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Allocations, Apportionments, Rescissions, and Obligations, FY 1993-2008

Recreational Trails Program funds are apportioned to the States by legislative formula (23 U.S.C. 104(h)). FHWA receives $840,000 per year for program administration, trail related research and technical assistance, and training.[1] The remainder of the funds are distributed to the States. Half of the funds are distributed equally among all States, and half are distributed in proportion to the estimated amount of nonhighway recreational fuel use in each State: fuel used for off-road recreation by snowmobiles, all-terrain vehicles, off-road motorcycles, and off-road light trucks. The estimates are based on a model developed by the Oak Ridge National Laboratory:

Note: Recreational Trails Program apportionments changed significantly in FY 2009 compared to previous years. See Estimating Nonhighway Recreational Fuel Use for Recreational Trails Program Apportionments: Changes in Estimates for FY 2009 for an explanation.

Rescission Notices affecting the Recreational Trails Program:


The State DOTs may limit the amount of the RTP Apportionment available for obligation in a given fiscal year. See the RTP guidance on Obligation Limitation.

The Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU) authorized RTP apportionments for FY 2005-2009.

[1] For 1993-1997, FHWA was allowed up to 3% for administration. For 1998-2003, FHWA received up to 1.5% for administration (with FY 2003 subject to a 0.65% reduction). For 2004, FHWA received $750,000 for administration (subject to a 0.59% reduction). For FY 2005-2009, FHWA is authorized for $840,000 per year. The FY 2007 amount includes an additional $14,587 from FY 2007 Revenue Aligned Budget Authority allocation per 23 U.S.C. 110(b).

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