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Contact Information
** The following contact information is the latest on record and may not be up to date.
Name: Denice Heller Wardrop
Location:Pennsylvania State University - Main Campus
Phone:(814) 863-3208
Street Address:0301 FOREST RESOURCE LAB
Zip Code:16802

Associated Project Details for: Denice Heller Wardrop
R824905 Watersheds and Wetlands: Large Scale Disturbances and Small Scale Responses Grant September 1, 1996 through August 31, 1999
R828684 Development, Testing, and Application of Ecological and Socioeconomic Indicators for Integrated Assessment of Aquatic Ecosystems of the Atlantic Slope in the Mid-Atlantic States Centers March 1, 2001 through February 1, 2005
R828684C003 Integrated Assessment of Watersheds Centers March 1, 2001 through February 28, 2005
R829497 Assessing an HGM-based Wetland Classification and Assessment Scheme Along a 1000 km Gradient of the Appalachian Mountains: Hydrology, Soils and Wetland Function Grant January 15, 2002 through January 14, 2005
Principal Investigator:
R828684C002 Development of an Optical Indicator of Habitat Suitability for Submersed Aquatic Vegetation Centers March 1, 2001 through February 28, 2005
R832440 Constructing Probability Surfaces of Ecological Changes in Coastal Aquatic Systems Through Retrospective Analysis of Phragmites Australis Invasion and Expansion Grant July 1, 2005 through June 30, 2007
R833013 Hydrologic Forecasting for Characterization of Non-linear Response of Freshwater Wetlands to Climatic and Land Use Change in the Susquehanna River Basin Grant August 1, 2007 through July 31, 2010

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The perspectives, information and conclusions conveyed in research project abstracts, progress reports, final reports, journal abstracts and journal publications convey the viewpoints of the principal investigator and may not represent the views and policies of ORD and EPA. Conclusions drawn by the principal investigators have not been reviewed by the Agency.

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