Neighborhood Safety Network Banner

About the Neighborhood Safety Network

The CPSC has a critically important mission: to keep all consumers safe from harm from dangerous products. Unfortunately, we find that certain groups of Americans, such as the elderly, urban and rural low-income families, and some minority groups, often do not hear about our safety messages.

In order to carry out our mission more effectively, we have created the Neighborhood Safety Network to help you and your organization distribute important, lifesaving safety information to those that might otherwise not get it. By joining the NSN, you will receive messages from CPSC about new, timely information, such as the latest product safety posters, which you can download and distribute.

We have a variety of publications, posters, checklists, and tools that can be downloaded for free and used to create a safety program in your neighborhood. Become a partner in our campaign to share lifesaving safety information with neighbors, your community, friends, and family, who may not be aware of the many hazards that exist in and around the home.

Keep your community safe, Start saving lives, Join the Network (EspaƱol) today