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National Science Foundation Division of Science Resources Statistics

Variables by Topic and Subtopic


Find SESTAT variables from all surveys beginning with 1993 by subtopic, under the three primary topics:


A- Job Status, Employed/Unemployed

Description Variable Name
Reasons for not working: family responsibilities A_JOB_NOT_WRKNG_REAS_FAMILY
Reasons for not working: illness/disability A_JOB_NOT_WRKNG_REAS_ILL_DISABLE
Reasons for not working: suitable job not available A_JOB_NOT_WRKNG_REAS_JOB_NOT_AVAIL
Reasons for not working: layoff A_JOB_NOT_WRKNG_REAS_LAYOFF
Reasons for not working: did not need/want to work A_JOB_NOT_WRKNG_REAS_NO_NEED
Reasons for not working: other A_JOB_NOT_WRKNG_REAS_OTHR
Reasons for not working: illness, retired or other A_JOB_NOT_WRKNG_REAS_OTHR_PUB
Reasons for not working: retired A_JOB_NOT_WRKNG_REAS_RETIRED
Reasons for not working: retired year A_JOB_NOT_WRKNG_REAS_RETIRED_YR
Reasons for not working: student A_JOB_NOT_WRKNG_REAS_STUDENT
Working part-time but wanted to work full-time A_JOB_PT_WANT_FULL_TIME
Working for pay or profit during reference week A_JOB_STATUS_EMPLOYED_IND
Full-time/part-time status counting all jobs during reference week A_JOB_STATUS_FULL_PART_TIME
Not working, looking for work A_JOB_STATUS_LOOKING_FOR_WRK_IND

B- Characteristics of Principal Job as of the reference week

Description Variable Name
Month principal job started B_EMPLOYED_MONTH
Year principal job started B_EMPLOYED_YEAR
Job code for principal job (best code) B_JOB_CAT
Job code for principal job - best code B_JOB_CAT_NEW
Job code for principal job (recoded for public use) B_JOB_CAT_PUB
Job code for principal job (recoded for public use) B_JOB_CAT_PUB_NEW
Job code for principal job (reported code) B_JOB_CAT_RPTD
Job code for principal job - reported code (do not use for analysis - use best code) B_JOB_CAT_RPTD_NEW
Occupation major group for principal Job B_JOB_OCC_GRP_MAJOR
Job code for principal job (major group) B_JOB_OCC_GRP_MAJOR_NEW
Occupation minor group for principal Job B_JOB_OCC_GRP_MINOR
Job code for principal job (minor group) B_JOB_OCC_GRP_MINOR_NEW
Most important reason for working outside field of highest degree B_JOB_OUTSIDE_FLD_REASON_PRIMRY
Second most important reason for working outside field of highest degree B_JOB_OUTSIDE_FLD_REASON_SECOND
Reason for working outside field of highest degree: career change B_JOB_OUTSIDE_FLD_REAS_CAREER_CHG
Reason for working outside field of highest degree: family-related reasons B_JOB_OUTSIDE_FLD_REAS_FAMILY
Reason for working outside field of highest degree: suitable job not available B_JOB_OUTSIDE_FLD_REAS_JOB_NOT_AVAIL
Reason for working outside field of highest degree: job location B_JOB_OUTSIDE_FLD_REAS_LOC
Reason for working outside field of highest degree: other B_JOB_OUTSIDE_FLD_REAS_OTHR
Reason for working outside field of highest degree: pay/promotion B_JOB_OUTSIDE_FLD_REAS_PAY_OR_PROMOT
Reason for working outside field of highest degree: working conditions B_JOB_OUTSIDE_FLD_REAS_WRKNG_CONDS
Principal job postdoc indicator B_JOB_POSTDOC_APPT_IND
Postdoctoral appointment indicator (recoded for public use) B_JOB_POSTDOC_APPT_IND_PUB
Most important reason for taking postdoc B_JOB_POSTDOC_REASON_PRIMARY
Second most important reason for taking postdoc B_JOB_POSTDOC_REASON_SECONDARY
Reason for taking postdoc: generally expected in field B_JOB_POSTDOC_REAS_EXPECTED
Reason for taking postdoc: other employment not available B_JOB_POSTDOC_REAS_NOEMPLOYMENT
Reason for taking postdoc: other B_JOB_POSTDOC_REAS_OTHER
Reason for taking postdoc: training in area outside PhD field B_JOB_POSTDOC_REAS_OUTSIDE
Reason for taking postdoc: work with specific person or place B_JOB_POSTDOC_REAS_PEOPLE
Reason for taking postdoc: additional training in PhD field B_JOB_POSTDOC_REAS_TRAINING
Postdoc relevancy to work: contacts established B_JOB_POSTDOC_REL_CONTACTS
Postdoc relevancy to work: use of specified equipment B_JOB_POSTDOC_REL_EQUIPMENT
Postdoc relevancy to work: problem solving B_JOB_POSTDOC_REL_PROBLEM_SOLVING
Postdoc relevancy to work: specific skills B_JOB_POSTDOC_REL_SKILLS
Postdoc relevancy to work: something else B_JOB_POSTDOC_REL_SOMETHING_ELSE
Postdoc relevancy to work: subject matter B_JOB_POSTDOC_REL_SUBJECT
Postdoctoral appointment indicator B_JOB_PRINCIPAL_JOB_POSTDOC
Extent that principal job is related to highest degree B_JOB_RELTD_TO_DEGREE
Previously retired B_JOB_RETIRED_PREVLY_IND
Year previously retired B_JOB_RETIRED_PREVLY_YR
Year previously retired (recoded for public use) B_JOB_RETIRED_PREVLY_YR_PUB
Same principal employer in 1988 B_JOB_SAME_EMPLR_88
Same employer and same occupation in 1988 B_JOB_SAME_EMPLR_AND_OCCUP_88
Same principal occupation in 1988 B_JOB_SAME_OCCUP_88
Work benefits from: long distance communication B_JOB_WORK_BENEFIT_FROM_COMM
Work benefits from: long-term visits B_JOB_WORK_BENEFIT_LONG_VISITS
Work benefits from: short-term visits B_JOB_WORK_BENEFIT_SHORT_VISITS
Indicator for working 52 weeks per year B_PRINCIPAL_JOB_52_WeekS
Number of weeks worked per year if less than 52 weeks B_PRINCIPAL_JOB_LESS_THAN_52WKS
Principal job: hours per week typically worked B_PRINCIPAL_JOB_WKLY_HRS
Principal job hours paid B_PRINCIPAL_JOB_WKLY_HRS_PAID
Principal job: hours per week typically worked (recoded for public use) B_PRINCIPAL_JOB_WKLY_HRS_PUB
Principal job salary: weeks per year basis B_PRINCIPAL_JOB_WeekS
Principal job salary: weeks per year basis (recoded for public use) B_PRINCIPAL_JOB_WeekS_PUB

C- Characteristics of Other Jobs

Description Variable Name
Job Code for second job (best code) C_JOB_2ND_JOB_CAT
Job Code for second job (recoded for public use) C_JOB_2ND_JOB_CAT_PUB
Job Code for second job (reported code) C_JOB_2ND_JOB_CAT_RPTD
Second job during reference week C_JOB_2ND_JOB_IND
Occupation major group for Second Job C_JOB_2ND_JOB_OCC_GRP_MAJOR
Occupation minor group for Second Job C_JOB_2ND_JOB_OCC_GRP_MINOR
Relationship of second job to highest degree C_JOB_2ND_JOB_RELTD_TO_DEGREE
Pay period, salary on second job C_JOB_2ND_JOB_SALARY_PAY_PERIOD
Salary on second job (amount) C_JOB_2ND_JOB_SALARY_PP_AMT
Employer was educational institution, 1988 C_JOB_88_EMPLR_EDUC_INST_IND
Type of educational institution, 1988 C_JOB_88_EMPLR_EDUC_INST_TYPE
Type of non-educational employer, 1988 C_JOB_88_EMPLR_NON_EDUC_INST_TYPE
Job Code for principal job in 1988 (best code) C_JOB_88_JOB_CAT
Job Code for principal job in 1988 (recoded for public use) C_JOB_88_JOB_CAT_PUB
Major occupational group for principal job in 1988 C_JOB_88_OCC_GRP_MAJOR
Minor occupational group for principal job in 1988 C_JOB_88_OCC_GRP_MINOR
Job code for last job (best code) C_JOB_LAST_JOB_CAT
Job code for last job - best code C_JOB_LAST_JOB_CAT_NEW
Job code for last job (recoded for public use) C_JOB_LAST_JOB_CAT_PUB
Job code for last job (reported code) C_JOB_LAST_JOB_CAT_RPTD
Job code for last job - reported code (do not use for analysis - use best code) C_JOB_LAST_JOB_CAT_RPTD_NEW
Occupation major group - last job C_JOB_LAST_OCC_GRP_MAJOR
Job code for last job (major group) C_JOB_LAST_OCC_GRP_MAJOR_NEW
Occupation minor group - last job C_JOB_LAST_OCC_GRP_MINOR
Job code for last job (minor group) C_JOB_LAST_OCC_GRP_MINOR_NEW
Month last worked C_JOB_LAST_WRKD_MO
Year last worked (recoded for public use) C_JOB_LAST_WRKD_PUB_YR
Year last worked C_JOB_LAST_WRKD_YR
Reason for working < 35 hours/week: family responsibilities C_JOB_PT_REAS_FAMILY
Reason for working < 35 hours/week: illness/disability C_JOB_PT_REAS_ILL_DISABLE
Reason for working < 35 hours/week: suitable job not available C_JOB_PT_REAS_JOB_NOT_AVAIL
Reason for working < 35 hours/week: layoff C_JOB_PT_REAS_LAYOFF
Reason for working < 35 hours/week: did not need/want to work C_JOB_PT_REAS_NO_NEED
Reason for working < 35 hours/week: other C_JOB_PT_REAS_OTHR
Reason for working < 35 hours/week: student, layoff, illness, retired or other C_JOB_PT_REAS_OTHR_PUB
Reason for working < 35 hours/week: retired C_JOB_PT_REAS_RETIRED
Reason for working < 35 hours/week: student C_JOB_PT_REAS_STUDENT
Year retired (Reason for working < 35 hours/week: retired) C_JOB_PT_RETIRED_YR
Year retired (Reason for working < 35 hours/week: retired) (recoded for public use) C_JOB_PT_RETIRED_YR_PUB
Average hours worked per week in [year prior to survey year] C_JOB_WeekLY_HOURS_WORKED
Weeks worked in year prior to survey C_JOB_WeekS_WORKED
No weeks worked in year prior to survey C_JOB_WeekS_WORKED_NONE

