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Education news

Social studies education: online master’s degree
The big world in which we live is getting smaller because of technology’s capacity to bring people together across the miles – and to share their lives and cultures.

Congratulations Kemper Fellows
The Center for Distance and Independent Study is proud to offer courses developed by two of this year's distinguished Kemper Fellows.

MU Extension news

Get rid of pantry pests
No one is immune to having an infestation of those pesky little bugs that get into the food in your pantry.

Wild thing
They infest processed grain products.

Crop price volatility requires risk management
Ethanol for fuel has helped bring high profits to crop producers, but near-record prices for corn have a downside: increased volatility and risk to farms.

Conventional soybeans making comeback
Lower seed and weed-control costs, price incentives at the grain elevator and yields that rival Roundup Ready beans have renewed interest in conventional varieties.


Flood recovery
Winfield and other communities slowly get back on their feet after near-record flooding in June.

Watch the videoWinfield Windows Media video

September is optimum time to start lawn seeding
The kickoff of the football season is a good time of year to establish cool-season turfgrasses that may have been weakened by summer's heat and humidity.

Aging farmers face increased risk of injury
Unlike most workers, aging farmers tend to continue farming, which is a physically demanding job. They work long, hard hours in difficult conditions and use heavy equipment.

Open-air festival and gathering place

MU Extension helps Missouri cities revitalize
Once they had been vibrant places to do business, shop, eat and socialize. Today, many downtowns in Missouri are almost forgotten.

Watch the videoWebb City Windows Media video

USDA’s Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education grants
Farmers and ranchers in 12 north-central states can now compete for federal grants to fund projects in sustainable agriculture.

Weather linked to bark splitting in trees
Cases of bark splitting on trees, perhaps due to excessive trunk expansion spurred by this year's heavy rains, have been reported in some areas of the state.

ATV safety often neglected
Missouri ranked ninth in the U.S. for ATV-related deaths in 2006, according to the Consumer Product Safety Commission. Missouri Highway Patrol statistics for 2007 show 13 people killed and 231 injured in ATV accidents in the state.

Cow/calf production costs on the rise
With the rising costs of pasture, feed and fuel, production costs in the beef industry are well above previous years.

Don’t apply herbicides to control crabgrass this late in the year
Homeowners dismayed by unsightly stands of crabgrass in their lawns should forgo any chemical applications to control the pest this time of year.

Business survival tips for a tight economy
Times are challenging for many small businesses. Increased gas prices and other rising costs have caused many owners to tighten their belts to make ends meet. Here are some in-depth strategies you can use to keep your bottom line looking healthy.

Extension publications

Flooded home

Cleaning up after a flood takes special care. Families returning to their flooded homes should exercise caution before and during the cleanup process.

Tip of the week

Heating with wood
Chimney check

Missourians planning to heat their homes with wood to offset soaring heating oil and natural gas prices should check their chimneys now.

More tips


QuestionCan I store cured and uncooked meat on same shelf in the refrigerator?

AnswerRead the answer from Jessica Kovarik, Extension Associate.

Stay active

Stay active
MyActivity Pyramid
The handout and poster are based on the 2005 Dietary Guidelines for Americans and MyPyramid.

MyActivity Pyramid Windows Media video