BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service

Switzerland Local time: 09:57 PM

Business Facilitation Services

Single Company Promotion
A Single Company Promotion is an effective way for U.S. exporters of a wide range of products and services to gain market exposure in Switzerland. CS Switzerland is prepared to work with you to develop a company seminar to meet your needs through a range of activities, including client list building, mailings of invitations, and on-site assistance.

Delivery: 4-8 weeks lead time, depending upon client needs

Price: depending upon service

Recruitment Facilitation for U.S. Colleges and Universities
This service includes the arrangement of one-on-one meetings with student counselors at as many as ten schools and the organization of logistics for an unaccompanied travel/ meeting schedule. A school visit may also include a presentation to be given by the U.S. college/university representative to Swiss and international students preparing to graduate from private international schools and boarding schools in Switzerland. This service may be done in as little as 2-3 weeks.

Price: $450

Due Diligence Report/Limited Background Check
Because of Swiss privacy laws and the difficulty of obtaining business sensitive information directly from Swiss companies, CS Switzerland does not offer the International Company Profile (ICP). However, to meet U.S. exporters' needs for background information on prospective partners, CS Switzerland offers the "due diligence report/limited background check" covered under the Business Facilitation Service (BFS) program. Under this service, CS Switzerland provides information that is strictly limited to factual information obtained from the Swiss Trade Registry and a translated report from the debt enforcement agency. The cantonal credit report indicates whether or not the company has any unresolved credit issues and/or pending legal issues. CS Switzerland does not contact the Swiss company.

Price: The BFS report is available at $200.

If you are interested in one of our business facilitation services, please contact the U.S. Commercial Service, Bern, Switzerland