Proposed Reissuance of Four NPDES Permits to facilities that Discharge Seafood Processing Waste to the Bering Sea. | Region 10 | US EPA

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Proposed Reissuance of Four NPDES Permits to facilities that Discharge Seafood Processing Waste to the Bering Sea.

United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
Region 10
1200 Sixth Avenue, Suite 900, OWW-130
Seattle, Washington 98101-1746
(206) 553-0523


Public Notice Numbers.:
AK-0053503 (P/V Arctic Star)
AK-0053520 (M/V Stellar Sea)
AK-0053490 (Trident Seafoods, St. Paul Island Facility)
AK-0053511 (Westward Wind)

Public Notice Issuance Date: October 30, 2008
Public Notice Expiration Date: December 3, 2008

1. Applicants

Icicle Seafoods (P/V Arctic Star and M/V Stellar Sea)
4019 21st Ave West
Seattle, WA 98119
P/V Arctic Star, Permit No.: AK-0053503
M/V Stellar Sea, Permit No.: AK-0053520

Trident Seafoods Corporation
5303 Shilshole Ave. NW
Seattle, WA 98107
Trident Seafoods Corporation (St. Paul Island Facility), Permit No.: AK 0053490

Yardarm Knot Fisheries, LLC (F/V Westward Wind)
2240 West Commodore Way, Suite 200
Seattle, Washington 98199
F/V Westward Wind, NPDES Permit No.: AK-0053511

These facilities process crab and/or halibut and discharge seafood processing waste to the Bering Sea.

Fact Sheets are available.

2. Tentative Determination

The Region 10 Office of EPA has tentatively determined to reissue discharge permits to the above listed applicants.

3. State Certification

The State of Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (ADEC) intends to certify that the subject discharges will comply with the applicable provisions of Sections 208(e), 301, 302, 303, 306 and 307 of the Clean Water Act, and will public notice their intent to certify. ADEC is considering authorizing a small mixing zone for solids within the water column. Additionally, ADEC may authorize a compliance schedule for total residual chlorine, and ammonia. Compliance schedules are included in permits when facilities have new water quality based effluent limitations which they cannot meet upon permit issuance because the facility does not have the necessary technology to meet the effluent limits. A compliance schedule is an enforceable permit condition and will ensure that the permittee takes the necessary steps to change their process and/or install the technology necessary to meet their effluent limits.

4. State Consistency Determination

This Notice will also serve as Public Notice of the intent of the State of Alaska, Department of Natural Resources (DNR), Division of Coastal and Ocean Management to review these actions for consistency with the approved Alaska Coastal Management Program.

5. Public Comments

Persons wishing to comment on the tentative determinations contained in the proposed permits or wishing to request that a public hearing be held, may do so in writing, within this public notice period. A request for a public hearing shall state the nature of the issues to be raised as well as the requester's name, address and telephone number. Comments must be received by the expiration date of this notice to be considered in the formulation of final determinations regarding the application. All comments should include the name, address and telephone number of the commenter and a concise statement of the exact basis of any comment and the relevant facts upon which it is based. All written comments and requests should be submitted to EPA at the above address to the attention of the Director, Office of Water and Watersheds. Comments may also be submitted via email to

Persons wishing to comment on State Certification should submit written comments within this comment period to the State of Alaska, Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (ADEC), Attn: Fran Roche, 410 Willoughby, Suite 303, Juneau, Alaska 99801-1795. Comments may also be submitted via email to

Persons wishing to comment on the State Determination of Consistency with the Alaska Coastal Management Program should submit written comments within this comment period. Your comments, particularly on the proposed project’s consistency with the affected local coastal district management program, are requested by the State of Alaska, Department of Natural Resources, Division of Coastal and Ocean Management. Comments regarding inconsistency with an affected coastal district’s enforceable policy or a state standard set out in 11 AAC 110 - 11 AAC 114 must identify the enforceable policy or standard and explain how the project is inconsistent. Written comments must be received by 5:00 p.m. on December 3, 2008, to be considered. All written comments should be addressed to the attention of Alaska Coastal Management Program Consistency Review and submitted to the State of Alaska, Department of Natural Resources, Division of Coastal and Ocean Management, 550 West 7th Avenue, Suite 705, Anchorage, Alaska 99501-3559. For more information on the consistency review process and the comment deadline, or to submit comments, please contact DNR at (907) 269-7470.

6. Administrative Record

The proposed NPDES permit and other related documents are on file and may be inspected at the above address any time between 8:30 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Copies and other information may be requested by writing to the EPA at the above address to the attention of the NPDES Permits Unit, or by calling (206) 553-0523. The fact sheet and proposed permit are also available from the EPA Alaska Operations Office, Room 537, Federal Building, 222 West 7th Avenue, #19, Anchorage, Alaska 99513.

Icicle Seafoods P/V Arctic Star Draft Permit (PDF) (33 pp. 218K)
Icicle Seafoods P/V Arctic Star Fact Sheet (PDF) (41 pp. 279K)

Icicle Seafoods M/V Stellar Sea Draft Permit (PDF) (39 pp. 585K)
Icicle Seafoods M/V Stellar Sea Fact Sheet (PDF) (44 pp. 435K)

Trident Seafoods, St. Paul Island Facility Draft Permit (PDF) (35 pp. 220K)
Trident Seafoods, St. Paul Island Facility Fact Sheet (PDF) (46 pp. 323K)

Yardarm Knots Fisheries F/V Westward Wind Draft Permit (PDF) (34 pp. 294K)
Yardarm Knots Fisheries F/V Westward Wind Fact Sheet (PDF) (37 pp. 237K)

Ocean Discharge Criteria Evaluation (PDF) (112 pp. 857K)
Biological Evaluation (PDF) (90 pp. 860K)

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