D- Work History Related Data

Description Variable Name
Accepted Career-Path Job D_JOB_CAREER_PATH_ACCEPT
Career-path job D_JOB_CAREER_PATH_IND
Seeking career-path job D_JOB_CAREER_PATH_SEEK_IND
Time started career-path job D_JOB_CAREER_PATH_WHEN_STARTED
Reason for changing employer or job: change in career/professional interests D_JOB_CHG_REAS_CAREER_CHG
Reason for changing employer or job: family-related reasons D_JOB_CHG_REAS_FAMILY
Reason for changing employer or job: laid off/job terminated D_JOB_CHG_REAS_LAID_OFF
Reason for changing employer or job: job location D_JOB_CHG_REAS_LOCATN
Reason for changing employer or job: other D_JOB_CHG_REAS_OTHR
Reason for changing employer or job: pay, promotion D_JOB_CHG_REAS_PAY_OR_PROMOT
Reason for changing employer or job: retired D_JOB_CHG_REAS_RETIRED
Reason for changing employer or job: school-related reasons D_JOB_CHG_REAS_SCHOOL_RELTD
Reason for changing employer or job: working conditions D_JOB_CHG_REAS_WRKNG_CONDS
Employment status indicator, comparing current and previous reference weeks D_JOB_EMPLOYED_IND
Held or accepted career path job D_JOB_PHD_CAREER_PATH_IND
Sought or held career-path job D_JOB_PHD_CAREER_PATH_JOB
Search for job limited by: debt D_JOB_PHD_CAREER_PATH_LIMITED_DEBT
Search for job limited by: family responsibilities D_JOB_PHD_CAREER_PATH_LIMITED_FAMILY
Search for job limited by: suitable job not available D_JOB_PHD_CAREER_PATH_LIMITED_NO_JOB
Search for job limited by: other D_JOB_PHD_CAREER_PATH_LIMITED_OTHER
Search for job limited by: desire to not relocate D_JOB_PHD_CAREER_PATH_LIMITED_RELOCATE
Search for job limited by: spouse's career D_JOB_PHD_CAREER_PATH_LIMITED_SPOUSE
Time elapsed between receiving doctorate and accepting career path job D_JOB_PHD_CAREER_PATH_MONTHS_ELAPSED
Reason job unrelated to doctoral degree: family-related reasons D_JOB_PHD_CAREER_PATH_OUTSIDE_FIELD_FAMILY
Reason job unrelated to doctoral degree: career change D_JOB_PHD_CAREER_PATH_OUTSIDE_FIELD_INTEREST
Reason job unrelated to doctoral degree: job in doctoral field not available D_JOB_PHD_CAREER_PATH_OUTSIDE_FIELD_JOB_NA
Reason job unrelated to doctoral degree: job location D_JOB_PHD_CAREER_PATH_OUTSIDE_FIELD_LOCATION
Reason job unrelated to doctoral degree: other D_JOB_PHD_CAREER_PATH_OUTSIDE_FIELD_OTHER
Reason job unrelated to doctoral degree: pay/promotion opportunities D_JOB_PHD_CAREER_PATH_OUTSIDE_FIELD_PAY
Reason job unrelated to doctoral degree: working conditions D_JOB_PHD_CAREER_PATH_OUTSIDE_FIELD_WORK_CON
Relationship of career path job to doctoral degree field D_JOB_PHD_CAREER_PATH_RELTD_TO_DEGREE
Job seeking resources used: initiated Direct Contacts D_JOB_PHD_CAREER_PATH_RESOURCES_DIRECT_CONTA
Job seeking resources used: electronic postings D_JOB_PHD_CAREER_PATH_RESOURCES_ELECTRONIC
Job seeking resources used: faculty/advisors D_JOB_PHD_CAREER_PATH_RESOURCES_FACULTY
Job seeking resources used: colleagues/friends D_JOB_PHD_CAREER_PATH_RESOURCES_INFORMAL
Job seeking resources used: professional journals D_JOB_PHD_CAREER_PATH_RESOURCES_JOURNALS
Job seeking resources used: professional meetings D_JOB_PHD_CAREER_PATH_RESOURCES_MEETINGS
Job seeking resources used: newspapers D_JOB_PHD_CAREER_PATH_RESOURCES_NEWSPAPERS
Job seeking resources used: other D_JOB_PHD_CAREER_PATH_RESOURCES_OTHER
Job seeking resources used: college placement office D_JOB_PHD_CAREER_PATH_RESOURCES_PLACEMENT
Job seeking resources used: professional recruiters D_JOB_PHD_CAREER_PATH_RESOURCES_RECRUITERS
Not held career path job since receiving doctorate D_JOB_PHD_CAREER_PATH_RESOURCE_NA
Second most important resource D_JOB_PHD_CAREER_PATH_RESOURCE_SECONDARY
Sought career-path job D_JOB_PHD_CAREER_PATH_SOUGHT
Career preparation: oral communication skills D_JOB_PHD_CAREER_PREPARE_COMMUNICATION
Career preparation: computer skills D_JOB_PHD_CAREER_PREPARE_COMPUTER
Career preparation: establishing contacts D_JOB_PHD_CAREER_PREPARE_CONTACTS
Career preparation: research integrity/ethics D_JOB_PHD_CAREER_PREPARE_ETHICS
Career preparation: subject matter knowledge D_JOB_PHD_CAREER_PREPARE_KNOWLEDGE
Career preparation: management/administrative Skills D_JOB_PHD_CAREER_PREPARE_MANAGEMENT
Career preparation: problem solving skills D_JOB_PHD_CAREER_PREPARE_PROBLEM_SOLVING
Career preparation: quantitative skills D_JOB_PHD_CAREER_PREPARE_QUANTITATIVE
Career preparation: teaching skills D_JOB_PHD_CAREER_PREPARE_TEACHING
Career preparation: collaboration/team work skills D_JOB_PHD_CAREER_PREPARE_TEAM_WORK
Career preparation: writing skills D_JOB_PHD_CAREER_PREPARE_WRITING
Satisfaction with doctoral program D_JOB_PHD_CAREER_PROGRAM_SATISFIED
Completing doctoral degree affected: technically demanding work D_JOB_PHD_COMPLETE_AFFECT_DEMANDING_WORK
Completing doctoral degree affected: management activities D_JOB_PHD_COMPLETE_AFFECT_MANAGEMENT
Completing doctoral degree affected: other D_JOB_PHD_COMPLETE_AFFECT_OTHER
Completing doctoral degree affected: level of responsibility D_JOB_PHD_COMPLETE_AFFECT_RESPONSIBILITY
Completing doctoral degree affected: interesting/rewarding work D_JOB_PHD_COMPLETE_AFFECT_REWARDING_WORK
Completing doctoral degree affected: salary level D_JOB_PHD_COMPLETE_AFFECT_SALARY
Completing doctoral degree affected: job security D_JOB_PHD_COMPLETE_AFFECT_SECURITY
Still holding first career path job D_JOB_PHD_HELD_CAREER_PATH
How doctoral degree would help career D_JOB_PHD_HELP_CAREER
Job market for other than postdocs D_JOB_PHD_JOB_MARKET_OTHER_THAN_POSTDOC
Job market for postdocs D_JOB_PHD_JOB_MARKET_POSTDOC
Work wanted after completing doctorate: management/administration D_JOB_PHD_JOB_WANT_MANAGEMENT
Work wanted after completing doctorate: other D_JOB_PHD_JOB_WANT_OTHER
Work wanted after completing doctorate: professional practice D_JOB_PHD_JOB_WANT_PROFESSIONAL
Work wanted after completing doctorate: research D_JOB_PHD_JOB_WANT_RESEARCH
Work wanted after completing doctorate: teaching D_JOB_PHD_JOB_WANT_TEACHING
First doctoral degree received between June 1990 and June 1996 D_JOB_PHD_RECENT
No postdoctoral appointments D_JOB_POSTDOC_APPT_INDICATOR_NONE
Number of postdoctoral appointments D_JOB_POSTDOC_APPT_INDICATOR_REV
No postdoctoral appointments D_JOB_POSTDOC_NO_APPT_INDICATOR
Number of current or past postdoctoral appointments through April 1, 2006 D_JOB_POSTDOC_TOTAL_NUMBER
Most recent postdoctoral appointment: received health benefits D_JOB_POST_DOC1_BENS_HEALTH
Most recent postdoctoral appointment: received pension benefits D_JOB_POST_DOC1_BENS_PENSION
Most recent postdoctoral appointment: month ended D_JOB_POST_DOC1_END_MONTH
Most recent postdoctoral appointment: year ended D_JOB_POST_DOC1_END_YEAR
Most recent (or current) postdoctoral appointment: received health benefits D_JOB_POST_DOC1_HEALTH_BENEFITS
To what extent did your most recent (or current) postdoc: enhance career D_JOB_POST_DOC1_HELP_CAREER_OPPS
To what extent did your most recent (or current) postdoc: improve problem-solving skills D_JOB_POST_DOC1_HELP_IMPROVE_PROBSOL
To what extent did your most recent (or current) postdoc: improve research skills/techniques D_JOB_POST_DOC1_HELP_IMPROVE_SKILLS
To what extent did your most recent (or current) postdoc: increase contacts D_JOB_POST_DOC1_HELP_INCREASE_CONTACTS
To what extent did your most recent (or current) postdoc: use specialized equipment D_JOB_POST_DOC1_HELP_OPPS_EQUIPMENT
To what extent did your most recent (or current) postdoc: help in other areas D_JOB_POST_DOC1_HELP_OTHR
To what extent did your most recent (or current) postdoc: increase subject matter knowledge D_JOB_POST_DOC1_HELP_SUBJECT_KNOWLEDGE
Most recent (or current) postdoctoral appointment: month ended D_JOB_POST_DOC1_MONTH_ENDED
Most recent (or current) postdoctoral appointment: month started D_JOB_POST_DOC1_MONTH_STARTED
Most recent (or current) postdoctoral appointment: received pension benefits D_JOB_POST_DOC1_PENSION_BENEFITS
Most recent (or current) postdoctoral appointment: primary reason taking postdoc D_JOB_POST_DOC1_REASON_TAKEN
Most recent postdoctoral appointment: reason taking postdoc D_JOB_POST_DOC1_REASON_TAKING
Most recent postdoctoral appointment: sector where worked D_JOB_POST_DOC1_SECTOR
Most recent (or current) postdoctoral appointment: sector where worked D_JOB_POST_DOC1_SECTOR_TYPE
Most recent postdoctoral appointment: month started D_JOB_POST_DOC1_START_MONTH
Most recent postdoctoral appointment: year started D_JOB_POST_DOC1_START_YEAR
Most recent postdoctoral appointment: result of winning national competition D_JOB_POST_DOC1_WON_NATIONAL_COMP
Most recent (or current) postdoctoral appointment: year ended D_JOB_POST_DOC1_YEAR_ENDED
Most recent (or current) postdoctoral appointment: year started D_JOB_POST_DOC1_YEAR_STARTED
Second most recent postdoctoral appointment: received health benefits D_JOB_POST_DOC2_BENS_HEALTH
Second most recent postdoctoral appointment: received pension benefits D_JOB_POST_DOC2_BENS_PENSION
Second most recent postdoctoral appointment: month ended D_JOB_POST_DOC2_END_MONTH
Second most recent postdoctoral appointment: year ended D_JOB_POST_DOC2_END_YEAR
Second most recent postdoctoral appointment: received health benefits D_JOB_POST_DOC2_HEALTH_BENEFITS
Second most recent postdoctoral appointment: month ended D_JOB_POST_DOC2_MONTH_ENDED
Second most recent postdoctoral appointment: month started D_JOB_POST_DOC2_MONTH_STARTED
Second most recent postdoctoral appointment: received pension benefits D_JOB_POST_DOC2_PENSION_BENEFITS
Second most recent postdoctoral appointment: primary reason taking postdoc D_JOB_POST_DOC2_REASON_TAKEN
Second most recent postdoctoral appointment: reason taking postdoc D_JOB_POST_DOC2_REASON_TAKING
Second most recent postdoctoral appointment: sector where worked D_JOB_POST_DOC2_SECTOR
Second most recent postdoctoral appointment: sector where worked D_JOB_POST_DOC2_SECTOR_TYPE
Second most recent postdoctoral appointment: month started D_JOB_POST_DOC2_START_MONTH
Second most recent postdoctoral appointment: year started D_JOB_POST_DOC2_START_YEAR
Second most recent postdoctoral appointment: result of winning national competition D_JOB_POST_DOC2_WON_NATIONAL_COMP
Second most recent postdoctoral appointment: year ended D_JOB_POST_DOC2_YEAR_ENDED
Second most recent postdoctoral appointment: year started D_JOB_POST_DOC2_YEAR_STARTED
Third most recent postdoctoral appointment: received health benefits D_JOB_POST_DOC3_BENS_HEALTH
Third most recent postdoctoral appointment: received pension benefits D_JOB_POST_DOC3_BENS_PENSION
Third most recent postdoctoral appointment: month ended D_JOB_POST_DOC3_END_MONTH
Third most recent postdoctoral appointment: year ended D_JOB_POST_DOC3_END_YEAR
Third most recent postdoctoral appointment: received health benefits D_JOB_POST_DOC3_HEALTH_BENEFITS
Third most recent postdoctoral appointment: month ended D_JOB_POST_DOC3_MONTH_ENDED
Third most recent postdoctoral appointment: month started D_JOB_POST_DOC3_MONTH_STARTED
Third most recent postdoctoral appointment: received pension benefits D_JOB_POST_DOC3_PENSION_BENEFITS
Third most recent postdoctoral appointment: primary reason taking postdoc D_JOB_POST_DOC3_REASON_TAKEN
Third most recent postdoctoral appointment: reason taking postdoc D_JOB_POST_DOC3_REASON_TAKING
Third most recent postdoctoral appointment: sector where worked D_JOB_POST_DOC3_SECTOR
Third most recent postdoctoral appointment: sector where worked D_JOB_POST_DOC3_SECTOR_TYPE
Third most recent postdoctoral appointment: month started D_JOB_POST_DOC3_START_MONTH
Third most recent postdoctoral appointment: year started D_JOB_POST_DOC3_START_YEAR
Third most recent postdoctoral appointment: result of winning national competition D_JOB_POST_DOC3_WON_NATIONAL_COMP
Third most recent postdoctoral appointment: year ended D_JOB_POST_DOC3_YEAR_ENDED
Third most recent postdoctoral appointment: year started D_JOB_POST_DOC3_YEAR_STARTED
Attended professional meetings in past year D_JOB_PROF_ASSOC_Attend_MTNGS_IND
Number of professional society memberships D_JOB_PROF_ASSOC_MEMBRSHPS_NBR
Number of professional society memberships (recoded for public use) D_JOB_PROF_ASSOC_MEMBRSHPS_NBR_PUB
No professional society memberships D_JOB_PROF_ASSOC_MEMBRSHPS_NONE
Years of professional work experience: full-time D_JOB_PROF_EXPER_FT_YRS
Full-time, years of professional work experience (recoded for public use) D_JOB_PROF_EXPER_FT_YRS_PUB
Years of professional work experience: part-time D_JOB_PROF_EXPER_PT_YRS
Part-time, years of professional work experience (recoded for public use) D_JOB_PROF_EXPER_PT_YRS_PUB
Employment status (same job/employer?), current and previous reference weeks D_JOB_SAME_EMPLOYER_JOB
Likelihood of choosing same field of study for highest degree D_JOB_SAME_FIELD_STUDY

