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US Climate Change Science Program
Updated 25 August, 2004

Invitation to Comment on Draft Prospectus for Synthesis and Assessment Product 1.1




Note to Reviewers: Please refer to PDF version of prospectus when submitting comments. As per instructions, comments must refer to line numbers listed in PDF file.

Prospectus for Synthesis and Assessment Product 1.1: Temperature Trends in the Lower Atmosphere: Steps for Understanding and Reconciling Differences
Public Comment Period: 7 July through 12 August 2004. [public comment period ended 12 August 2004]. 

Dear Colleague -

You are invited to provide comments on the prospectus for Climate Change Science Program (CCSP) Synthesis and Assessment Product 1.1, Temperature Trends in the Lower Atmosphere: Steps for Understanding and Reconciling Differences. This report is the first of 21 synthesis and assessment products that will be prepared by the CCSP.

The Climate Change Science Program coordinates and directs U.S. research efforts in the areas of climate and global change. These efforts include the U.S. Global Change Research Program (USGCRP) authorized by the Global Change Research Act of 1990 and the Climate Change Research Initiative (CCRI), launched in 2001. CCSP integrates the activities and work of thirteen participating Federal agencies and departments. The Program completed and released a Strategic Plan in July 2003 to guide its activities. More information about the CCSP can be found in the Strategic Plan for the U.S. Climate Change Science Program.

The Strategic Plan commits the program to prepare synthesis and assessment products to support informed discussion and decision making regarding climate variability and change. The CCSP Strategic Plan sets forth general guidelines for its approach to decision support:

  • Analyses structured around specific questions
  • Early and continuing involvement of stakeholders
  • Explicit treatment of uncertainties
  • Transparent public review of analysis questions, methods, and draft results
  • Ongoing CCSP analyses that build on the lessons learned.

The first set of products is described in the strategic plan, and status reports on the preparation of the products can be found on the Program's website.

The purpose of this prospectus is to describe the proposed focus and the process that will be used to prepare the product. Expert and public comments are requested to ensure that the product meets the highest scientific standards, that the information provided is relevant, and that the preparation process is open and perceived to be fair.

To ensure openness and transparency, draft guidelines have been prepared for developing the CCSP products. A public comment period on the guidelines has just been completed, and the guidelines are being revised, taking into consideration the comments received. A final version of the guidelines will be available on this Web site in the near future. This prospectus will be revised if necessary to conform fully with the final version of the guidelines.

You are invited to participate in the public comment period for this product, Temperature Trends in the Lower Atmosphere: Steps for Understanding and Reconciling Differences, by reviewing the prospectus and providing comments on the proposed scope, contents, and comprehensiveness of this report. Dr. Tom Karl of the National Climatic Data Center, who has published widely and is recognized as a leader in this field of research, will serve as the chief editor of the product.

Comments are due by 12 August 2004 [public comment period ended 12 August 2004]. All comments submitted by that time will be posted on the web site for public review, and all will be thoroughly evaluated and, if appropriate, incorporated in the final prospectus, which will be posted on the CCSP website when finalized. This final prospectus will include the final timetable, which will highlight opportunities for further public engagement. Your comments should be submitted electronically to by the due date. Please refer to the instructions for formatting and submitting comments to facilitate incorporation into a master set for review by Dr. Karl and the lead authors.

We appreciate your participation and constructive comments.


James R. Mahoney, Ph.d.
Director, Climate Change Science Program

Please send your comments by e-mail, by 12 August 2004 to .

To begin the review, follow this link to download the CCSP Synthesis and Assessment Product 1.1 PDF.

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