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Marketing Resources for Partners

Building and labeling ENERGY STAR qualified homes is only the first step for partners. To extend the value of your partnership, you should educate prospective homebuyers about the features and benefits of ENERGY STAR. As an ENERGY STAR partner, you have access to a variety of resources at no cost.


  • ENERGY STAR Logos. Promote your partnership by using the ENERGY STAR mark. Each version of the mark is intended for specific applications; please refer to the ENERGY STAR Identity Guidelines.
  • Brochures image Marketing Toolkit. Use the ENERGY STAR Marketing Toolkit to create customized promotional materials to educate consumers about the features and benefits of your ENERGY STAR qualified homes.
  • Consumer Brochure. PDF (1.04MB) Order free copies of brochures that highlight the energy saving features and benefits of ENERGY STAR qualified new homes. Display the consumer brochure in model homes, give it to prospective homebuyers, or distribute it at home shows.
  • Builder Brochure. PDF (752KB) EPA offers raters and sponsoring organizations a builder recruitment brochure that provides a business-oriented message about the benefits of building and selling ENERGY STAR qualified homes.
  • image of fact sheetFact Sheets. Use these fact sheets to educate homebuyers about the many ‘tried-and-true’ energy-efficient features found in ENERGY STAR qualified homes.
  • Web Links from the ENERGY STAR Partner Locator. As a partner, your company, service area, and phone number are now listed on the Partner Locator found on the ENERGY STAR Web site, where consumers come to find information about ENERGY STAR in their area. You also have the opportunity to add a Web link from the Partner Locator to your Web site. To obtain this link, simply ensure that your Web site complies with our Web linking policy.
  • ENERGY STAR PlaquePromotional Materials. These companies have informed EPA that they offer optional ENERGY STAR brass plaques for qualified homes, as well as other ENERGY STAR promotional items, for sale to program partners. For additional information, please contact the companies directly.
  • Home Calc. This financial software tool assists partners in calculating and presenting the benefits of investing in an ENERGY STAR qualified home.


  • Partner Locator. As a partner, your company is listed on the Partner Locator found on the ENERGY STAR Web site, where consumers come to find information about ENERGY STAR. You also have the opportunity to add a link from the Partner Locator to your Web site. Click here to learn how.
  • 100 percent image 100% Builder Commitment. ENERGY STAR partners interested in receiving special recognition can commit to building 100% of their homes to meet ENERGY STAR guidelines. Partners making this commitment are denoted with a special 100% icon on the Partner Locator.
  • Outreach Partnership. In markets where ENERGY STAR partners want to use EPA-created advertising to cooperatively promote ENERGY STAR qualified homes, a team of partners can apply for financial and creative support from EPA.
  • ENERGY STAR Partner of the Year trophyRecognition and Awards. ENERGY STAR recognizes partners through annual Leadership in Housing Awards. Each year, award plaques are given to partners who label a qualifying number of homes with the ENERGY STAR.
  • ENERGY STAR National Campaigns. Thanks to the hard work of our partners, millions of Americans pledged to replace a light with one that has earned the ENERGY STAR. Americans are now ready to do more—learn how to participate in this year’s Change the World, Start with ENERGY STAR campaign.

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