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Search Results: (1-15 of 23 records)

 Pub Number  Title  Date
NCES 2008024 User's Manual for the ECLS-B Longitudinal 9-Month--Preschool Restricted-Use Data File and Electronic Codebook
The User's Manual describes the design, collection, and data processing of the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, Birth Cohort of 2001 (ECLS-B), with a special focus on the preschool wave data collection. It contains information to help users access and use the data files and electronic codebook. It also documents the Reading Aloud Profile--Together supplemental data file. This manual is only available on the ECLS-B Longitudinal 9-month--Preschool CD ROM.
NCES 2008034 Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, Birth Cohort (ECLS-B) Longitudinal 9-Month-Preschool Restricted-Use Data File and Electronic Codebook
This CD-ROM contains an electronic codebook (ECB), a restricted-use data file, and survey and ECB documentation for the first, second and third waves of data collection for the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, Birth Cohort (ECLS–B). It also contains the Reading Aloud Profile--Together supplemental data file.
NCES 2008038 Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, Birth Cohort (ECLS-B), 9-Month—2-year Residential ZIP Code Restricted-Use Data File
This file contains residential zip code data for children who participated in the 9-month and 2-year ECLS-B waves. The file can only be used by merging with the restricted-use ECLS-B data files.
NCES 2008025 Preschool: First Findings From the Third Follow-up of the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, Birth Cohort (ECLS-B)
This is the first report from the third wave of the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, Birth Cohort (ECLS-B), a study of a nationally representative sample of children born in 2001. The report provides descriptive information about these children when they were about 4 years old. It also includes results from language, literacy, mathematics, and fine motor skills assessments, and information on children's nonparental education and care experiences. For example, the report shows that 65 percent of children between 48 and 57 months of age were proficient in number and shape recognition, a component of the mathematics assessment. Proficiency varied by several child and family characteristics such as socioeconomic status. Forty percent of children from low SES families were proficient compared to 87 percent of children from high SES families. For experiences with nonparental care and education settings, the report shows that approximately 20 percent of the cohort did not regularly attend such settings. The primary nonparental care and education setting was a non-Head Start center for 45 percent of the cohort, a Head Start center for approximately 13 percent of the cohort, a home-based relative setting for 13 percent of the cohort, and a home-based non-relative setting for 8 percent of the cohort.
NCES 2007032 Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, Birth Cohort (ECLS-B) 9-Month Twin Triad Restricted-Use Data File
This CD-ROM contains restricted-use base year (9-month data collection) twin triad data from the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, Birth Cohort (ECLS-B). The twin triad data file contains data from a subsample of twins videotaped with their mothers during a teaching interaction. Triadic interactions are coded using the Parent Infant Coding Scheme (PICS) coding system. The data file is accompanied by a record layout, SAS, SPSS, and Stata syntax files. The twin triad data file, when merged with the larger ECLS-B dataset, can be used to investigate numerous research topics regarding twinship, child development, and maternal behaviors.
NCES 2007047 Observations of Mother-Twin Interactions at 9 Months: User's Manual for the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, Birth Cohort (ECLS-B) 9-month Twin Triad Restricted-Use Data File
This User's Manual for the Twin Triad Data File describes the design, instrumentation, coding methodology, and special issues pertaining to the twin triad data file from the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, Birth Cohort base year (9-month) data collection. Also included is information to help users access and use the twin triad data file in conjunction with the main ECLS-B restricted-use data files.
NCES 2001029E Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, Kindergarten Class of 1998-99 (ECLS-K) Base Year Public-Use ECB Errata
This errata identifies errors in the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, Kindergarten Cohort Base Year Public-Use Child data files (child.dat). The document describes corrections to a very few cases pertaining to poverty, urbanicity, nonrespondent status, academic rating scale scores, imputed income flag, parent ID number, and labeling. These corrections have been made to all subsequent ECLS-K data files.
NCES 2007031 Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, Kindergarten Class of 1998-99 (ECLS-K) Child Disability Composite Errata and ECB Functionality Errata for Data Products Released 2000 through 2006
This errata sheet pertains to two errors that affect the following ECLS-K Data Files and ECBs: Base Year Restricted (NCES 2000-097) and Public-Use ECB (NCES 2001-029rev); First Grade Restricted (NCES 2002-127) and Public-Use ECB (NCES 2002-134);Third Grade Restricted (NCES 2003-002) and Public-Use ECB (NCES 2004-002); ECLS-K Longitudinal Kindergarten-First Grade Public-Use ECB (NCES 2002-148); ECLS-K Longitudinal Kindergarten-Third Grade Public-Use ECB (NCES 2004-089); and ECLS-K Longitudinal Kindergarten-Fifth Grade Public-Use Data ECB (NCES 2006-035). The first error relates to errors that occur when using the ECLS-K ECBs; the second error relates to errors in the computation of the child disability composite (P1DISABL, P4DISABL, and P5DISABL).
