Climate Change Congress – University of Copenhagen

Climate Congress
International Aliance of Research Universities
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Congress Purpose

The Danish Government as host of the UN Conference on Climate Change (COP15) to be held in Copenhagen at the end of 2009 supports this Congress organised by IARU as part of the run-up to the COP 15. The purpose of the congress is to try and capture some of the enormous research energy currently being devoted to the elucidation, mitigation and adaptation to climate change.

Thus, the focus of the congress is on providing a picture of the "big issues" that the scientific community feels it is necessary that policy makers are aware of in order to make enlightened decisions with respect to the balancing of adaptation and mitigation in the societal response to climate change.

Congress Findings

All findings will be compiled in a book on climate change, and a synthesis report with the main findings from the congress will, after agreement with the Danish Government, which is hosting the UN Conference on Climate Change (COP15), be handed over to policy makers at the COP15 in Copenhagen at the end of 2009.

UN Conference on Climate Change

COP15COP15 is the UN Conference on Climate Change to be held in Denmark Nov - Dec 09.

The Danish government will hand over the results of the scientific congress to decision makers at COP15.