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  • Dr. Locke presents information on the scope and direction of the Greenhouse Production Research Group’s mission.
    On February 29, research plant pathologist James Locke, ARS-ATRU Greenhouse Production Research Group, Toledo, OH, presented a talk at the Society of American Florists 24th Annual Conference on Pest and Disease Management in Ornamentals in Atlanta, GA.  His presentation was entitled “Current, Short Term, Future and Star Wars Research Project for Ornamental Crops.”  The presentation highlighted how this congressionally- initiated project addresses current floricultural industry needs and is providing science-based information for both regional and national stakeholders.
  • Dr. Heping Zhu attends the 8th Annual Pesticide Stewardship Conference
    On February 25, 2008, Dr. Heping Zhu attended the 8th Annual Pesticide Stewardship Conference organized by The Pesticide Stewardship Alliance (TPSA) in Asheville, North Carolina and presented a paper “Comparison of drift potentials between air induction and conventional nozzles”. During the conference, he also demonstrated the DRIFTSIM computer program and the pressure gauge calibrator for the conference attendees. The mission of TPSA is to increase the effectiveness, efficiency and longevity of various pesticide stewardship efforts.
  • ARS Agricultural Engineer to report on Asian Soybean Rust research results at national symposium
    On Dec. 12-14, Agricultural Engineer Richard Derksen, ARS Application Technology Research Unit, Wooster, OH, will attend the 2007 National Soybean Rust Symposium in Louisville, KY.  Dr. Derksen will present his invited presentation, “Fungicide Application Technology” highlighting collaborative work between ARS and The Ohio State University to determine the effect several different application strategies had on the fate of pesticide sprays in a soybean canopy susceptible to Asian Soybean Rust (ASR) infection.  Highlights of this presentation include a report of fungicide residue analysis on stem and leave material sampled from treated plants in a drilled planted system.
  • Dr. Heping Zhu recognized as 2006 Midwest Area Early Career Research Scientist of the Year
    Washington DC.  Dr. Heping Zhu, Agricultural Engineer with the Application Technology Research Unit in Wooster, Ohio has been named the Midwest Area's Early Career Scientist of the year for 2006.  Dr. Zhu will be recognized at the ARS Annual Recognition Program on Tuesday, March 6, 2007 in Washington DC. The Scientist of the Year Awards commend the creative efforts, scientific leadership, and major research achievements of Agricultural Research Service (ARS) scientists.  Their contributions help position ARS in the forefront of agricultural research.Dr. Zhu is recognized for his outstanding productivity using on-farm and laboratory research to address the challenges of the nursery industry.
  • Dr. Krause Receives 2007 ONLA Certificate of Merit
    Columbus, Ohio.   The 2007 Award of Merit from the Ohio Nursery and Landscape Association (ONLA) was presented to Dr. Charles R. Krause on January 23, 2007.  The award that stated “For giving unselfishly of your time, talent and resources to serve the association, and thus, the Green Industry in Ohio” was presented by ONLA President Carl Losely, Herman Losely and Son Nursery, Perry, OH, during the Annual ONLA Convention for his outstanding research contributions to Ohio Green Industry. Krause heads a multidisciplinary research team of the USDA, ARS, MWA, Application Technology Research Unit (ATRU), based at the Ohio State University’s, Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center, Wooster and at the University of Toledo worksite.  Also at the ONLA Convention, Krause, ATRU Entomologists Michael Reding and Christopher Ranger and Agricultural Engineers, Richard Derksen and Heping Zhu displayed research results and participated in the Central Environmental Nursery Trade Show (CENTS) that had over 13,000 attendees.
  • Fine-Tuning Nursery and Greenhouse Plant Care
  • Rust Stop Ahead 
  • DRIFTSIM Computer Program Released
  • ARS scientists using space-age technology to protect floral and nursery crops against pests
  • Keeping Pesticides on Target


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Last Modified: 06/09/2008
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