FAFSA: Free Application for Federal Student Aid


Worksheet B
Report Annual Amounts

If a question does not apply to the student's parents, leave it blank or enter zero.

Did the student's parents receive any of the following items in 2006?

Items WB1 - WB11 are collectively called Worksheet B. The calculated total will be entered automatically on the FAFSA for Question 85.

Enter whole dollar amounts in this box, and do not use commas.
$ .00
Enter whole dollar amounts in this box, and do not use commas.
$ .00
Enter whole dollar amounts in this box, and do not use commas.
$ .00
Enter whole dollar amounts in this box, and do not use commas.
$ .00
Enter whole dollar amounts in this box, and do not use commas.
$ .00
Enter whole dollar amounts in this box, and do not use commas.
$ .00
Enter whole dollar amounts in this box, and do not use commas.
$ .00
Enter whole dollar amounts in this box, and do not use commas.
$ .00
Enter whole dollar amounts in this box, and do not use commas.
$ .00
Enter whole dollar amounts in this box, and do not use commas.
$ .00

Tax filers only: report combat pay not included in your Adjusted Gross Income (FAFSA questions 35 and 79).

Don't include student aid, Workforce Investment Act educational benefits, combat pay if you are not a tax filer, or benefits from flexible spending arrangements, e.g., cafeteria plans.
Enter whole dollar amounts in this box, and do not use commas.
$ .00

Total of questions WB1 - WB11 above.
This is a display field only. It holds a running calculation of the entered values.
$ .00


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Site Last Updated: Sunday, November 2, 2008

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