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US Climate Change Science Program

Updated October 28, 2008

Past Climate Variability and Change in the Arctic and at High Latitudes

Final (third) review draft of the Synthesis and Assessment Product 1.2







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Full Report:
Individual Chapters:
  • Chapter 1 - Executive Summary [PDF]
  • Chapter 2 - Preface: Why and How to Use This Synthesis and Assessment Report [PDF]
  • Chapter 3 - Paleoclimate Concepts [PDF]
  • Chapter 4 - Temperature and Precipitation History of the Arctic [PDF]
  • Chapter 5 - Past Rates of Climate Change in the Arctic [PDF]
  • Chapter 6 - Past Extent and Status of the Greenland Ice Sheet [PDF]
  • Chapter 7 - History of Sea Ice in the Arctic [PDF]
  • Chapter 8 - Key Findings and Recommendations [PDF]
  • Glossary of Terms [PDF]
  • Locations [PDF]


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