NCES 2006043 Age 2: Findings From the 2-Year-Old Follow-up of the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, Birth Cohort (ECLS-B)
This E.D. TAB is the first report produced using data from the second round of data collection for the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, Birth Cohort (ECLS-B), a study of a nationally representative sample of children born in the year 2001. The report provides descriptive information about these children when they were about 2 years old. It presents information on selected child and family characteristics, on children’s mental and physical skills, on children's attachment relationships with their primary caregivers, on their first experiences in child care, and on their fathers. The report profiles data for this population of children both overall and for various subgroups (i.e., males and females, children from different racial/ethnic groups, poor and nonpoor children, and children living in different types of families).
NCES 2006044 Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, Birth Cohort (ECLS-B) Longitudinal 9-Month-2-Year Restricted-Use Data File and Electronic Codebook
This CD-ROM contains an electronic codebook (ECB), a restricted-use data file, and survey and ECB documentation for the first and second waves of data collection for the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, Birth Cohort (ECLS–B). NOTE: This file contains all cases that have participated in the ECLS-B, i.e., cases that participated in both the 9-month and 2-year collections, as well as cases that participated at 9 months but were nonrespondents at 2 years. This longitudinal file replaces the previously released 9-month cross-sectional restricted-use file. Users who are interested only in the 9-month data should use the 9-month data on this longitudinal file.
NCES 2006002 Fathers of U.S. Children Born in 2001: Findings from the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, Birth Cohort (ECLS-B), E.D. Tab
This E.D. TAB presents information about the biological fathers of children born in the United States in the year 2001. It is the first publication of findings using the data collected from fathers during the base-year collection of the ECLS-B. It presents information on specific demographic characteristics of resident and nonresident biological fathers’ involvement in pregnancy and birth, fathers’ attitudes about fathering, and father involvement.
NCES 2006033 ECLS-K Fifth Grade Restricted-Use Data File and Electronic Codebook
This CD-ROM contains an electronic codebook (ECB), a restricted-use child-level data file, and survey and ECB documentation for the spring fifth grade wave of the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, Kindergarten Class of 1998-99 (ECLS-K). All data collected from the sampled children, their parents, teachers, and schools are included.
NCES 2006034 ECLS-K Fifth Grade Public-Use Data File and Electronic Codebook
This CD-ROM contains an electronic codebook (ECB), a public-use child-level data file, and survey and ECB documentation for the spring fifth grade wave of the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, Kindergarten Class of 1998-99 (ECLS-K). All data collected from the sampled children, their parents, teachers, and schools are included.
NCES 2005116 American Indian and Alaska Native Children: Findings From the Base Year of the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, Birth Cohort (ECLS-B)
This E.D. TAB provides descriptive information about American Indian and Alaska Native (AIAN) children born in the United States in 2001. It presents information on characteristics of their families, on children's mental and physical skills, on children's first experiences in childcare, on the fathers of these children, and on their prenatal care. The report profiles data from a nationally representative sample of children at about 9 months of age both overall, and for various subgroups (i.e., male and female, AIAN children living in different types of families, AIAN children living in poverty). This report tells us that about one-third of AIAN children live in poverty (34 percent), about one-third live in households where the mother has less than a high school education (34 percent); three-quarters live in households with two parents, and about 1 in 10 (11 percent) were born to teen-aged mothers. Nonetheless, AIAN children at about 9 months of age do not perform significantly differently from the general population of children in terms of early mental and physical skills, such as exploring objects in play, babbling, eye-hand coordination and pre-walking skills.
NCES 2005036 Children Born in 2001: First Results from the Base Year of the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, Birth Cohort (ECLS-B)
This E.D. TAB provides descriptive information about children born in the United States in 2001. It presents information on certain child and family characteristics, on children’s mental and physical skills, on children’s first experiences in child care, and on the fathers of these children. The report profiles data from a nationally representative sample of children at about 9 months of age both overall, and for various subgroups (i.e., male and female, children from different racial/ethnic groups, and children living in different types of families).
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