Page updated
23 August 2005

Workshop Home

List of Participants.  (updated 12 Dec 2005)

Abstracts.  Includes links to most posters and to many presentations (updated 6 December 2005)

Posters (updated 6 December 2005)

Presentations (updated 2 December 2005)

Agenda.  Includes links to most presentations (updated 2 December 2005)



Program and Events

Biographical Information

Call for Contributed Presentations


Registration and Rates

General Information


Program and Events

The workshop will include both plenary and breakout sessions (see agenda). The plenary sessions will include presentations by leading figures from the international scientific community and the government, NGOs, and private sectors. The breakout sessions will foster interactions among those involved in producing CCSP decision support resources, and representatives of the scientific, resource management, policy development, and other stakeholder communities. The sessions will address topics of significant general interest (e.g., water resources) and will be designed to focus on the following issues:

  • Information needs of decision makers and other stakeholders
  • Advances in climate change science, observations, and related data management systems
  • Applications and uses of the scientific information, including the relationship of scientific uncertainties to decision support
  • Suggested priorities for future research in view of information needs and science potential, and the prospects for reducing uncertainties.


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