Voluntary Standards - Emergency Escape Masks

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Emergency Escape Masks (Last Updated 06/27/2006)

The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) staff is participating in voluntary standard activities for Air-Purifying Respiratory Protective Smoke Escape Devices (ANSI/International Safety Equipment Association 110-2003). This standard provides design guidance to manufacturers in the form of a detailed set of performance requirements and testing procedures. These activities support CPSC’s strategic goal of reducing the death rate from fire-related causes.

The CPSC staff estimates that during the period 1999-2002, the latest years for which data are available, there were an estimated annual average of 351,480 residential structure fires resulting in 2,490 civilian deaths, 14,310 civilian injuries and $4.68 billion in property losses. Emergency escape masks have the potential to reduce consumer-related deaths and injuries by assisting in egress from fires, provided they perform effectively and reliably.

The CPSC staff believes that a comprehensive evaluation of these products must be conducted to determine their effectiveness. Staff is conducting a preliminary evaluation of emergency escape masks, which has been funded by an interagency agreement (IAG) with the U.S. Fire Administration. The primary objectives of this IAG are to evaluate current escape mask products on the market, including an assessment of human factors issues and conformance to provisions of safety standards and the development of consumer information.

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International Safety Equipment Association

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