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Earth Day Take Home Kit

EPA Explorers: Environmental Kids Club
Live, Learn, Play—Tune Into Your Health and Environment
Tips To Protect Children From Environmental Risks
Breathing Clean Air
Avoiding Too Much Sun
Planet Protectors Club For Kids
Drinking Water
Healthy Lawn Healthy Environment

These web resources provide tips that you and your family can use to protect the environment and your health, while celebrating Earth Day. Get even more tips.

Environmental Kids Club

EPA Explorers: Environmental Kids Club
You can choose a range of activities from the "Game Room" to the "Science Room." Also learn about "You and Your Environment," and, if you need to, "Ask EPA."
For more information:

Live, Learn Play

Live, Learn, Play— Tune Into Your Health and Environment
Did you know that the air you breathe, the water you drink, and the food you eat can affect the way your body grows and works? Learn how with fun activities and music!
For more information:

Protect Children from Environmental Risks

Tips To Protect Children From Environmental Risks
Safeguard the home to avoid harmful effects of smoke, lead, pesticides, radon, carbon monoxide and mercury.
For more information:

Air Quality Index

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Breathing Clean Air
How clean is the air in your city today? You can find out the answer in several ways. The Air Quality Index (AQI) tells you how clean or polluted your outdoor air is, and what associated health effects might be of concern to you. Daily AQI forecasts, as well as real-time AQI conditions, are reported for over 300 cities across the US.
For more information:

Avoiding Too Much Sun

Avoiding Too Much Sun
Learn how to be “sun-safe” and protect yourself from harmful exposures to ultraviolet rays.
For more information:

Planet Protectors Club for Kids

Planet Protectors Club For Kids
As a Planet Protector, your mission is to improve the world around you by making less trash. Planet Protectors also help other people learn to reduce, reuse, and recycle.
For more information:

Image of Water Glass

Drinking Water
Learn about how drinking water gets to your home and what keeps it safe.
For more information:

Healthy Lawn Healthy Environment

Healthy Lawn Healthy Environment
Care for Your Lawn in Environmentally-Friendly Ways.
For more information:

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