Friday, January 14, 2000202/307-0703


WASHINGTON, D.C.-Jurisdictions across the nation will get the assistance and guidance needed to build strong community prosecution programs through a grant announced today by the Justice Department. The Justice Department's Bureau of Justice Assistance, a component of the Office of Justice Programs, is providing more than $300,000 to the American Prosecutors Research Institute (APRI) to work with jurisdictions across the country to define and advance their community prosecution initiatives to improve public safety.

"Community Prosecution represents tough and effective law enforcement, which has contributed to the historic drops in crime. Now that we are well on the way to fulfilling President Clinton's goal of putting 100,000 police officers on the street, it is time to ensure that we have effectively trained prosecutors to work with the community to identify and reduce local crime," said Deputy Attorney General Eric Holder. "This grant will provide essential training for local prosecutors to prepare them to take on the unique challenges faced by their communities. I want to thank the Congress for recognizing that public safety is not a partisan issue, and for making these funds available. I look forward to working with local district and states' attorneys from around the nation to put new prosecutors directly into our communities."

Community prosecution is based on the idea that involving citizens and putting prosecutors directly into the community can make neighborhoods safer. Community prosecutors work directly with neighborhood residents and organizations to identify local crime problems and implement collaborative strategies to prevent and reduce crime.

In 1999, BJA provided $5 million to 41 jurisdictions to implement, enhance or plan community prosecution initiatives. The Justice Department has $10 million it will distribute to expand the program in FY 2000. A solicitation requesting applications for those funds is expected to be issued later this year.

APRI will use the funds being announced today to convene a series of regional training sessions using experts and practitioners knowledgeable about community prosecution principles as faculty. APRI was founded in 1984 to improve local prosecution through research, policy analysis, training, development and technical assistance. APRI provides state-of-the-art research, training and other resources through publications, on-site assistance, consultation, training development and conference presentations.

Additional information about OJP and its programs is available at:

BJA 000-39

For additional information contact Doug Johnson at 202/616-3559