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North American Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC)

EPA takes a leadership role in the Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC) Exit EPA disclaimer, an international organization established by the United States, Canada, and Mexico under the North American Agreement on Environmental Cooperation (NAAEC) Exit EPA disclaimer The NAAEC complements the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA).

Since its creation in 1994, the CEC has advanced our understanding of trade-environment linkages; successfully promoted citizen engagement and increased government accountability regarding enforcement; achieved substantial results on key North American issues such as chemicals management and the conservation of North American biodiversity; and built substantial environmental capacities, particularly in Mexico, but also in the United States and Canada.

EPA represents the United States on the three-member Council that governs the Commission.  To implement the agreement and fulfill its role on the Council, EPA leads a broad interagency group including the State Department, U.S. Trade Representative, Department of Interior, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, NOAA, Department of Agriculture, Department of Commerce, U.S. Geological Survey, the Department of Energy, and the Department of Health and Human Services.  EPA also coordinates U.S. interaction with the CEC Secretariat, advisory committees, and Council-created working groups.


CEC Council
The CEC Council Exit EPA disclaimeris the governing body of the Commission, and is comprised of the environment "ministers" of the three Parties, or their designees.

CEC Secretariat
The Secretariat Exit EPA disclaimeris headed by an Executive Director and provides technical, administrative and operational support. Additionally, the NAAEC gives the Secretariat several independent responsibilities which are overseen by the Council.  The Secretariat is located in Montreal, Canada, with a liaison office in Mexico City. 

Joint Public Advisory Committee
The Joint Public Advisory Committee (JPAC) Exit EPA disclaimeris comprised of 15 representatives of the public, five appointed by each of the Parties. In the United States, the five JPAC members are appointed by the President.

Other Advisory Committees
The United States has convened a National Advisory Committee (NAC) and also a Governmental Advisory Committee (GAC) to advise us on our CEC work. Canada and Mexico also have National Advisory Committees advising their Council members.

Working Groups
Current CEC working groups include the North American Air Working Group (NAAWG), the Sound Management of Chemicals (SMOC) Working Group, the Enforcement Working Group (EWG), the Biodiversity Conservation Working Group (BCWG), and the Trade and Environment Working Group. These working groups provide advice and guidance for projects in the CEC workplan.

Strategic Plan for 2005-2010
In June 2004, the Council approved the Strategic Plan for 2005-2010 (20 pages, 2.07 M) (About PDF) Exit EPA disclaimer. The plan established three broad priorities: information for decision-making; capacity building; and trade and the environment. Specific objectives and initiatives under each of these areas can be found in the strategic plan.

Operational Plan
Each year, Council approves an operational plan and budget. The 2008 Operational Plan includes projects under the three priorities established in the Strategic Plan and lays out the tasks that are currently taking place.   

For more information, please contact Sylvia Correa (correa.sylvia@epa.gov) U.S. member of the CEC General Standing Committee.

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