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The Johns Hopkins University Center For The Asthmatic Child in the Urban Environment

EPA Grant Number: R826724
Center: CECEHDPR - Johns Hopkins University Hospital
Center Director: Eggleston, Peyton A.
Title: The Johns Hopkins University Center For The Asthmatic Child in the Urban Environment
Investigators: Eggleston, Peyton A.
Institution: Johns Hopkins University
EPA Project Officer: Fields, Nigel
Project Period: August 1, 1998 through July 31, 2003
Project Amount: $3,145,381
RFA: Centers for Children's Environmental Health and Disease Prevention Research (1998)
Research Category: Health Effects , Children's Health



The long term goal of the Center for the Asthmatic Child in the Urban Environment is to understand how exposures to environmental pollutants and allergens may relate to airway inflammation and respiratory morbidity in children with asthma living in the inner city of Baltimore and to develop effective strategies to reduce morbidity by changing these exposures.

The immediate goal of these studies is two-fold; we will test currently available recommendations for modifying environmental pollutant and indoor allergen exposures, and we will develop data that will allow us to create new strategies that may combine other interventions or target them at genetically susceptible hosts. Within the Center, the research projects will function in an integrated way, directed toward a single goal and holding frequent conferences to discuss our progress and to increase our understanding of relevant scientific progress in each component's field. At the same time, we will provide this same information to the Baltimore community and involve them in an ongoing dialog to evaluate our progress and plan our intervention efforts. Finally, we will have involved a large number of families in scientific studies of asthma and will have developed relationships that will allow trials of these newly developed interventions to be conducted efficiently. Our ultimate goal remains to develop the scientific understanding that will allow us to recommend effective intervention strategies.

To accomplish these goals, we have created a multi-disciplinary program that includes both basic and applied research programs in combination with a community-based prevention research project.

Supplemental Keywords:

Scientific Discipline, Health, RFA, Risk Assessments, Disease & Cumulative Effects, Health Risk Assessment, Ecological Risk Assessment, Children's Health, Atmospheric Sciences, Biochemistry, Allergens/Asthma, airborne urban contaminants, health effects, urban air, children's environmental health, asthmatic children, age-related differences, human health risk, ambient particulates, air pollutants, air toxics, community-based intervention, environmental health, air pollution, airborne pollutants, airway disease, children, asthma morbidity, disease, asthma, human exposure, Human Health Risk Assessment, morbidity, airway inflammation

Subprojects under this Center: (EPA does not fund or establish subprojects; EPA awards and manages the overall grant for this center).
R826724C001 A Randomized, Controlled Trial of Home Exposure Control in Asthma
R826724C002 Mechanisms Of Particulate-Induced Allergic Asthma
R826724C003 Genetic Mechanisms of Susceptibility to Inhaled Pollutants
R826724C004 The Relationship Of Airborne Pollutants And Allergens To Asthma Morbidity

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