E- Employer Characteristics

Description Variable Name
Academic position: adjunct faculty E_JOB_EMPLR_ACAD_POSITION_ADJUNCT
Academic position: dean or president E_JOB_EMPLR_ACAD_POSITION_ADMIN_PUB
Academic position: dean E_JOB_EMPLR_ACAD_POSITION_DEAN
Academic position: not applicable E_JOB_EMPLR_ACAD_POSITION_NA
Academic position: other E_JOB_EMPLR_ACAD_POSITION_OTHER
Academic position: research assistant, teaching assistant or other E_JOB_EMPLR_ACAD_POSITION_OTHER_PUB
Academic position: postdoc E_JOB_EMPLR_ACAD_POSITION_POSTDOC
Academic position: president/provost/chancellor E_JOB_EMPLR_ACAD_POSITION_PRESIDENT
Academic position: research assistant E_JOB_EMPLR_ACAD_POSITION_RESEARCH_ASSISTANT
Academic position: research faculty E_JOB_EMPLR_ACAD_POSITION_RESEARCH_FACULTY
Academic position: teaching assistant E_JOB_EMPLR_ACAD_POSITION_TEACH_ASSISTANT
Academic position: teaching faculty E_JOB_EMPLR_ACAD_POSITION_TEACH_FACULTY
Main Reason for alternative work arrangement E_JOB_EMPLR_ALTREASON_PRIMARY
Second most important reason for alternative work arrangement E_JOB_EMPLR_ALTREASON_SECONDARY
Reason for alternative work arrangement: gain experience E_JOB_EMPLR_ALTREAS_EXPERIENCE
Reason for alternative work arrangement: family-related reasons E_JOB_EMPLR_ALTREAS_FAMILY
Reason for alternative work arrangement: schedule flexibility E_JOB_EMPLR_ALTREAS_FLEX
Reason for alternative work arrangement: other E_JOB_EMPLR_ALTREAS_OTHER
Reason for alternative work arrangement: own boss E_JOB_EMPLR_ALTREAS_OWNBOSS
Reason for alternative work arrangement: better pay E_JOB_EMPLR_ALTREAS_PAY
Reason for alternative work arrangement: status changed to temporary E_JOB_EMPLR_ALTREAS_STATUS
Reason for alternative work arrangement: school or training program E_JOB_EMPLR_ALTREAS_TRAINING
Reason for alternative work arrangement: only type of work I could find E_JOB_EMPLR_ALTREAS_TYPE
Available benefits: health insurance E_JOB_EMPLR_BENEFITS_HEALTHINS
Available benefits: pension/retirement plan E_JOB_EMPLR_BENEFITS_PENSION
Available benefits: profit-sharing plan E_JOB_EMPLR_BENEFITS_PROFIT_SHARING
Available benefits: paid vacation/sick/personal days E_JOB_EMPLR_BENEFITS_VACATION
Employer: main business E_JOB_EMPLR_BUSINESS
Carnegie classification for employer if a postsecondary educational institution - 1994 Carnegie code E_JOB_EMPLR_EDUC_INST_CARNEGIE_CLS
Carnegie classification for employer if a postsecondary educational institution - 2005 Carnegie code E_JOB_EMPLR_EDUC_INST_CARNEGIE_CLS_NEW
Institution code for employer if a postsecondary educational institution E_JOB_EMPLR_EDUC_INST_CAT
Indicator for educational institution employer E_JOB_EMPLR_EDUC_INST_IND
Public/private indicator for employer if a postsecondary educational institution - 1994 Carnegie value E_JOB_EMPLR_EDUC_INST_PUB_OR_PRIV
Public/private indicator for employer if a postsecondary educational institution - 2005 Carnegie value E_JOB_EMPLR_EDUC_INST_PUB_OR_PRIV_NEW
Faculty rank and tenure status E_JOB_EMPLR_EDUC_INST_TENURE_RANK
Type of educational institution employer E_JOB_EMPLR_EDUC_INST_TYPE
Census industry code for employer E_JOB_EMPLR_INDUSTRY_CODE
Flag variable which indicates whether the code was assigned during the coding operation (Census) or was autocoded (NSF) E_JOB_EMPLR_INDUSTRY_CODE_FLAG
Region code for employer E_JOB_EMPLR_LOC_REGION
Region code for employer (recoded for public use) E_JOB_EMPLR_LOC_REGION_PUB
Employer location (U.S./Non-U.S.) E_JOB_EMPLR_LOC_REGION_US_NONUS
Employer type (not taking into account if it was an educational institution) E_JOB_EMPLR_NON_EDUC_INST_TYPE
Preferred type of working arrangement E_JOB_EMPLR_RELATION_WORK_WANT
Alternative Work Arrangement E_JOB_EMPLR_RELAT_ANY
Relationship with principal employer: work contracted out by employer E_JOB_EMPLR_RELAT_CONTRACT_OUT
Relationship with principal employer: other E_JOB_EMPLR_RELAT_ELSE
Relationship with principal employer: work from home E_JOB_EMPLR_RELAT_HOME
Relationship with principal employer: short term E_JOB_EMPLR_RELAT_SEASONAL
Relationship with principal employer: self-employed E_JOB_EMPLR_RELAT_SELFEMP
Relationship with principal employer: job sharing E_JOB_EMPLR_RELAT_SHARING
Relationship with principal employer: temp/employment Agency E_JOB_EMPLR_RELAT_TEMP
Employer sector (detailed codes) E_JOB_EMPLR_SECTOR_CD
Employer sector (recoded for public use) E_JOB_EMPLR_SECTOR_CD_PUB
Employer sector (summary codes) E_JOB_EMPLR_SECTOR_CD_SUMRY
Employer size E_JOB_EMPLR_SIZE
State/country code for employer E_JOB_EMPLR_ST_CTRY_CD
Employer type (taking into account educational institutions) E_JOB_EMPLR_TYPE

