CPSC Releases "Dangerous Dozen" List of Recalled Toys Folk Singer Tom Paxton Records Toy Safety Message for the Holidays

Press Release # 01-052


(music playing - Tom Paxton playing accoustic guitar singing a song)

(View of Tom Paxton playing guitar and speaking)
"Hi, I'm Tom Paxton and I wrote 'The Marvelous Toy' 40 years ago. A lot has changed since then. I'm a grandfather now and I'm concerned about toy safety. More than 100,000 kids went to emergency rooms last year when they got hurt playing with toys. So keep toys with small parts and sharp edges away from young children. Be sure to read the age label to choose the right safe toy for the right age kid. Play, well that's child's work. Safety, that's up to us big people - let's all play it safe. For more on toy safety, contact the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission at: www.cpsc.gov"
