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Agricultural Research Service United States Department of Agriculture
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2008 Publications
(listed by order of acceptance date)

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Displaying 1 to 15 of 15 Records

Arabidopsis Transcript and Metabolite Profiles: Ecotype-specific Acclimation to Open-air Elevated [CO2]
(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Quantifying the impact of current and future tropospheric ozone on tree biomass, growth, physiology and biochemistry: A quantitative meta-analysis
(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Next generation of elevated [CO2] experiments with crops: A critical investment for feeding the future world
(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Mutation in cysteine bridge domain of the gamma-subunit affects light regulation of the ATP synthase in Arabidopsis
(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Stimulated photosynthesis alters sugar and amino-acid profiles, lowers osmotic potential and improves water status of soybean leaves under free-air CO2
CO2 enrichment and leaf aging down-regulate both maximum rates of Rubisco carboxylation and mesophyll conductance in SoyFACE
Chlorophyll allocation during chloroplast development and repair
Role of Pheophorbide a Oxygenase in Chlorophyll Degradation
How will soybeans respond to elevated temperatures when grown at future CO2 concentrations under fully open air field conditions (FACE)?
Elevated atmospheric carbon dioxide and ozone concentrations alter LAI through changes in phenology and leaf growth
FACE-ing the facts: Inconsistencies and interdependence among field, chamber and modeling studies of elevated [CO2] impacts on crop yield and food supply
(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Cytokinin inhibits the proteasome-mediated degradation of carbonylated proteins in Arabidopsis leaves
(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Targets for crop biotechnology in a future high-CO2 and high-O3 world
(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Can the cold tolerance of C4 photosynthesis in MiscanthusXgiganteus relative to Zea mays be explained by differences in activities and thermal properties of Rubisco?
(Peer Reviewed Journal)
What is the maximum efficiency with which photosynthesis can convert solar energy into biomass?
(Peer Reviewed Journal)
Last Modified: 11/10/2008