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Characters from the Dr. Seuss film Horton Hears a Who join kids across the country in explaining how saving energy helps fight global warming. This 30 second PSA shows how kids and their parents can make a difference with ENERGY STAR.

The PSA requires Quicktime to view. Download free Quicktime viewer Exit ENERGY STAR.

Note: the PSA can be aired until March 1, 2012.

Thirty Second TV PSA

ENERGY STAR PSA Campaign features real people fighting global warming

EPA’s current public service announcement (PSA) campaign promotes ENERGY STAR as an important part of the solution to global warming. A 30 second TV spot and print ads feature ordinary individuals who represent the growing number of Americans turning to ENERGY STAR to help save energy, save money, and protect the climate for future generations. The campaign reinforces the important link between saving energy and preventing global warming. A 2 minute brand video is also available for events, conferences, web hosting and other ENERGY STAR promotional activities.

The PSA requires Quicktime to view. Download free Quicktime viewer Exit ENERGY STAR.

DigiBeta tapes or DVDs of the PSA and/or video can be ordered through our hotline, 1-888-STAR-YES or hotline@energystar.gov. Note: the TV PSA and video can be aired until March 1, 2012.

Thirty Second TV PSA

Print PSAs

For assistance on resizing and printing the PSAs please call (202) 343-9451 or e-mail media@energystar.gov.

Two Minute Video

Partner Use of PSAs and Video

ENERGY STAR partners are encouraged to share the PSAs and 2 minute video with employees, customers, and their local communities. We also encourage use of the print PSAs in your print publications.

Utilities/EEPS and States/State Energy Offices may request copies of the TV PSA and/or tag it for placement in local markets. You must be a state or state agency, public, or non-profit utility/EEP to place TV PSAs locally. For-profit utilities can combine ad buys with TV PSA placement. Partners may also post or link to the TV PSA or video from their website to share with customers, and download a high res version to show at events, trade fairs, conferences and other internal/external meetings.

Retailers are encouraged to share the TV PSA or video with customers by airing the in-store, and posting or linking to them from their website.

Manufacturers may share the TV PSA and video with employees and customers, post or link to the PSA from their website, and download a high res version to show internally and externally.

Home Builders are encouraged to share the TV PSA and video with employees and customers, post or link to them from their website, and download a high res version to show at events, in model homes or other venues.

Buildings/Commercial/Schools/Hospitality and Small Business Partners are encouraged to share the TV PSA and video with employees and customers, post or link to them from their website, and download a high res version to share with customers both internally and externally.

Members of the ENERGY STAR Congregations or Small Business Networks are encouraged to share the TV PSA and video with members, post or link to them from their website, and download a high res version to show at congregation events, meetings, and member gatherings.

Associations may request copies of the TV PSA and/or tag it for placement nationally or in local markets. You must be a public/non-profit association to place TV PSAs locally. Partner associations may also post or link to the TV PSA or video from their website to share with members, and download a high res version to show at events, trade fairs, conferences and other internal/external meetings.