U.S. Department of Education: Promoting Educational Excellence for all Americans

A r c h i v e d  I n f o r m a t i o n

ESEA: Excellence in Economic Education - 2005

CFDA Number: 84.215B - Excellence in Economic Education

Program Goal: To promote economic and financial literacy among all students in kindergarten through grade 12.
Objective 8.1 of 5: To increase students' knowledge of, and achievement in, economics to enable the students to become more productive and informed citizens.
Indicator 8.1.1 of 1: Percent Teachers Trained: The percentage of students of teachers trained under the grant project who demonstrate an improved understanding of personal finance and economics as compared to similar students whose teachers have not had the training provided by the program.
Targets and Performance Data Assessment of Progress Sources and Data Quality
The percentage of students taught by teachers trained under this grant who demonstrate improved understanding of personal finance issues.
Year Actual Performance Performance Targets

Explanation: The FY 2005 target is to establish a baseline. The target for FY 2006 is the baseline plus 1%. The FY 2004 grantees should have data for this indicator no later than 90 days after the end of their grant period. Their current grant period ends 6/30/2006, so data should be available around 9/30/2006. Also grantees received funds only from the FY 2004 appropriations.  
Frequency: Other.
Collection Period: 2005 - 2006
Data Available: September 2006
Validated By: No Formal Verification.


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