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National Indian Education Study
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Higher percentages of teachers at high density schools than at low density schools reported occasional use of AI/AN native language in their instruction

In addition to the cultural influences of their families and communities, students also encounter their language and culture within their educational settings. Teachers were asked the following question:

To what extent do you use your students’ American Indian or Alaska Native language(s) to teach core subjects?

Grade 4
Grade 8 Reading & Language Arts
Grade 8 Mathematics

Percentage of fourth-grade AI/AN students, by teachers' responses to a question about the use of students' AI/AN language(s) in class and school density: 2007

Key: Total, High density schools, Low density schools


  • Overall, 87 percent of AI/AN fourth-graders had teachers who reported that they provided instruction entirely in English.
  • A higher percentage of AI/AN fourth-grade students in high density schools (20 percent) than in low density schools (3 percent) had teachers who reported "occasional use of AI/AN language(s)" in their instruction.
See the report for results by...

Type of school (79K PDF)

# Rounds to zero.
* Significantly different (p < .05) from low density schools.
NOTE: AI/AN = American Indian/Alaska Native. School density indicates the proportion of AI/AN students enrolled. High density schools have 25 percent or more AI/AN students. Low density schools have less than 25 percent. Detail may not sum to totals because the response choice "Instruction is primarily in students' AI/AN language(s)" is not shown. View complete data for grades 4 and 8 with standard errors.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences, National Center for Education Statistics, 2007 National Indian Education Study.

Browse the NIES II survey questionnaires.

Download the 2007 NIES Part II Report Download the 2007 NIES Part II Report

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