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Educational Resources

  • Training. ENERGY STAR offers free training live on the Internet to help you get the most out of your partnership. You will also see a list of events across the country where you can learn more about ENERGY STAR.
  • Presentations. Use customizable presentation templates that target builders, appraisers, and real estate agents. The presentations serve to focus on the value of ENERGY STAR to the audience.
  • Fact Sheets. Educate your sales team about the many ‘tried-and-true’ energy-efficient features found in ENERGY STAR qualified homes by providing them with detailed Fact Sheets.
  • Best Practices for Selling ENERGY STAR Qualified Homes. Learn best practices from builders that have successfully used ENERGY STAR as sales advantage.
  • Related Web Sites. EPA has composed a list of links to additional resources for energy-efficient home building and organizations that support or complement ENERGY STAR for New Homes.
  • Builder Recruitment Handbook. Learn best practices for recruiting homebuilders to a winning partnership with ENERGY STAR by building relationships and offering long-term support.