Sea Island Summit 2004
Meeting of G8 Justice and Home Affairs Ministers
Washington - May 11, 2004
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Prior G8 JHA Meetings
G8 Background
G8 Ministers for Justice and Home Affairs usually meet once every year.

On May 5, 2003, they met in Paris and issued a Chair's Summary at the conclusion of their meeting. The G8 Ministers in attendance adopted the following work:
G8 Principles for Protecting Critical Information Infrastructures
G8 Best Practice Principles on Tracing, Freezing and Confiscation of Assets
G8 Statement of Principles Concerning the Use and Sharing of DNA Information
On May 14, 2002, G8 Justice and Home Affairs Ministers met in Mont Tremblant, Canada and issued a Chair's Summary at the conclusion of the meeting. In response to the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, they adopted G8 Recommendations on Transnational Crime. (These Recommendations updated the 40 Recommendations to Fight Transnational Organized Crime that were adopted by G8 Justice and Home Affairs Ministers, and subsequently by G8 Heads of State, in 1996. In parallel work, G8 Foreign Affairs Ministers adopted G8 Recommendations on Counter-Terrorism at a meeting in Whistler, British Columbia, on June 13, 2002.) At their meeting in Mont Tremblant, the G8 JHA Ministers also adopted the following work:
Report on the G8 Meeting on Legal Measures to Combat Terrorist Financing
Recommendations for Tracing Networked Communications Across National Borders in Terrorist and Criminal Investigations
Principles on the Availability of Data Essential to Protecting Public Safety
Data Preservation Checklists
G8 Statement on Data Protection Regimes
Follow Up of the G8 Conference on Judicial Cooperation
On February 27, 2001, G8 Justice and Home Affairs Ministers met in Milan and issued a joint Communiqué at the conclusion of the meeting.

G8 Justice and Home Affairs Ministers did not meet in 2000.

On October 20, 1999, G8 Justice and Home Affairs Ministers met in Moscow. At the conclusion of the meeting, they issued:
A joint Communiqué (primarily addressing high-tech crime and financial aspects of transnational organized crime)
Statement Against Terrorism
Principles on Transborder Access to Stored Computer Data
Guiding Principles and Plan of Action to Combat the Smuggling of and Trafficking in Human Beings
On December 15, 1998, British Home Secretary Jack Straw "hosted" a video conference for G8 Justice and Home Affairs Ministers, and the Ministers issued a joint press release at the conclusion of their meeting.

On December 11, 1997, U.S. Attorney General Janet Reno hosted, in Washington, DC, the first-ever meeting of G8 Justice and Home Affairs Ministers. At the conclusion of their meeting, the Ministers issued a joint Communiqué, which included 10 Principles and a 10-Point Action Plan to combat cybercrime. Attorney General Reno also made a statement to the media.
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