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Telemarketing and Junk Mail - General Tips
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Unwanted mail. Phone calls just when you sit down to eat. Pop-up ads when you're surfing the Net. What can you do about all these ads that waste your time and hassle you? Actually, there's a lot you can do.

  • Tell companies you do business with to remove your name from customer lists they rent or sell to others. Look for information on how to opt out of marketing lists on sales materials, order forms and websites.
  • Utilize the services provided by the Direct Marketing Association to remove you from most national telemarketing, mail and e-mail lists.
  • Call the credit reporting agencies' notification system at 1-888-567-8688. This will reduce the number of unsolicited credit and insurance offers you get. All three major credit bureaus participate in this program.
  • Under U.S. Postal Service Rules, it is illegal to send mail that looks like it is from a government agency when it isn't. It is also illegal to send mail that looks like a bill when nothing was ordered, unless it clearly states it is not a bill. Report violations of this rule to the USPS.
Feature Links
Who's Calling? Recognize and Report Phone Fraud
Putting Telephone Scams...On Hold
National Do Not Call Registry
Telemarketing publications - Federal Trade Commission
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