F- Principal Job Activites and Related Data

Description Variable Name
Number of articles (co)authored since [question reference period] which have been accepted for publication F_JOB_ARTICLES_PROF_JOURNALS
No. of articles (co)authored since [question reference period] which have been accepted for publication (recoded for public use) F_JOB_ARTICLES_PROF_JOURNALS_PUB
No. of books or monographs (co)authored since [question reference period] which have been published or accepted for publication F_JOB_BOOKS_PUBLISHED
1 or more books or monographs (co)authored since [question reference period] have been published or accepted for publication F_JOB_BOOKS_PUBLISHED_IND
Importance of job's opportunities for advancement F_JOB_IMPORTANCE_ADVANCEMENT
Importance of job's benefits F_JOB_IMPORTANCE_BENEFITS
Importance of job's intellectual challenge F_JOB_IMPORTANCE_CHALLENGE
Importance of job's degree of independence F_JOB_IMPORTANCE_INDEPENDENCE
Importance of job's location F_JOB_IMPORTANCE_LOCATION
Importance of job's level of responsibility F_JOB_IMPORTANCE_RESPONSIBILITY
Importance of job's salary F_JOB_IMPORTANCE_SALARY
Importance of job's security F_JOB_IMPORTANCE_SECURITY
Importance of job's contribution to society F_JOB_IMPORTANCE_SOCIETY
International collaboration activity: communicate by phone/email F_JOB_INT_COLLAB_EMAIL_TELEPHONE
International collaboration indicator F_JOB_INT_COLLAB_IND
International collaboration activity: travel abroad for collaboration F_JOB_INT_COLLAB_TRAVEL_ABROAD
International collaboration activity: foreign collaborators travel to US F_JOB_INT_COLLAB_TRAVEL_HERE
International collaboration activity: use web-based/virtual technology F_JOB_INT_COLLAB_WEB_VIRTUAL
Licensed/certified in occupation F_JOB_LICENSED_CERTIFIED_IND
Executive/top manager indicator F_JOB_MGR_EXEC_IND
Job required technical expertise at the bachelor's level or higher: Other fields (e.g. health/business) F_JOB_MGR_TECH_EXPERTSE_OTHER
Job required technical expertise at the bachelor's level or higher: eng, comp sci, math, nat sciences F_JOB_MGR_TECH_EXPERTSE_PHYS_SCI
Job required technical expertise at the bachelor's level or higher: social sciences F_JOB_MGR_TECH_EXPERTSE_SOCIAL_SCI
Number of papers (co)authored presented since [question reference period] F_JOB_PAPERS_PRESENTED
Number of papers (co)authored presented since [question reference period] (recoded for public use) F_JOB_PAPERS_PRESENTED_PUB
Reason worked part-time: family responsibilities F_JOB_PART_TIME_REAS_FAMILY
Reason worked part-time: full-time job not available F_JOB_PART_TIME_REAS_FT_JOB_NA
Reason worked part-time: held another job F_JOB_PART_TIME_REAS_HOLD_ANOTHER_JOB
Reason worked part-time: illness/disability F_JOB_PART_TIME_REAS_ILL_DISABLE
Reason worked part-time: did not need/want to work full-time F_JOB_PART_TIME_REAS_NO_NEED
Reason worked part-time: other F_JOB_PART_TIME_REAS_OTHR
Reason worked part-time: previously or semi-retired F_JOB_PART_TIME_REAS_RETIRED
Reason worked part-time: previously or semi-retired year F_JOB_PART_TIME_REAS_RETIRED_YR
Reason worked part-time: student F_JOB_PART_TIME_REAS_STUDENT
Want to work full-time on principal job indicator F_JOB_PART_TIME_WANT_FULL_TIME
Named as inventor for U.S patent since [question reference period] F_JOB_PATENT_APPLICATION_NAMED
Number of patent applications named as inventor F_JOB_PATENT_NUMBER_APPLIED_FOR
Number of patent applications granted resulting in commercial products F_JOB_PATENT_NUMBER_COMMERCIALIZED
Number of patent applications which have been granted F_JOB_PATENT_NUMBER_GRANTED
Principal job applied/basic research or development/design indicator F_JOB_RESEARCH_OR_DEV_DESIGN
Area or technology used during typical week: Advanced materials F_JOB_R_AND_D_ADVANCED_MATERIALS
Area or technology used during typical week: Biotechnology F_JOB_R_AND_D_BIOTECHNOLOGY
Area or technology used during typical week: High performance computing F_JOB_R_AND_D_HIGH_PERFORM_COMPUTING
Area or technology used during typical week: Flexible manufacturing, robotics F_JOB_R_AND_D_ROBOTICS
Area or technology used during typical week: Semiconductor devices F_JOB_R_AND_D_SEMICONDUCTOR_DEVICES
Area or technology used during typical week: Sensor and signal processing F_JOB_R_AND_D_SENSORSIGNAL_PROCESSING
Area or technology used during typical week: Software producibility F_JOB_R_AND_D_SOFTWARE_PRODUCIBILITY
Satisfaction principal job's opportunities for advancement F_JOB_SATISFACTION_ADVANCEMENT
Satisfaction principal job benefits F_JOB_SATISFACTION_BENEFITS
Satisfaction principal job's intellectual challenge F_JOB_SATISFACTION_CHALLENGE
Satisfaction principal job's degree of independence F_JOB_SATISFACTION_INDEPENDENCE
Satisfaction principal job's job location F_JOB_SATISFACTION_LOCATION
Satisfaction principal job's level of responsibility F_JOB_SATISFACTION_RESPONSIBILITY
Satisfaction principal job salary F_JOB_SATISFACTION_SALARY
Satisfaction principal job's job security F_JOB_SATISFACTION_SECURITY
Satisfaction principal job's contribution to society F_JOB_SATISFACTION_SOCIETY
Number of people supervised directly F_JOB_SUPERVISE_NUM_DIR
Number of people supervised directly (recoded for public use) F_JOB_SUPERVISE_NUM_DIR_PUB
Number of people supervised through subordinates F_JOB_SUPERVISE_NUM_INDIR
Number of people supervised through subordinates (recoded for public use) F_JOB_SUPERVISE_NUM_INDIR_PUB
Supervised others in principal job indicator F_JOB_SUPERVISE_WRK_IND
Work activity spent most hours on in principal job F_JOB_WRK_ACTIVITY_PRIMRY
Summarized primary work activity F_JOB_WRK_ACTIVITY_PRIMRY_SUMRY
Primary/secondary work activity on principal job: computer applications F_JOB_WRK_ACTIVITY_PRIM_SEC_COMPUTER
Primary/secondary work activity on principal job: development or design F_JOB_WRK_ACTIVITY_PRIM_SEC_DEV_DESIGN
Primary/secondary work activity on principal job: management/sales F_JOB_WRK_ACTIVITY_PRIM_SEC_MGT_SALES
Primary/secondary work activity on principal job: basic or applied research F_JOB_WRK_ACTIVITY_PRIM_SEC_RSRCH
Primary/secondary work activity on principal job: basic research/applied research/development/design F_JOB_WRK_ACTIVITY_PRIM_SEC_RSRCH_DEV
Primary/secondary work activity on principal job: basic research/applied research/development/design/teaching F_JOB_WRK_ACTIVITY_PRIM_SEC_RSRCH_DEV_TEACH
Primary/secondary work activity on principal job: teaching F_JOB_WRK_ACTIVITY_PRIM_SEC_TEACH
Work activity spent second most hours on in principal job F_JOB_WRK_ACTIVITY_SECONDARY
Summarized secondary work activity F_JOB_WRK_ACTIVITY_SECONDARY_SUMRY
Work activity on principal job (10% indicator): accounting, finance, contracts F_JOB_WRK_ACTVTY_ACCTNG
Work activity on principal job (10% indicator): applied research F_JOB_WRK_ACTVTY_APPLIED_RSCH
Work activity on principal job (10% indicator): basic research F_JOB_WRK_ACTVTY_BASIC_RSCH
Work activity on principal job (10% indicator): computer applications F_JOB_WRK_ACTVTY_COMPUTER
Work activity on principal job (10% indicator): design F_JOB_WRK_ACTVTY_DESIGN
Work activity on principal job (10% indicator): development F_JOB_WRK_ACTVTY_DEVELOPMT
Area devoted most hours F_JOB_WRK_ACTVTY_DOE_CAT_MOST_HRS
Area devoted most hours F_JOB_WRK_ACTVTY_DOE_CAT_MOST_HRS_REV
Energy-related activity involved most F_JOB_WRK_ACTVTY_ENERGY_RELTD_PRIMRY
Energy source involved most F_JOB_WRK_ACTVTY_ENERGY_SOURCE_PRIMRY
Work activity on principal job (10% indicator): managing or supervising people/project F_JOB_WRK_ACTVTY_MGT
Work activity on principal job (10% indicator): other F_JOB_WRK_ACTVTY_OTHR
Work activity on principal job (10% indicator): human resources F_JOB_WRK_ACTVTY_PERSONNEL
Work activity on principal job (10% indicator): production, operations, maintenance F_JOB_WRK_ACTVTY_PRODUCTN
Work activity on principal job (10% indicator): professional services F_JOB_WRK_ACTVTY_PROF_SERV
Work activity on principal job (10% indicator): quality or productivity management F_JOB_WRK_ACTVTY_QUAL_MGT
Work activity on principal job (10% indicator): sales, purchasing, marketing F_JOB_WRK_ACTVTY_SALES
Work activity on principal job (10% indicator): teaching F_JOB_WRK_ACTVTY_TEACH
Work similar to what you expected to be doing F_JOB_WRK_EXPECTED
Work on principal job: work with others in same organization F_JOB_WRK_OTHERS_SAME_ORG
Work on principal job: work with others in other US organization F_JOB_WRK_OTHERS_US_ORG
Work on principal job: work with immediate group or team F_JOB_WRK_TEAM

G- Job Training

Description Variable Name
Most important reason for taking work-related training G_JOB_TRAINING_PRIMARY_REASON
Reason for attending work-related training: acquire further skills/knowledge G_JOB_TRAINING_REAS_ACQ_SKILL
Reason for attending work-related training: increase advancement opportunities G_JOB_TRAINING_REAS_ADVANCEMT
Reason for attending work-related training: facilitate occupation change G_JOB_TRAINING_REAS_CHG_OCCUPAT
Reason for attending work-related training: facilitate occupation change to different field G_JOB_TRAINING_REAS_CHG_OCCUPAT_DIF
Reason for attending work-related training: required/expected by employer G_JOB_TRAINING_REAS_EMPLR_REQ
Reason for attending work-related training: licensure/certification G_JOB_TRAINING_REAS_LICENSING
Reason for attending work-related training: learn skills for recently acquired position G_JOB_TRAINING_REAS_NEW_POS
Reason for attending work-related training: increase advancement opportunities in current occupation G_JOB_TRAINING_REAS_OPPS_ADV_SALARY
Reason for attending work-related training: other G_JOB_TRAINING_REAS_OTHR
Reason for attending work-related training: leisure/personal interest G_JOB_TRAINING_REAS_PERS
Most important reason for taking work-related training G_JOB_TRAINING_REAS_PRIMRY
Area of work-related training: General professional training G_JOB_TRAINING_WRK_RELTD_GENL
General professional training: total number of days G_JOB_TRAINING_WRK_RELTD_GENL_DAYS
General professional training: total number of days (recoded) G_JOB_TRAINING_WRK_RELTD_GENL_DAYS_GRP
General professional training: paid for yourself G_JOB_TRAINING_WRK_RELTD_GENL_PAID
General professional training: number of days paid for yourself G_JOB_TRAINING_WRK_RELTD_GENL_PAID_DAYS
General professional training: number of days paid for yourself (recoded) G_JOB_TRAINING_WRK_RELTD_GENL_PAID_DAYS_GRP
Attended work-related training G_JOB_TRAINING_WRK_RELTD_IND
Area of work-related training: Management training G_JOB_TRAINING_WRK_RELTD_MGT
Management or supervisor training: total number of days G_JOB_TRAINING_WRK_RELTD_MGT_DAYS
Management or supervisor training: total number of days (recoded) G_JOB_TRAINING_WRK_RELTD_MGT_DAYS_GRP
Management or supervisor training: paid for yourself G_JOB_TRAINING_WRK_RELTD_MGT_PAID
Management or supervisor training: number of days paid for yourself G_JOB_TRAINING_WRK_RELTD_MGT_PAID_DAYS
Management or supervisor training: number of days paid for yourself (recoded) G_JOB_TRAINING_WRK_RELTD_MGT_PAID_DAYS_GRP
Area of work-related training: Other G_JOB_TRAINING_WRK_RELTD_OTHR
Other work-related training: total number of days G_JOB_TRAINING_WRK_RELTD_OTHR_DAYS
Other work-related training: total number of days (recoded) G_JOB_TRAINING_WRK_RELTD_OTHR_DAYS_GRP
Other work-related training: paid for yourself G_JOB_TRAINING_WRK_RELTD_OTHR_PAID
Other work-related training: number of days paid for yourself G_JOB_TRAINING_WRK_RELTD_OTHR_PAID_DAYS
Other work-related training: number of days paid for yourself (recoded) G_JOB_TRAINING_WRK_RELTD_OTHR_PAID_DAYS_GRP
Area of work-related training: Training in occupational field G_JOB_TRAINING_WRK_RELTD_TECHNCL
Training in occupational field: total number of days G_JOB_TRAINING_WRK_RELTD_TECHNCL_DAYS
Training in occupational field: total number of days (recoded) G_JOB_TRAINING_WRK_RELTD_TECHNCL_DAYS_GRP
Training in occupational field: paid for yourself G_JOB_TRAINING_WRK_RELTD_TECHNCL_PAID
Training in occupational field: number of days paid for yourself G_JOB_TRAINING_WRK_RELTD_TECHNCL_PAID_DAYS
Training in occupational field: number of days paid for yourself (recoded) G_JOB_TRAINING_WRK_RELTD_TECHNCL_PAID_DAYS_G

H- Job Salary

Description Variable Name
Total household income: 1996 H_JOB_HOUSEHOLD_INCOME
No household income: 1996 H_JOB_HOUSEHOLD_INCOME_NONE
Total household Income: 1996 (recoded for public use) H_JOB_HOUSEHOLD_INCOME_PUB
Salary (annualized) H_JOB_SALARY_ANN
Salary (annualized and recoded for public use) H_JOB_SALARY_ANN_PUB
Salary on principal job based on full-time H_JOB_SALARY_BASED_ON_FT_IND
Total earned income before deductions in previous year H_JOB_TOTAL_INCOME
No income in the previous year H_JOB_TOTAL_INCOME_NONE
Total earned income before deductions in previous year (recoded for public use) H_JOB_TOTAL_INCOME_PUB

