United Nations Environment Programme
   Ozone Secretariat


Assessment Panels

Synthesis report of the 2006 assessments of the Scientific Assessment Panel, the Environmental Effects Assessment Panel and the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel

Technology and Economic Assessment Panel (TEAP)

Scientific Assessment Panel (SAP) Environmental Effects Assessment Panel (EEAP)

The Assessment Panels have been the pillars of the ozone protection regime since the very beginning of the implementation of the Montreal Protocol. Through provision of independent, technical and scientific assessments and information, the Panels have helped the Parties to reach informed decisions that have made the Montreal Protocol a world-recognized success.

UNEP initiated the assessment panel process in 1988 pursuant to Article 6 of the Montreal Protocol. Four Panels, namely, Panels for Scientific, Environmental, Technology, and Economic Assessments were established and the First Meeting of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol in 1989 approved the panels and their first set of Terms of Reference. Shortly after the Second Meeting of the Parties in 1990, the Panels for Technical Assessment and the Panel for Economic Assessment were merged into one Panel called the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel.

In accordance with Article 6 of the Montreal Protocol and subsequent decisions of the Parties, the three Panels carry out periodic assessments on the scientific issues of ozone depletion; environmental effects of ozone depletion; status of alternative substances and technologies as well as their economic implications. The first report was published in 1989 and since then major periodic assessments have been published in 1991, 1994, 1998 and 2002. The next one, for 2006 is expected to be published early in 2007. In addition, the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel produces a progress report every year to review the status of alternatives and technologies, and to address the various requests given to them by the Parties including evaluation of nominations for essential use exemptions for Annex A and B substances, and nominations for critical use exemptions for methyl bromide.

The Technology and Economic Assessment Panel operates with 6 Technical Options Committees on:

  • Chemicals
  • Flexible and rigid foams
  • Halons
  • Medical
  • Methyl bromide
  • Refrigeration, air conditioning and heat pumps

Other temporary subsidiary bodies are established and dissolved according to the needs for specialized assessments as required by the Parties."

  © Ozone Secretariat 2004