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Methane to Markets Grant Solicitation

2007 Cooperative Agreement Awards

EPA also conducted a request for proposals in December 2006 and has posted information on all the resulting 2007 awards on the Methane to Markets project tracking system.

List of 2008 grant awards >>
List of 2007 grant awards >>

EPA's Methane to Markets Partnership issued a major request for proposals (RFP) (PDF) (18 pp, 149K, About PDF) to fund projects and activities that advance methane recovery and use as a clean energy source. The solicitation was RFP # EPA-OAR-CCD-08-01: "Activities that Advance Methane Recovery and Use as a Clean Energy Source."

The total estimated amount for this competitive funding opportunity was estimated at up to $7,000,000. The estimated project period for awards is September 2008 through September 2011.

The deadline for applications was February 22, 2008. EPA received more than 80 excellent proposals requesting more than $35 million in funding. EPA thanks everyone who participated in this solicitation for the hard work put into all the proposals the Agency received. The review panel has now selected the finalists for potential award and has sent notification to them via email and hardcopy. Proposals that were not selected were also sent notification.

How will I be notified of the status of my application?

At this time, all applicants should have received notification regarding their status via telephone, electronic or postal mail. A press brief was issued on Thursday, October 9 announcing all the final awards.

The full list of 2008 Grantees >>

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