Brownfields State & Tribal Response Program Grant Requests
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Brownfields in Region 10
Serving the people of Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, Washington and 270 Native Tribes

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Brownfields State & Tribal Response Program Grant Requests
States and all federally recognized Tribes, including Tribes in Alaska, are eligible to request funding under the Brownfields State and Tribal Response Program (PDF) (18 pp. 74K). EPA Regions will be accepting requests until January 31, 2008.

The goal of this funding is to supplement state and tribal response programs to ensure that these programs include certain elements that help build program capacity to address and manage contaminated lands. Approximately $50 million will be available nationally. Individual requests may be made up to $1.5 million to cover a one year project period. In Region 10, which covers Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, and Washington, tribal requests have ranged from $27, 000 to $400,000. To learn more, please review the information below and then contact your Region 10 Brownfields Coordinator, Susan Morales, or Project Officer, Deborah Burgess, for details on how to apply. If this is a new request, contact us by January 15, 2007.

How do I find out more?

Read the Funding Guidance (Fiscal Year 2008) which provides guidance on eligibility for funding, use of funding, grant mechanisms and process for awarding funding, the allocation system for distribution of funding, and terms and reporting under these grants.

Review Region 10's Response Program Funding Request and Workplan Template for Fiscal Year 2007 (DOC, 9pp. 128KB) . Each EPA Region manages the process for funding requests from within their Region. (EPA Region 10 includes Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, and Washington and tribal lands within those political jurisdictions). The template was developed to serve as both a requesting document that easily converts into the workplan once allocation decisions are made.

3. Contact the Region 10 Brownfields team. If your request is new, you must discuss your submission with someone on the Region 10 Brownfields team by January 15, 2008.

Region 10 Brownfields Coordinator: Susan Morales, (206) 553-7299,
Region 10 Brownfields Project Officer: Deborah Burgess, (360)753-9079,

For more information about Brownfields and related grant opportunities, please visit Brownfields Cleanup and Redevelopment and the links listed below.

Tribal Links

State Links

*The amount requested should be expendable within a one year's period and be reasonable given the size of the jurisdiction, status of response program and complexity of issues. If the funding is being sought to establish a response program, consider the time it might take to start up and how that may impact your ability to spend the funds within that one year timeframe. The Public Record requirement must be met by the end of the first year of funding to qualify for future funding .

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Point of contact: Brooks Stanfield
Phone Number: (206) 553-4423
Last Updated: 12/19/2007