FAFSA: Free Application for Federal Student Aid


Worksheet A
Report Annual Amounts

If a question does not apply to you (or your spouse), leave it blank or enter zero.

Did you (or your spouse) receive any of the following items in 2007?

Items WA1 - WA4 are collectively called Worksheet A. The total will be entered on the FAFSA for Question 40.

  • 1040-line 66a
  • 1040A-line 40a
  • 1040EZ-line 8a
Enter whole dollar amounts in this box, and do not use commas.
$ .00
Enter whole dollar amounts in this box, and do not use commas.
$ .00
Enter whole dollar amounts in this box, and do not use commas.
$ .00
Enter whole dollar amounts in this box, and do not use commas.
$ .00

Total of questions WA1 - WA4 above.
This is a display field only. It holds a running calculation of the entered values.
$ .00


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Site Last Updated: Sunday, November 2, 2008

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