback on our draft proposals?

Comments will be submitted in writing to the SAA or directly to the transit agency. We will return comments to the source of the submission.

How can SAAs become more aware of the procedures around this grant program?

Please refer to the latest Information Bulletin, number 223. It has been posted on our website, at In addition, the submission of your draft project proposals is informal and may be submitted by either the SAA or the transit agency.

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11/01/06 Conference Call

Opening Comments:

Thanks for attending the call today. We're very interested in ensuring that everyone can submit successful project proposals.

Question and Answers:

I'm looking for clarification around "security" versus "safety." Specifically pertaining to CCTV cameras on buses without a live feed, are they permitted or rejected?

Cameras that do not have a live feed or GPS tracking or panic buttons are not security oriented. Such improvements have a greater impact on safety, rather than security; therefore, they will not be funded. However, if the camera is capable of coordinating with the local police or dispatch center it will be permitted under the grant guidance.

Where exactly will things be posted on the website? It's difficult to find information, organizationally.

We will send the link around to our email distribution list, but the address is

Wrap Up:

Thanks again for calling; we encourage you to submit any questions you may have.

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10/25/06 Conference Call

Opening Comments:

Welcome. Thanks for attending the recent conferences on the East and West Coast. Hopefully they gave us both a chance to understand our challenges and discuss them a bit. I'd like to remind you to please submit all of your questions to Recently, the Office of Grants and Training released a new Information Bulletin (IB), number 223. It has been posted on G&T's website and TSA's website. Minutes from both the DC and San Francisco conferences will be posted on TSA's website in the near future. Frequently asked questions will be consolidated and posted on our website in the next day. TSA will email the IB to our distribution list tomorrow, along with the minutes from this conference call. Also, please let us know if you are not included on the distribution list, but would like to be. Likewise, if you're receiving emails, but would like to be removed from our distribution list, please let us know.

The IB notes that we have changed the application process slightly -- we will now be accepting project proposals prior to final submission, allowing TSA and G&T to offer comments. Proposals are due by December 1 if you would like to receive preliminary comments. We will return comments to you by December 15. Please refer to the project proposal template in the IB when you're writing your proposals

Question and Answers:

There Were No Questions Today

Wrap Up:

Commenting on feedback we received during the conference in San Francisco, there has been some confusion over the allocation of money. First of all, funding has already been allocated to the respective regions. Funds will be held by the SAA until project proposals have been reviewed and evaluated. Money will only be released to the properties based on the projects that have been selected by the national review panel. A notice will then be sent to the SAAs, informing them that they are authorized to release the funds to the properties that have been selected to receive funding.

Thank you. This concludes the call.

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09/27/06 Conference Call

Opening Comments:

TSA will ask APTA to forward the TSA defined set of six fundamental security principles that should guide transit agencies in developing project plans. These principles are, in no particular order: protection of high risk/high consequence underwater/underground assets and systems; protection of other high risk/high consequence assets and systems that have been identified through system-wide risk assessments; use of visible, unpredictable deterrence; targeted counter-terrorism training for key front-line staff; emergency preparedness drills and exercises, public awareness and preparedness campaigns. An explanation of these principles will be posted on the TSA Grants website in the coming days.

Question and Answers:

Are additional layers being placed between TSA and the SAAs, making it difficult to have open dialogue?

We have no desire to do that, and are in fact hoping to maintain direct contact between TSA and the SAA. To facilitate a more open community we are posting information on the TSA website. We value APTA's partnership, as well as G&T's as we move forward with the Tier 1 process. We expect to have plenty of opportunities for outreach in the future and will push these six fundamental security principles out through G&T's contacts.

Regarding the grant award letters, have they been sent out yet? Where have they been sent?

You should receive the letters by the end of this week (Friday, Sept. 29). The letters have been sent to the address that was listed in the respective account.

We are still having difficulty obtaining up-to-date information from TSA and G&T. How can we better get the information to the stakeholders?

The time, date, and telephone number with participant pass code will be posted on the TSA website, along with other important pieces of information regarding the Transportation Grants Program.

Wrap Up:

The Tier 1 conference call will be held on Wednesdays, 1 p.m Eastern. Please visit the TSA website for updated information, including the conference call telephone number and participant pass code. The grants website can be accessed at

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