I- Miscellaneous Job Related Data

Description Variable Name
Conducted research outside U.S. I_JOB_FOREIGN_RSRCH_IND
Conducted research outside U.S. I_JOB_FOREIGN_RSRCH_IND_REV
Increasing interest in research outside U.S.: Family-related reasons I_JOB_FOREIGN_RSRCH_INTRST_INC_REAS_FAMILY
Increasing interest in research outside U.S.: Better financial support I_JOB_FOREIGN_RSRCH_INTRST_INC_REAS_FINANCL
Increasing interest in research outside U.S.: Better access to research opportunities I_JOB_FOREIGN_RSRCH_INTRST_INC_REAS_INFO
Increasing interest in research outside U.S.: Better foreign language training I_JOB_FOREIGN_RSRCH_INTRST_INC_REAS_LANG
Increasing interest in research outside U.S.: Other I_JOB_FOREIGN_RSRCH_INTRST_INC_REAS_OTHR
Increasing interest in research outside U.S.: Better sabbatical leave policy I_JOB_FOREIGN_RSRCH_INTRST_INC_REAS_SABBATCL
Would consider conducting research outside U.S. I_JOB_FOREIGN_RSRCH_INTRST_IND
Federal agency supporting work: Agency Unknown I_JOB_GOV_AGCY_SUPPORT_DONT_KNOW
Federal government support indicator I_JOB_GOV_AGCY_SUPPORT_IND
Federal agency supporting work: Agriculture I_JOB_GOV_AGCY_SUPP_AGRIC
Federal agency supporting work: AID I_JOB_GOV_AGCY_SUPP_AID
Federal agency supporting work: Commerce I_JOB_GOV_AGCY_SUPP_CMRCE
Federal agency supporting work: Defense I_JOB_GOV_AGCY_SUPP_DEFENSE
Federal agency supporting work: Education I_JOB_GOV_AGCY_SUPP_EDUC
Federal agency supporting work: Energy I_JOB_GOV_AGCY_SUPP_ENERGY
Federal agency supporting work: EPA I_JOB_GOV_AGCY_SUPP_EPA
Federal agency supporting work: HHS I_JOB_GOV_AGCY_SUPP_HHS
Federal agency supporting work: HUD I_JOB_GOV_AGCY_SUPP_HUD
Federal agency supporting work: Interior I_JOB_GOV_AGCY_SUPP_INTERIOR
Federal agency supporting work: JUSTICE I_JOB_GOV_AGCY_SUPP_JUSTICE
Federal agency supporting work: LABOR I_JOB_GOV_AGCY_SUPP_LABOR
Federal agency supporting work: NASA I_JOB_GOV_AGCY_SUPP_NASA
Federal agency supporting work: NIH I_JOB_GOV_AGCY_SUPP_NIH
Federal agency supporting work: NRC I_JOB_GOV_AGCY_SUPP_NRC
Federal agency supporting work: NSF I_JOB_GOV_AGCY_SUPP_NSF
Federal agency supporting work: Other I_JOB_GOV_AGCY_SUPP_OTHR
Federal agency supporting work: STATE I_JOB_GOV_AGCY_SUPP_STATE
Federal agency supporting work: Transportation I_JOB_GOV_AGCY_SUPP_TRANSPORT
Federal agency supporting work: VA I_JOB_GOV_AGCY_SUPP_VA
Concerned about someone else in household losing job I_JOB_HOUSEHOLD_LOSE_CONCERNED
No other working adult in household I_JOB_HOUSEHOLD_NO_OTHER_ADULT_WORKING
Lost or left job due to employer closing or downsizing I_JOB_LAIDOFF_DOWNSIZED
New job offered what level of: responsibility I_JOB_LAIDOFF_NEWJOB_RESPONSIBILITY
New job offered what level of: salary I_JOB_LAIDOFF_NEWJOB_SALARY
New job offered what level of: knowledge/skill utilization I_JOB_LAIDOFF_NEWJOB_SKILLS
Reasons for losing/leaving job: company closed down I_JOB_LAIDOFF_REASON_CLOSED
Reasons for losing/leaving job: company had insufficient revenue I_JOB_LAIDOFF_REASON_LACK_BUSINESS
Reasons for losing/leaving job: company moved I_JOB_LAIDOFF_REASON_MOVED
Reasons for losing/leaving job: other I_JOB_LAIDOFF_REASON_OTHER
Reasons for losing/leaving job: work reorganized/restructured I_JOB_LAIDOFF_REASON_REORGANIZED
Reasons for losing/leaving job: self-operated business ended I_JOB_LAIDOFF_REASON_SELF_END
Reasons for losing/leaving job: company taken over I_JOB_LAIDOFF_REASON_TAKEOVER
Months to find new job I_JOB_LAIDOFF_TIME_FIND_NEW_JOB
Year, left/lost job I_JOB_LAIDOFF_YEAR
Year, left/lost job (recoded for public use) I_JOB_LAIDOFF_YEAR_PUB
Concerned about losing job I_JOB_LOSE_CONCERNED
Offered buy-out I_JOB_OFFERED_BUYOUT
Length of last trip conducting research outside U.S. I_JOB_OVERSEAS_TRIP_TIME
Reason not conducted research outside U.S.: family-related reasons I_NO_FOREIGN_RES_FAMILY_REASO
Reason not conducted research outside U.S.: concerned about losing place in U.S. job market I_NO_FOREIGN_RES_JOB_CONCERN
Reason not conducted research outside U.S.: lack of foreign language skills I_NO_FOREIGN_RES_LACK_LANG
Reason not conducted research outside U.S.: not relevant to my career I_NO_FOREIGN_RES_NOT_RELEVANT
Reason not conducted research outside U.S.: no funding I_NO_FOREIGN_RES_NO_FUNDING
Reason not conducted research outside U.S.: no host I_NO_FOREIGN_RES_NO_HOST
Reason not conducted research outside U.S.: no interest I_NO_FOREIGN_RES_NO_INTEREST
Reason not conducted research outside U.S.: no time I_NO_FOREIGN_RES_NO_TIME
Reason not conducted research outside U.S.: other I_NO_FOREIGN_RES_OTHER


J- First Bachelor's Degree (BA)

Description Variable Name
Number of bachelors or higher degrees J_ED_BA_AND_ABOVE_DEGREE_NBR
Academic year of award for first bachelor's degree J_ED_BA_DEGREE_AWARD_ACADEMIC_YR
Month of award of first bachelor's degree J_ED_BA_DEGREE_AWARD_MO
Year of award of first bachelor's degree J_ED_BA_DEGREE_AWARD_YR
Year of first bachelor's degree (5-year intervals), recoded for public use. J_ED_BA_DEGREE_AWARD_YR2003_5_YR_GROUPING_PU
Year of award of first bachelor's degree (3-year intervals) J_ED_BA_DEGREE_AWARD_YR_3_YR_GROUPING
Year of award of first bachelor's degree (5-year intervals) J_ED_BA_DEGREE_AWARD_YR_5_YR_GROUPING
Year of first bachelor's degree (5-year intervals), recoded for public use. J_ED_BA_DEGREE_AWARD_YR_5_YR_GROUPING_PUB
Undergraduate grade-point average (GPA) J_ED_BA_DEGREE_GPA
Month first enrolled towards bachelor's degree J_ED_BA_ENROLL_MONTH
Year first enrolled towards bachelor's degree J_ED_BA_ENROLL_YEAR
Undergraduate loans: total funds borrowed J_ED_BA_FINAN_SUPP_BORROWED_AMT
Undergraduate loans: total funds borrowed (recoded for public use) J_ED_BA_FINAN_SUPP_BORROWED_AMT_PUB
Undergraduate loans: remaining balance J_ED_BA_FINAN_SUPP_BORROWED_BAL
Undergraduate loans: remaining balance (recoded for public use) J_ED_BA_FINAN_SUPP_BORROWED_BAL_PUB
Financial support for first bachelor's degree: Earnings from employment J_ED_BA_FINAN_SUPP_EARNINGS
Financial support for first bachelor's degree: Employer J_ED_BA_FINAN_SUPP_EMPR
Financial support for first bachelor's degree: Gifts J_ED_BA_FINAN_SUPP_GIFTS
Financial support for first bachelor's degree: Grants J_ED_BA_FINAN_SUPP_GRANTS
Financial support for first bachelor's degree: Loans J_ED_BA_FINAN_SUPP_LOANS
Financial support for first bachelor's degree: Loans from parents, other relatives J_ED_BA_FINAN_SUPP_LOANS_PARENT
Financial support for first bachelor's degree: Other J_ED_BA_FINAN_SUPP_OTHR
Financial support for first bachelor's degree: Assistantship/work study J_ED_BA_FINAN_SUPP_WRK_STUDY
Field of study code for first intended major (best code) J_ED_BA_MAJOR_1ST_INTENDED_ED_CAT
Education code for first intended major (best code) J_ED_BA_MAJOR_1ST_INTENDED_ED_CAT_NEW
Field of study code for first intended major (recoded for public use) J_ED_BA_MAJOR_1ST_INTENDED_ED_CAT_PUB
Field of study code for first intended major (reported code) J_ED_BA_MAJOR_1ST_INTENDED_ED_CAT_RPTD
Education code for first intended major (reported code) J_ED_BA_MAJOR_1ST_INTENDED_ED_CAT_RPTD_NEW
Field of first intended major (major group) J_ED_BA_MAJOR_1ST_INTENDED_ED_GRP_MAJOR
Education field major group J_ED_BA_MAJOR_1ST_INTENDED_ED_GRP_MAJOR_NEW
Field of first intended major (minor group) J_ED_BA_MAJOR_1ST_INTENDED_ED_GRP_MINOR
Education field minor group J_ED_BA_MAJOR_1ST_INTENDED_ED_GRP_MINOR_NEW
First intended major: undecided J_ED_BA_MAJOR_1ST_INTENDED_UNDECIDED
Field of second major (or minor) for first bachelor's degree (best code) J_ED_BA_MAJOR_2ND_MAJ_ED_CAT
Field of study for second major (or minor) for first bachelor's degree - best code J_ED_BA_MAJOR_2ND_MAJ_ED_CAT_NEW
Field of second major (or minor) for first bachelor's degree (recoded for public use) J_ED_BA_MAJOR_2ND_MAJ_ED_CAT_PUB
Field of study code for second major (or minor) for first bachelor's degree (reported code) J_ED_BA_MAJOR_2ND_MAJ_ED_CAT_RPTD
Field of study of second major (or minor) for first bachelor's degree - reported code (do not use for analysis - use best code) J_ED_BA_MAJOR_2ND_MAJ_ED_CAT_RPTD_NEW
Field of second major (or minor) for first bachelor's degree (major group) J_ED_BA_MAJOR_2ND_MAJ_ED_GRP_MAJOR
Field of study of second major (or minor) for first bachelor's degree (major group) J_ED_BA_MAJOR_2ND_MAJ_ED_GRP_MAJOR_NEW
Field of second major (or minor) for first bachelor's degree (minor group) J_ED_BA_MAJOR_2ND_MAJ_ED_GRP_MINOR
Field of study of second major (or minor) for first bachelor's degree (minor group) J_ED_BA_MAJOR_2ND_MAJ_ED_GRP_MINOR_NEW
Field of major for first bachelor's degree (best code) J_ED_BA_MAJOR_ED_CAT
Field of study of for first bachelor's degree - best code J_ED_BA_MAJOR_ED_CAT_NEW
Field of major for first bachelor's degree (recoded for public use) J_ED_BA_MAJOR_ED_CAT_PUB
Field of major for first bachelor's degree (best code - recoded for public use) J_ED_BA_MAJOR_ED_CAT_PUB_NEW
Field of major for first bachelor's degree (reported code) J_ED_BA_MAJOR_ED_CAT_RPTD
Field of study for first bachelor's degree - reported code (do not use for analysis - use best code) J_ED_BA_MAJOR_ED_CAT_RPTD_NEW
Field of major for first bachelor's degree (major group) J_ED_BA_MAJOR_ED_GROUP_MAJOR
Field of study for first bachelor's degree (major group) J_ED_BA_MAJOR_ED_GROUP_MAJOR_NEW
Field of major for first bachelor's degree (minor group) J_ED_BA_MAJOR_ED_GROUP_MINOR
Field of study for first bachelor's degree (minor group) J_ED_BA_MAJOR_ED_GROUP_MINOR_NEW
Carnegie classification for school awarding first bachelor's degree - 1994 Carnegie code J_ED_BA_SCHOOL_CARNEGIE_CLS
Carnegie classification for school awarding first bachelor's degree - 2005 Carnegie code J_ED_BA_SCHOOL_CARNEGIE_CLS_NEW
Institution code for school awarding first bachelor's degree J_ED_BA_SCHOOL_CODE
Public/private status of postsecondary institution awarding first bachelor's degree - 1994 Carnegie value J_ED_BA_SCHOOL_PUBLIC_OR_PRIVTE
Public/private status of postsecondary institution awarding first bachelor's degree -- 2005 Carnegie value J_ED_BA_SCHOOL_PUBLIC_OR_PRIVTE_NEW
Location of school awarding first bachelor's degree (region code) J_ED_BA_SCHOOL_REGION
Location of school awarding first bachelor's degree (region code, recoded for public use) J_ED_BA_SCHOOL_REGION_PUB
Location of school awarding first bachelor's degree (U.S./Non-U.S.) J_ED_BA_SCHOOL_REGION_US_NONUS
Location of school awarding first bachelor's degree (state/country code) J_ED_BA_SCHOOL_ST_CTRY_CD

