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Risk Assessment

Assessing risk is the underlying basis for determining cleanup levels. Provided below are a multitude of risk guidance documents to assist a Site manager through this process.

Risk Assessment Tools of the Trade - Guidance & Policy
Contains links to guidance documents that provide advice for performing Human and Ecological Risk Analysis. Specialized topics addressed include: Soil Screening, Data Usability, PRP Lead Analysis, Risk Characterization and Management. Risk Assessment provides a comprehensive collection of risk and risk-related documents.

Calculation Tools
Contains links to databases, software, and other technical tools for conducting a risk assessment. Risk Assessment provides a comprehensive collection of risk and risk-related documents.

Soil Screening Guidance
Tool for screening contaminated National Priorities List (NPL) sites that are not affected with radioactive contaminants. Presents a framework for developing risk-based, soil screening levels (SSLs) for protection of human health. Provides a flexible, tiered approach to site evaluation and screening level development.

Soil Screening Guidance for Radionuclides
Tool for screening at radioactively contaminated NPL sites. A framework is provided for developing soil screening levels (SSLs) for radionuclides, focusing primarily on a simple methodology for developing site-specific screening levels, but also including generic soil screening levels and detailed models for more complete site conditions.

"Focus Areas for Headquarters Support for Regional Decision-Making" (May 1996)
Identifies selected issue areas that represent the current focus of OSRTI's national Regional coordination effort. A discussion of risk management is presented as one of the focus areas. [24 pp]
OSWER 9200.1-17
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