About 1 Million Simplicity Cribs Recalled Due To Failures Resulting in Infant Deaths

Press Release # 07-307


Video Clip begins with the content directly from press release 07-307.

Soundbites: Acting Chairman Nancy Nord:

"Tragically three young children have died in these cribs - parents and caregivers should check immediately to see if their crib is included in this recall."

"Since the 1970s, CPSC and various safety groups have worked together to reduce crib-deaths by almost 90 percent. By recalling those cribs that still pose a danger to children, CPSC is aiming to further reduce deaths and injuries to infants and toddlers."

Spanish Soundbites: Arlene Flecha:

"Trágicamente tres niños pequeños han muerto en estas cunas. Los padres y cuidadores deben verificar inmediatamente si su cuna está incluida en este retiro del mercado."

"Desde los años 70, la CPSC y varios grupos de seguridad hemos trabajado juntos para reducir el número de muertes en cunas en un 90%. Al retirar del mercado aquellas cunas que aún representan un peligro para los niños, la CPSC espera reducir aún más la muertes y lesiones a los niños pequeños."

Text: Recalled crib with drop-side rail installed incorrectly.

(Views of recalled crib, pointing out incorrectly installed drop-side rail.)

Text: Demonstration of detached drop-side rail with hand and baby doll in gap.

(Views of drop-side rail gap, with hand fitting through and baby doll entrapped.)

Text: Location of identifying markings.

(View of crib label location)

Text: Extra B-roll. Shots of a baby playing in a crib (not recalled). Shots of mom adjusting the drop-side rail and placing baby in crib (not recalled).

(Views as decribed in text)