K- Community College/Associate's Degree

Description Variable Name
2-Year Associates Degree K_ED_AA_DEGREE_IND
Bachelor's or high degree indicator K_ED_BS_DEGREE_IND
Attended community college K_ED_COM_COLL_IND
Reasons attend community college: complete associates degree K_ED_COM_COLL_REAS_AA_DEGR
Reasons attend community college: acquire further skills in academic/occupation field K_ED_COM_COLL_REAS_ACQ_SKILLS
Reasons attend community college: high school advanced placement program K_ED_COM_COLL_REAS_ADV_PLACEMT
Reasons attend community college: complete credit towards bachelor's degree K_ED_COM_COLL_REAS_BA_DEGR
Reasons attend community college: change academic/occupational field K_ED_COM_COLL_REAS_CHG_FLD
Reasons attend community college: financial reasons K_ED_COM_COLL_REAS_FINANCIAL
Reasons attend community college: complete high school equivalency K_ED_COM_COLL_REAS_HS_DEGR
Reasons attend community college: increase opportunities for promotion/advancement K_ED_COM_COLL_REAS_JOB_ADVANCE
Reasons attend community college: other K_ED_COM_COLL_REAS_OTHR
Reasons attend community college: leisure K_ED_COM_COLL_REAS_PERSONL
Reasons attend community college: prepare for college K_ED_COM_COLL_REAS_PREP_COLL

L- High School (HS)

Description Variable Name
Year received high school diploma L_ED_HS_DEGREE_AWARD_YR
Year received high school diploma (recoded for public use) L_ED_HS_DEGREE_AWARD_YR_PUB
Did not finish high school L_ED_HS_DEGREE_NONE
Location of high school (region code) L_ED_HS_SCHOOL_REGION
Location attended high school (US/Non-US) L_ED_HS_SCHOOL_REGION_US_NONUS
Location of high school (state/country code) L_ED_HS_SCHOOL_ST_CTRY_CD

M- Most Recent Degree (MR)

Description Variable Name
Academic year of award for most recent degree M_ED_MR_DEGREE_AWARD_ACADEMIC_YR
Month of award of most recent degree M_ED_MR_DEGREE_AWARD_MO
Year of award of most recent degree M_ED_MR_DEGREE_AWARD_YR
Year of most recent degree (5-year intervals), recoded for public use. M_ED_MR_DEGREE_AWARD_YR2003_5_YR_GROUPING_PU
Year of award of most recent degree (3-year intervals) M_ED_MR_DEGREE_AWARD_YR_3_YR_GROUPING
Year of award of most recent degree (5-year intervals) M_ED_MR_DEGREE_AWARD_YR_5_YR_GROUPING
Year of most recent degree (5-year intervals), recoded for public use. M_ED_MR_DEGREE_AWARD_YR_5_YR_GROUPING_PUB
Reason for obtaining most recent degree: acquire further skills in field M_ED_MR_DEGREE_REAS_ACQ_SKILL
Reason for obtaining most recent degree: increase opportunities for promotion, advancement, higher salary M_ED_MR_DEGREE_REAS_ADVANCEMT
Reason for obtaining most recent degree: further education before career M_ED_MR_DEGREE_REAS_BEGIN_CAREER
Reason for obtaining most recent degree: change academic/occupational field M_ED_MR_DEGREE_REAS_CHG_FLD
Reason for obtaining most recent degree: required/expected by employer M_ED_MR_DEGREE_REAS_EMPR_REQ
Reason for obtaining most recent degree: licensure/certification M_ED_MR_DEGREE_REAS_LICENSING
Reason for obtaining most recent degree: other M_ED_MR_DEGREE_REAS_OTHR
Reason for obtaining most recent degree: graduate school, required by employer or other M_ED_MR_DEGREE_REAS_OTHR_PUB
Reason for obtaining most recent degree: leisure/personal interest M_ED_MR_DEGREE_REAS_PERSONL
Reason for obtaining most recent degree: prepare for grad school/further education M_ED_MR_DEGREE_REAS_PREP_GRAD_SCHL
Most recent degree type M_ED_MR_DEGREE_TYPE
School related costs for most recent degree paid by employer M_ED_MR_EMP_ASSISTANCE_Week
Financial support, most recent degree: Earnings from employment M_ED_MR_FINAN_SUPP_EARNINGS
Financial support, most recent degree: Financial assistance from employer M_ED_MR_FINAN_SUPP_EMPR
Financial support, most recent degree: Gifts M_ED_MR_FINAN_SUPP_GIFTS
Financial support, most recent degree: Grants M_ED_MR_FINAN_SUPP_GRANTS
Financial support, most recent degree: Loans M_ED_MR_FINAN_SUPP_LOANS
Financial support, most recent degree: Loans from parents, other relatives M_ED_MR_FINAN_SUPP_LOANS_PARENT
Financial support, most recent degree: Other M_ED_MR_FINAN_SUPP_OTHR
Financial support, most recent degree: Assistantship/Work Study M_ED_MR_FINAN_SUPP_WRK_STUDY
Field of second major (or minor) for most recent degree (best code) M_ED_MR_MAJOR_2ND_MAJ_ED_CAT
Field of study of second major (or minor) for most recent degree - best code M_ED_MR_MAJOR_2ND_MAJ_ED_CAT_NEW
Field of second major (or minor) for most recent degree (recoded for public use) M_ED_MR_MAJOR_2ND_MAJ_ED_CAT_PUB
Field of second major (or minor) for most recent degree (reported code) M_ED_MR_MAJOR_2ND_MAJ_ED_CAT_RPTD
Field of study of second major (or minor) for most recent degree - reported code (do not use for analysis - use best code) M_ED_MR_MAJOR_2ND_MAJ_ED_CAT_RPTD_NEW
Field of second major (or minor) for most recent degree (major group) M_ED_MR_MAJOR_2ND_MAJ_ED_GRP_MAJOR
Field of study of second major (or minor) for most recent degree (major group) M_ED_MR_MAJOR_2ND_MAJ_ED_GRP_MAJOR_NEW
Field of second major (or minor) for most recent degree (minor group) M_ED_MR_MAJOR_2ND_MAJ_ED_GRP_MINOR
Field of study of second major (or minor) for most recent degree (minor group) M_ED_MR_MAJOR_2ND_MAJ_ED_GRP_MINOR_NEW
Field of major for most recent degree (best code) M_ED_MR_MAJOR_ED_CAT
Field of study of major for most recent degree - best code M_ED_MR_MAJOR_ED_CAT_NEW
Field of major for most recent degree (recoded for public use) M_ED_MR_MAJOR_ED_CAT_PUB
Field of major for most recent degree (recoded for public use) M_ED_MR_MAJOR_ED_CAT_PUB_NEW
Field of major for most recent degree (reported code) M_ED_MR_MAJOR_ED_CAT_RPTD
Field of study of major for most recent degree - reported code (do not use for analysis - use best code) M_ED_MR_MAJOR_ED_CAT_RPTD_NEW
Field of major for most recent degree (major group) M_ED_MR_MAJOR_ED_GRP_MAJOR
Field of study of major for most recent degree (major group) M_ED_MR_MAJOR_ED_GRP_MAJOR_NEW
Field of major for most recent degree (minor group) M_ED_MR_MAJOR_ED_GRP_MINOR
Field of study of major for most recent degree (minor group) M_ED_MR_MAJOR_ED_GRP_MINOR_NEW
Carnegie classification for school awarding most recent degree - 1994 Carnegie code M_ED_MR_SCHOOL_CARNEGIE_CLS
Carnegie classification for school awarding most recent degree - 2005 Carnegie code M_ED_MR_SCHOOL_CARNEGIE_CLS_NEW
Institution code for school awarding most recent degree M_ED_MR_SCHOOL_CODE
Public/private status of postsecondary institution awarding most recent degree - 1994 Carnegie value M_ED_MR_SCHOOL_PUB_OR_PRIV
Public/private status of postsecondary institution awarding most recent degree - 2005 Carnegie value M_ED_MR_SCHOOL_PUB_OR_PRIV_NEW
Location of school awarding most recent degree (region code) M_ED_MR_SCHOOL_REGION
Location of school awarding most recent degree (region code, recoded for public use) M_ED_MR_SCHOOL_REGION_PUB
Location of school awarding most recent degree (U.S./Non-U.S.) M_ED_MR_SCHOOL_REGION_US_NONUS
Location of school awarding most recent degree (state/country code) M_ED_MR_SCHOOL_ST_CTRY_CD

