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Consumer Brochure

A new ENERGY STAR consumer brochure PDF (873KB) is available at no cost for your use in promoting ENERGY STAR qualified new homes to prospective homebuyers. This colorful tri-fold brochure provides a consumer-oriented message about the energy saving features and other benefits of ENERGY STAR qualified new homes.

Partners can display the brochure in model homes, give it to prospective homebuyers, or distribute it at home shows or workshops. Order copies of this brochure.

Builder Recruitment Brochure

EPA also offers raters and sponsoring organizations a Builder Recruitment brochure PDF (752KB) called "Build ENERGY STAR Qualified Homes," that provides a business-oriented message about the benefits of building and selling ENERGY STAR qualified homes. Order copies of this brochure.

Consumer Brochure for Manufactured Homes

A new consumer brochure PDF (1.44MB) is available for use by plants and manufactured home retailers in promoting ENERGY STAR qualified manufactured homes to prospective homebuyers. This colorful tri-fold brochure provides a consumer-oriented message about the energy saving features and other benefits of ENERGY STAR qualified manufactured homes. A Spanish language version PDF (4.5MB) is also available. Order copies of this brochure.

Builder and Consumer Brochures for ENERGY STAR's Indoor Air Package for Homes

To help promote ENERGY STAR’s Indoor Air Package for homes, EPA has developed a new consumer brochure PDF (881KB) as well as a new builder brochure PDF (967KB). The consumer brochure can be used to promote the Indoor Air Package and its benefits to prospective homebuyers. This colorful tri-fold brochure can be displayed in model homes, given to prospective homebuyers, or distributed at home shows. The builder brochure is also a color brochure that provides a business-oriented message highlighting the benefits of designing and building homes with the Indoor Air Package. Order copies of this brochure.

A Decade of Change in Home Building with ENERGY STAR

Nearly 10 percent of all homes built in 2004 earned the ENERGY STAR label. These homes saved homeowners an estimated $85 million and eliminated approximately 1.7 billion pounds of greenhouse gas emissions. Since 1995 over 360,000 homes have earned the ENERGY STAR label, saving homeowners an estimated $200 million and eliminating approximately 4 billion pounds of greenhouse gas emissions. EPA's newly released report, A Decade of Change in Home Building with ENERGY STAR PDF (2.36MB), highlights the environmental and economic benefits achieved in the ten years EPA has worked with the home building industry to construct, market, and sell ENERGY STAR qualified homes.