Corporate Consumer Contacts

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If you have a complaint about an item or service, it is usually best to go back to the seller BEFORE you contact the companies in this directory. If that doesn’t work, use our sample complaint letter and this directory to contact the company's national consumer affairs office. If the company is not listed in our directory, try checking your public library for the following resource books:

  • The Standard & Poor’s Register of Corporations, Directors and Executives
  • Trade Names Directory
  • Standard Directory of Advertisers
  • Dun & Bradstreet Directory
  • To identify the name of a company that manufactures a specific product, check the product label and other documents given to you at the time of purchase. Also, The Thomas Register of American Manufacturers lists the manufacturers of thousands of products. It is available at many public libraries.

    Many of the companies listed in this directory are members of the Society of Consumer Affairs Professionals International (SOCAP). A professional organization established in 1973, the Society’s goal is to improve the marketplace for consumers by improving customer care through education and networking. SOCAP members are identified in this directory by the SOCAP logo. For more information, contact SOCAP at 675 North Washington St., Suite 200 Alexandria, VA 22314; phone: 703-519-3700; Fax: 703-549-4886; e-mail:; or visit the SOCAP website.

    The symbols below appear before corporation names to indicate that:

    These companies are a member of SOCAP International
    These companies provided financial support for the publication of the Consumer Action Handbook