Voluntary Standards - Baby Bouncers

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Baby Bouncers (Last Updated 07/09/2007)

The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) staff is providing technical support for voluntary standard activities related to infant bouncer seats. A bouncer seat is a freestanding product intended to support an infant in a reclined position to facilitate bouncing by the infant, with the aid of a caregiver or by other means, and is intended for infants who have not developed the ability to sit up unassisted (approximately 0 to 6 months old). CPSC staff is working with the ASTM F15.21 Infant Carriers, Bouncers and Baby Swings Subcommittee to revise performance requirements for ASTM F2267-05b Standard Consumer Safety Specification for Infant Bouncer Seats.

In 2005, there were an estimated 1,900 bouncer-related injuries treated in U.S. hospital emergency departments. CPSC also has reports of three bouncer-related infant deaths that occurred from 2001-2003.

CPSC staff is currently working with ASTM to address issues related to bouncer safety including falls from elevated surfaces, stability, and toy bar attachments.

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