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Search Results: (1-3 of 3 records)

 Pub Number  Title  Date
REL 2007023 The Distribution of Teaching and Learning Resources in California's Middle and High Schools
Access to important educational resources in California's middle and high schools is not equal among schools that serve different student populations. Overall, the most disadvantaged populations of middle and high school students are likely to have the least access to the resources necessary for learning.
WWC TRMSM07 Middle School Math Topic Report
The What Works Clearinghouse (WWC) reviewed interventions to promote middle school students' math knowledge and skills. Because there is some variation in how school districts organize middle school, we considered curricula aimed at students in grades 6 through 9, covering one or more of the following content areas: numbers and operations, algebra, geometry, measurement, and data analysis and probability. Only core, comprehensive math curricula were eligible for inclusion in this review. These curricula extend over the course of one semester or more, are central to students' regular school instruction, and are based on any combination of text materials, manipulatives, computer software, videotapes, and other materials.

We looked at 361 studies. Of these, 203 appeared to be studies of practices or other interventions that did not qualify for our review. Of the 158 remaining studies, 21 studies of 7 curricula met our evidence standards, 4 without reservations and 17 with reservations. Altogether, the WWC looked at 34 interventions: 7 had studies that met WWC standards with or without reservations and 27 had studies that did not meet WWC evidence screens. No eligible studies were identified for an additional 16 programs at the time of this review. (The identification of eligible programs ended in September 2005, and that of eligible studies in July 2006.)
NCES 2003075 Third International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) 1999 U.S. National Restricted-Use Data and User's Guide
This CD-ROM contains the U.S. TIMSS 1999 data, including data that was collected only in the United States and are not included on the international database available from the IEA, and a Data User's Guide. Specifically, the additional data relate to the professional development activities of teachers, the race and ethnicity of students and teachers, and the percentage of students in a school eligible for the Federal free and reduced lunch program. In addition, the CD contains the rescaled U.S. TIMSS 1995 data for those wishing to conduct analyses between the 1995 and 1999 datasets. The data included on the CD are restricted use and can be accessed only by those who have obtained a restricted-use license through NCES.
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