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About FastLane Outreach

The FastLane Outreach program was created to provide users with the information and training required to effectively use the NSF FastLane website. To schedule an Outreach Activity, contact Bev Sherman (703-292-4303, bsherman@nsf.gov).

The following types of Outreach Activities are currently available:

FastLane Presentation
FastLane Presentations usually are for large audiences, generally using overheads. These presentations provide an overview of the applications on the FastLane website.
Workshop: FastLane
FastLane Workshops usually take place in a computer lab and provide intensive hands-on training on how to use the applications on the FastLane website.
Workshop: CAREER
CAREER Workshops are FastLane Workshops that concentrate on the CAREER program and how to prepare CAREER proposals.
Workshop: EPSCoR
EPSCoR Workshops are FastLane Workshops given at colleges and universities in EPSCoR states.
Workshop: HDCU-UP
HBCU-UP Workshops are FastLane Workshops given on how to use the FastLane website and prepare proposals. They usually take place at an historically black colleges or university.
Workshop: MSP
MSP Workshops are FastLane Workshops that concentrate on the Math Science Partnership program and how to prepare a Math Science Partnership proposal.
NSF Regional Grants Conference
Two day workshop with NSF program officers and staff.
Special day long activity at one campus. NSF program officers describe NSF programs and how to apply for a grant.
Workshop: FastLane and Grants.gov
Workshop covering both FastLane and Grants.gov
NSF Tribal College Workshop
NSF sponsored workshop specifically designed for researchers and administrators from tribal colleges.
Workshop: Videoconference
Videoconference Training Sessions originate from NSF in Arlington VA. They cover an overview of the applications on both the NSF and FastLane websites and how to prepare a proposal. Organizations with videoconferencing facilities are welcome to participate. NSF pays the cost of the call to the organization's videoconference facility.
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