N- Other Education

Description Variable Name
Likelihood of taking additional college courses N_ED_FUTURE_ENROLL_LIKELIHOOD_IND
Amount borrowed to finance GRADUATE degree(s) N_ED_GR_FINAN_SUPP_BORROWED_RANGE_AMT
Amount still owed from financing of GRADUATE degree(s) N_ED_GR_FINAN_SUPP_BORROWED_RANGE_BAL
Financial support for graduate degree(s): earnings N_ED_GR_FINAN_SUPP_EARNINGS
Financial support for graduate degree(s): employer N_ED_GR_FINAN_SUPP_EMPR
Financial support for graduate degree(s): parents/relatives, not to be repaid N_ED_GR_FINAN_SUPP_GIFTS
Financial support for graduate degree(s): tuition waivers, fellowships, grants and scholarships N_ED_GR_FINAN_SUPP_GRANTS
Financial support for graduate degree(s): Loans from school, banks, and government N_ED_GR_FINAN_SUPP_LOANS
Financial support for graduate degree(s): Loans from parents or other relatives N_ED_GR_FINAN_SUPP_LOANS_PARENT
Financial support for graduate degree(s): did not earn a degree at this level N_ED_GR_FINAN_SUPP_NO_DEGREE
Financial support for graduate degree(s): other N_ED_GR_FINAN_SUPP_OTHR
Financial support for graduate degree(s): assistantships or work study N_ED_GR_FINAN_SUPP_WRK_STUDY
Highest educational level attained N_ED_HIGHEST_EDUC_LEVEL_ATTAIN
School related costs paid by employer N_ED_MR_EMP_ASSISTANCE
School related costs for course taking paid by employer N_ED_REF_WK_EMP_ASSISTANCE
Code for field of study during reference week (major group) N_ED_REF_WK_ENROLL_ED_CAT_MAJOR_NEW
Code for field of study during reference week (minor group) N_ED_REF_WK_ENROLL_ED_CAT_MINOR_NEW
Code for field of study during reference week - best code N_ED_REF_WK_ENROLL_ED_CAT_NEW
Code for field of study during reference week - reported code N_ED_REF_WK_ENROLL_ED_CAT_RPTD
Taking courses/enrolled during reference week: enrollment status N_ED_REF_WK_ENROLL_FT_PT_IND
Taking courses during reference week N_ED_REF_WK_ENROLL_IND
Taking courses and/or enrolled during reference week indicator N_ED_REF_WK_ENROLL_IND_REV
Reason for taking courses during reference week: gain further skills in field N_ED_REF_WK_ENROLL_REAS_ACQ_SKILL
Reason for taking courses during reference week: increase advancement opportunities N_ED_REF_WK_ENROLL_REAS_ADVANCEMT
Reason for taking courses during reference week: further education before career N_ED_REF_WK_ENROLL_REAS_BEGIN_CAREER
Reason for taking courses during reference week: change academic/occupational field N_ED_REF_WK_ENROLL_REAS_CHG_FLD
Reason for taking courses during reference week: expected/required by employer N_ED_REF_WK_ENROLL_REAS_EMPR_REQ
Reason for taking courses during reference week: licensure/certification N_ED_REF_WK_ENROLL_REAS_LICENSING
Reason for taking courses during reference week: other N_ED_REF_WK_ENROLL_REAS_OTHR
Reason for taking courses during reference week: graduate school, required by employer or other N_ED_REF_WK_ENROLL_REAS_OTHR_PUB
Reason for taking courses during reference week: leisure/personal interest N_ED_REF_WK_ENROLL_REAS_PERSONL
Reason for taking courses during reference week: prepare for graduate school/further education N_ED_REF_WK_ENROLL_REAS_PREP_GRAD_SCHL
Region, college/university attended during reference week N_ED_REF_WK_SCHOOL_REGION
Location of school attended during reference week N_ED_REF_WK_SCHOOL_REGION_US_NONUS
College/university attended during reference week: State/country code N_ED_REF_WK_SCHOOL_ST_CTRY_CD
Type of degree working on during reference week N_ED_REF_WK_WORK_DEGREE
Graduate loans: total funds borrowed N_ED_SINCE_BA_FINAN_SUPP_BORROWED_AMT
Graduate loans: total funds borrowed (recoded for public use) N_ED_SINCE_BA_FINAN_SUPP_BORROWED_AMT_PUB
Graduate loans: remaining balance N_ED_SINCE_BA_FINAN_SUPP_BORROWED_BAL
Graduate loans: remaining balance (recoded for public use) N_ED_SINCE_BA_FINAN_SUPP_BORROWED_BAL_PUB
Type of degree working on since after college N_ED_SINCE_MR_DEGREE_WRK_TOWARD_IND
Took courses or enrolled in other way after completing most recent degree N_ED_SINCE_MR_ENROLL_COURSE_OR_OTHR
Field of major for field of study after most recent degree but before reference week (best code) N_ED_SINCE_MR_ENROLL_ED_CAT
Education code for field of study after college (recoded for public use) N_ED_SINCE_MR_ENROLL_ED_CAT_PUB
Education code for field of study after college (edited) N_ED_SINCE_MR_ENROLL_ED_CAT_REF_2_YEARS_NEW
Field of major for field of study after most recent degree but before reference week (reported code) N_ED_SINCE_MR_ENROLL_ED_CAT_RPTD
Education code for field of study after college (reported code) N_ED_SINCE_MR_ENROLL_ED_CAT_RPTD_REF_2_YEARS
Education group for field of study after college: major group N_ED_SINCE_MR_ENROLL_ED_GRP_MAJOR
Education group for field of study after college: minor group N_ED_SINCE_MR_ENROLL_ED_GRP_MINOR
College courses after completing most recent degree N_ED_SINCE_MR_ENROLL_IND
No primary field of study in courses after college N_ED_SINCE_MR_ENROLL_MAJOR_NONE
Enrolled In other than courses after completing most recent degree N_ED_SINCE_MR_ENROLL_OTHR_THAN_COURSE
Reasons for taking courses: acquire further skills in field N_ED_SINCE_MR_ENROLL_REAS_ACQ_SKILL
Reasons for taking courses: increase advancement opportunities N_ED_SINCE_MR_ENROLL_REAS_ADVANCEMT
Reasons for taking courses: further education before career N_ED_SINCE_MR_ENROLL_REAS_BEGIN_CAREER
Reasons for taking courses: facilitate academic/occupational field change N_ED_SINCE_MR_ENROLL_REAS_CHG_FLD
Reasons for taking courses: expected/required by employer N_ED_SINCE_MR_ENROLL_REAS_EMPR_REQ
Reasons for taking courses: licensure/certification N_ED_SINCE_MR_ENROLL_REAS_LICENSING
Reasons for taking courses: other N_ED_SINCE_MR_ENROLL_REAS_OTHR
Reasons for taking courses: personal interest N_ED_SINCE_MR_ENROLL_REAS_PERSONL
Reasons for taking courses: prepare for graduate school N_ED_SINCE_MR_ENROLL_REAS_PREP_GRAD_SCHL
College courses after completing most recent degree N_ED_SINCE_MR_ENROLL_REF_2_YEARS_IND
Sources of financial support for courses since college: Earnings from employment N_ED_SINCE_MR_FINAN_SUPP_EARNINGS
Sources of financial support for courses since college: Employer N_ED_SINCE_MR_FINAN_SUPP_EMPR
Sources of financial support for courses since college: Gifts Parents/Relatives N_ED_SINCE_MR_FINAN_SUPP_GIFTS
Sources of financial support for courses since college: Grants/Scholarships/etc. N_ED_SINCE_MR_FINAN_SUPP_GRANTS
Sources of financial support for courses since college: Loans School/Bank/Government N_ED_SINCE_MR_FINAN_SUPP_LOANS
Sources of financial support for courses since college: Loans Parents/Relatives N_ED_SINCE_MR_FINAN_SUPP_LOANS_PARENT
Sources of financial support for courses since college: Other N_ED_SINCE_MR_FINAN_SUPP_OTHR
Sources of financial support for courses since college: Assistantships/Work Study N_ED_SINCE_MR_FINAN_SUPP_WRK_STUDY
Reasons for not taking courses: family N_ED_SINCE_MR_NO_ENROLL_REAS_FAMILY
Reasons for not taking courses: financial reasons N_ED_SINCE_MR_NO_ENROLL_REAS_FINANCL
Reasons for not taking courses: achieved educational goals N_ED_SINCE_MR_NO_ENROLL_REAS_GOAL_COMPL
Reasons for not taking courses: moved N_ED_SINCE_MR_NO_ENROLL_REAS_MOVED
Reasons for not taking courses: needed break N_ED_SINCE_MR_NO_ENROLL_REAS_NEED_BRK
Reasons for not taking courses: no longer certain of field N_ED_SINCE_MR_NO_ENROLL_REAS_NO_FIELD
Reasons for not taking courses: waiting for next school term N_ED_SINCE_MR_NO_ENROLL_REAS_NXT_TRM
Reasons for not taking courses: other N_ED_SINCE_MR_NO_ENROLL_REAS_OTHR
Reasons for not taking courses: most important reason N_ED_SINCE_MR_NO_ENROLL_REAS_PRIMARY
Reasons for not taking courses: second most important reason N_ED_SINCE_MR_NO_ENROLL_REAS_SECONDARY
Reasons for not taking courses: job N_ED_SINCE_MR_NO_ENROLL_REAS_WORK
Highest degree since doctorate: education code, primary field of study (recoded for public use) N_ED_SINCE_PHD_DEGREE_ED_CAT_PUB
Highest degree since doctorate: education major group for primary field of study N_ED_SINCE_PHD_DEGREE_ED_GRP_MAJOR
Highest degree since doctorate: education minor group for primary field of study N_ED_SINCE_PHD_DEGREE_ED_GRP_MINOR
Highest degree since doctorate: year awarded (recoded for public use) N_ED_SINCE_PHD_DEGREE_YR_AWARDED_PUB
Highest degree since doctorate: course costs paid for by employer N_ED_SINCE_PHD_FINAN_SUPP_EMPR
Completed degree since reference week N_ED_SINCE_REF_WK_DEGREE_COMPL_IND
Taken college courses since reference week N_ED_SINCE_REF_WK_ENROLL_IND
Amount borrowed to finance UNDERGRADUATE degree(s) N_ED_UG_FINAN_SUPP_BORROWED_RANGE_AMT
Amount still owed from financing of UNDERGRADUATE degree(s) N_ED_UG_FINAN_SUPP_BORROWED_RANGE_BAL
Financial support for undergraduate degree: earnings N_ED_UG_FINAN_SUPP_EARNINGS
Financial support for undergraduate degree(s): from employer N_ED_UG_FINAN_SUPP_EMPR
Financial support for undergraduate degree(s): parents/relatives, not to be repaid N_ED_UG_FINAN_SUPP_GIFTS
Financial support for undergraduate degree(s): tuition waivers, fellowships, grants and scholarships N_ED_UG_FINAN_SUPP_GRANTS
Financial support for undergraduate degree(s): Loans from school, banks, and government N_ED_UG_FINAN_SUPP_LOANS
Financial support for undergraduate degree(s): Loans from parents or other relatives N_ED_UG_FINAN_SUPP_LOANS_PARENT
Financial support for undergraduate degree(s): did not earn a degree at this level N_ED_UG_FINAN_SUPP_NO_DEGREE
Financial support for undergraduate degree(s): other N_ED_UG_FINAN_SUPP_OTHR
Financial support for undergraduate degree(s): assistantships or work study N_ED_UG_FINAN_SUPP_WRK_STUDY
Completed degree between [previous survey reference month/year] and [current survey reference month/year] N_ED_WORK_DEGREE_COMPLETED
Type of degree working on since college N_ED_WORK_DEGREE_SINCE_RECENT
No specific type of degree working on since college N_ED_WORK_DEGREE_SINCE_RECENT_NONE
Type of degree working on since most recent degree N_ED_WORK_SINCE_MR_ENROLL_REF_2_YEARS

O- Highest Degree (HD)

Description Variable Name
Academic year of award for highest degree O_ED_HD_DEGREE_AWARD_ACADEMIC_YR
Month of award of highest degree O_ED_HD_DEGREE_AWARD_MO
Year of award of highest degree O_ED_HD_DEGREE_AWARD_YR
Year of highest degree (5 year intervals), recoded for public use. O_ED_HD_DEGREE_AWARD_YR2003_5_YR_GROUPING_PU
Year of award of highest degree (3 year intervals) O_ED_HD_DEGREE_AWARD_YR_3_YR_GROUPING
Year of award of highest degree (5 year intervals) O_ED_HD_DEGREE_AWARD_YR_5_YR_GROUPING
Year of highest degree (5 year intervals), recoded for public use. O_ED_HD_DEGREE_AWARD_YR_5_YR_GROUPING_PUB
Reason for obtaining this degree: acquire further skills in field O_ED_HD_DEGREE_REAS_ACQ_SKILL
Reason for obtaining this degree: increase advancement opportunities O_ED_HD_DEGREE_REAS_ADVANCEMT
Reason for obtaining this degree: further education before career O_ED_HD_DEGREE_REAS_BEGIN_CAREER
Reason for obtaining this degree: change academic/occupational field O_ED_HD_DEGREE_REAS_CHG_FLD
Reason for obtaining this degree: expected/required by employer O_ED_HD_DEGREE_REAS_EMPR_REQ
Reason for obtaining this degree: licensure/certification O_ED_HD_DEGREE_REAS_LICENSING
Reason for obtaining this degree: other O_ED_HD_DEGREE_REAS_OTHR
Reason for obtaining this degree: leisure/personal interest O_ED_HD_DEGREE_REAS_PERSONL
Reason for obtaining this degree: prepare for graduate school/further education O_ED_HD_DEGREE_REAS_PREP_GRAD_SCHL
Highest degree type O_ED_HD_DEGREE_TYPE
School related costs for highest degree paid by employer O_ED_HD_EMP_ASSISTANCE_Week
Financial support for highest degree: Earnings from employment O_ED_HD_FINAN_SUPP_EARNINGS
Financial support for highest degree: Financial assistance from employer O_ED_HD_FINAN_SUPP_EMPR
Financial support for highest degree: Gifts O_ED_HD_FINAN_SUPP_GIFTS
Financial support for highest degree: Grants O_ED_HD_FINAN_SUPP_GRANTS
Financial support for highest degree: Loans O_ED_HD_FINAN_SUPP_LOANS
Financial support for highest degree: Loans from parents, other relatives O_ED_HD_FINAN_SUPP_LOANS_PARENT
Financial support for highest degree: Other O_ED_HD_FINAN_SUPP_OTHR
Financial support for highest degree: Assistantship/Work Study O_ED_HD_FINAN_SUPP_WRK_STUDY
Field of second major (or minor) for highest degree (best code) O_ED_HD_MAJOR_2ND_MAJ_ED_CAT
Field of study of second major (or minor) for highest degree - best code O_ED_HD_MAJOR_2ND_MAJ_ED_CAT_NEW
Field of second major (or minor) for highest degree (recoded for public use) O_ED_HD_MAJOR_2ND_MAJ_ED_CAT_PUB
Field of study code for second major (or minor) for highest degree (reported code) O_ED_HD_MAJOR_2ND_MAJ_ED_CAT_RPTD
Field of study of second major (or minor) for highest degree - reported code (do not use for analysis - use best code) O_ED_HD_MAJOR_2ND_MAJ_ED_CAT_RPTD_NEW
Field of second major (or minor) for highest degree (major group) O_ED_HD_MAJOR_2ND_MAJ_ED_GRP_MAJOR
Field of study of second major (or minor) for highest degree (major group) O_ED_HD_MAJOR_2ND_MAJ_ED_GRP_MAJOR_NEW
Field of second major (or minor) for highest degree (minor group) O_ED_HD_MAJOR_2ND_MAJ_ED_GRP_MINOR
Field of study of second major (or minor) for highest degree (minor group) O_ED_HD_MAJOR_2ND_MAJ_ED_GRP_MINOR_NEW
Field of major for highest degree (best code) O_ED_HD_MAJOR_ED_CAT
Field of study for highest degree - best code O_ED_HD_MAJOR_ED_CAT_NEW
Field of major for highest degree (recoded for public use) O_ED_HD_MAJOR_ED_CAT_PUB
Field of major for highest degree (recoded for public use) O_ED_HD_MAJOR_ED_CAT_PUB_NEW
Field of major for highest degree (reported code) O_ED_HD_MAJOR_ED_CAT_RPTD
Field of study for highest degree - reported code (do not use for analysis - use best code) O_ED_HD_MAJOR_ED_CAT_RPTD_NEW
Field of major for highest degree (major group) O_ED_HD_MAJOR_ED_GRP_MAJOR
Field of study for highest degree (major group) O_ED_HD_MAJOR_ED_GRP_MAJOR_NEW
Field of major for highest degree (major group) (recoded for public use) O_ED_HD_MAJOR_ED_GRP_MAJOR_PUB
Field of major for highest degree (minor group) O_ED_HD_MAJOR_ED_GRP_MINOR
Field of study for highest degree (minor group) O_ED_HD_MAJOR_ED_GRP_MINOR_NEW
Carnegie classification for school awarding highest degree - 1994 Carnegie code O_ED_HD_SCHOOL_CARNEGIE_CLS
Carnegie classification for school awarding highest degree - 2005 Carnegie code O_ED_HD_SCHOOL_CARNEGIE_CLS_NEW
Institution code for school awarding highest degree O_ED_HD_SCHOOL_CODE
Public/private status of postsecondary institution awarding highest degree - 1994 Carnegie value O_ED_HD_SCHOOL_PUB_OR_PRIV
Public/private status of postsecondary institution awarding highest degree - 2005 Carnegie value O_ED_HD_SCHOOL_PUB_OR_PRIV_NEW
Location of school awarding highest degree (region code) O_ED_HD_SCHOOL_REGION
Location of school awarding highest degree (region code, recoded for public use) O_ED_HD_SCHOOL_REGION_PUB
Location of school awarding highest degree (U.S./Non-U.S.) O_ED_HD_SCHOOL_REGION_US_NONUS
Location of school awarding highest degree (state/country code) O_ED_HD_SCHOOL_ST_CTRY_CD

P- Second Highest Degree (2nd_HD)

Description Variable Name
Reason for obtaining this degree: acquire further skills in field P_ED_2ND_DEGREE_REAS_ACQ_SKILL
Reason for obtaining this degree: increase advancement opportunities P_ED_2ND_DEGREE_REAS_ADVANCEMT
Reason for obtaining this degree: further education before career P_ED_2ND_DEGREE_REAS_BEGIN_CAREER
Reason for obtaining this degree: change academic/occupational field P_ED_2ND_DEGREE_REAS_CHG_FLD
Reason for obtaining this degree: expected/required by employer P_ED_2ND_DEGREE_REAS_EMPR_REQ
Reason for obtaining this degree: licensure/certification P_ED_2ND_DEGREE_REAS_LICENSING
Reason for obtaining this degree: other P_ED_2ND_DEGREE_REAS_OTHR
Reason for obtaining this degree: leisure/personal interest P_ED_2ND_DEGREE_REAS_PERSONL
Reason for obtaining this degree: prepare for graduate school/further education P_ED_2ND_DEGREE_REAS_PREP_GRAD_SCHL
School related costs for second highest degree paid by employer P_ED_2ND_EMP_ASSISTANCE_Week
Academic year of award for second highest degree P_ED_2ND_HD_DEGREE_AWARD_ACADEMIC_YR
Month of award of second highest degree P_ED_2ND_HD_DEGREE_AWARD_MO
Year of award of second highest degree P_ED_2ND_HD_DEGREE_AWARD_YR
Year of award of second highest degree (3 year intervals) P_ED_2ND_HD_DEGREE_AWARD_YR_3_YR_GROUPING
Year of award of second highest degree (5 year intervals) P_ED_2ND_HD_DEGREE_AWARD_YR_5_YR_GROUPING
Second highest degree type P_ED_2ND_HD_DEGREE_TYPE
Sources of financial support: earnings from employment P_ED_2ND_HD_FINAN_SUPP_EARNINGS
Sources of financial support: employer P_ED_2ND_HD_FINAN_SUPP_EMPR
Sources of financial support: gifts parents/relatives P_ED_2ND_HD_FINAN_SUPP_GIFTS
Sources of financial support: tuition waiver/grants/scholarships/fellowships P_ED_2ND_HD_FINAN_SUPP_GRANTS
Sources of financial support: loans school/bank/government P_ED_2ND_HD_FINAN_SUPP_LOANS
Sources of financial support: loans parents/relatives P_ED_2ND_HD_FINAN_SUPP_LOANS_PARENT
Sources of financial support: other P_ED_2ND_HD_FINAN_SUPP_OTHR
Sources of financial support: assistantships/sork study P_ED_2ND_HD_FINAN_SUPP_WRK_STUDY
Field of second major (or minor) for second highest degree (best code) P_ED_2ND_HD_MAJOR_2ND_MAJ_ED_CAT
Field of study of second major (or minor) for second highest degree - best code P_ED_2ND_HD_MAJOR_2ND_MAJ_ED_CAT_NEW
Field of second major (or minor) for second highest degree (recoded for public use) P_ED_2ND_HD_MAJOR_2ND_MAJ_ED_CAT_PUB
Field of study code for second major (or minor) for second highest degree (reported code) P_ED_2ND_HD_MAJOR_2ND_MAJ_ED_CAT_RPTD
Field of study of second major (or minor) for second highest degree - reported code (do not use for analysis - use best code) P_ED_2ND_HD_MAJOR_2ND_MAJ_ED_CAT_RPTD_NEW
Field of second major (or minor) for second highest degree (major group) P_ED_2ND_HD_MAJOR_2ND_MAJ_ED_GRP_MAJOR
Field of study of second major (or minor) for second highest degree (major group) P_ED_2ND_HD_MAJOR_2ND_MAJ_ED_GRP_MAJOR_NEW
Field of second major (or minor) for second highest degree (minor group) P_ED_2ND_HD_MAJOR_2ND_MAJ_ED_GRP_MINOR
Field of study of second major (or minor) for second highest degree (minor group) P_ED_2ND_HD_MAJOR_2ND_MAJ_ED_GRP_MINOR_NEW
Field of major for second highest degree (best code) P_ED_2ND_HD_MAJOR_ED_CAT
Field of study for second highest degree - best code P_ED_2ND_HD_MAJOR_ED_CAT_NEW
Field of major for second highest degree (recoded for public use) P_ED_2ND_HD_MAJOR_ED_CAT_PUB
Field of major for second highest degree (reported code) P_ED_2ND_HD_MAJOR_ED_CAT_RPTD
Field of study for second highest degree - reported code (do not use for analysis - use best code) P_ED_2ND_HD_MAJOR_ED_CAT_RPTD_NEW
Field of major for second highest degree (major group) P_ED_2ND_HD_MAJOR_ED_GRP_MAJOR
Field of study for second highest degree (major group) P_ED_2ND_HD_MAJOR_ED_GRP_MAJOR_NEW
Field of major for second highest degree (minor group) P_ED_2ND_HD_MAJOR_ED_GRP_MINOR
Field of study for second highest degree (minor group) P_ED_2ND_HD_MAJOR_ED_GRP_MINOR_NEW
Carnegie classification for school awarding second highest degree - 1994 Carnegie code P_ED_2ND_HD_SCHOOL_CARNEGIE_CLS
Carnegie classification for school awarding second highest degree - 2005 Carnegie code P_ED_2ND_HD_SCHOOL_CARNEGIE_CLS_NEW
Institution code for school awarding second highest degree P_ED_2ND_HD_SCHOOL_CODE
Public/private status of postsecondary institution awarding second highest degree - 1994 Carnegie value P_ED_2ND_HD_SCHOOL_PUB_OR_PRIV
Public/private status of postsecondary institution awarding second highest degree - 2005 Carnegie value P_ED_2ND_HD_SCHOOL_PUB_OR_PRIV_NEW
Location of school awarding second highest degree (region code) P_ED_2ND_HD_SCHOOL_REGION
Location of school awarding second highest degree (region code, recoded for public use) P_ED_2ND_HD_SCHOOL_REGION_PUB
Location of school awarding second highest degree (U.S./Non-U.S.) P_ED_2ND_HD_SCHOOL_REGION_US_NONUS
Location of school awarding second highest degree (state/country code) P_ED_2ND_HD_SCHOOL_ST_CTRY_CD

Q- Third Highest Degree (3rd_HD)

Description Variable Name
Reason for obtaining this degree: acquire further skills in field Q_ED_3RD_DEGREE_REAS_ACQ_SKILL
Reason for obtaining this degree: increase advancement opportunities Q_ED_3RD_DEGREE_REAS_ADVANCEMT
Reason for obtaining this degree: further education before career Q_ED_3RD_DEGREE_REAS_BEGIN_CAREER
Reason for obtaining this degree: change academic/occupational field Q_ED_3RD_DEGREE_REAS_CHG_FLD
Reason for obtaining this degree: expected/required by employer Q_ED_3RD_DEGREE_REAS_EMPR_REQ
Reason for obtaining this degree: licensure/certification Q_ED_3RD_DEGREE_REAS_LICENSING
Reason for obtaining this degree: other Q_ED_3RD_DEGREE_REAS_OTHR
Reason for obtaining this degree: leisure/personal interest Q_ED_3RD_DEGREE_REAS_PERSONL
Reason for obtaining this degree: prepare for graduate school/further education Q_ED_3RD_DEGREE_REAS_PREP_GRAD_SCHL
School related costs for third highest degree paid by employer Q_ED_3RD_EMP_ASSISTANCE_Week
Academic year of award for third highest degree Q_ED_3RD_HD_DEGREE_AWARD_ACADEMIC_YR
Month of award of third highest degree Q_ED_3RD_HD_DEGREE_AWARD_MO
Year of award of third highest degree Q_ED_3RD_HD_DEGREE_AWARD_YR
Year of award of third highest degree (3 year intervals) Q_ED_3RD_HD_DEGREE_AWARD_YR_3_YR_GROUPING
Year of award of third highest degree (5 year intervals) Q_ED_3RD_HD_DEGREE_AWARD_YR_5_YR_GROUPING
Third highest degree type Q_ED_3RD_HD_DEGREE_TYPE
Sources of financial support: earnings from employment Q_ED_3RD_HD_FINAN_SUPP_EARNINGS
Sources of financial support: employer Q_ED_3RD_HD_FINAN_SUPP_EMPR
Sources of financial support: gifts parents/relatives Q_ED_3RD_HD_FINAN_SUPP_GIFTS
Sources of financial support: tuition waiver/grants/scholarships/fellowships Q_ED_3RD_HD_FINAN_SUPP_GRANTS
Sources of financial support: loans school/bank/government Q_ED_3RD_HD_FINAN_SUPP_LOANS
Sources of financial support: loans parents/relatives Q_ED_3RD_HD_FINAN_SUPP_LOANS_PARENT
Sources of financial support: other Q_ED_3RD_HD_FINAN_SUPP_OTHR
Sources of financial support: assistantships/work study Q_ED_3RD_HD_FINAN_SUPP_WRK_STUDY
Field of second major (or minor) for third highest degree (best code) Q_ED_3RD_HD_MAJOR_2ND_MAJ_ED_CAT
Field of study of second major (or minor) for third highest degree - best code Q_ED_3RD_HD_MAJOR_2ND_MAJ_ED_CAT_NEW
Field of second major (or minor) for third highest degree (recoded for public use) Q_ED_3RD_HD_MAJOR_2ND_MAJ_ED_CAT_PUB
Field of study code for second major (or minor) for third highest degree (reported code) Q_ED_3RD_HD_MAJOR_2ND_MAJ_ED_CAT_RPTD
Field of study of second major (or minor) for third highest degree - reported code (do not use for analysis - use best code) Q_ED_3RD_HD_MAJOR_2ND_MAJ_ED_CAT_RPTD_NEW
Field of second major (or minor) for third highest degree (major group) Q_ED_3RD_HD_MAJOR_2ND_MAJ_ED_GRP_MAJOR
Field of study of second major (or minor) for third highest degree (major group) Q_ED_3RD_HD_MAJOR_2ND_MAJ_ED_GRP_MAJOR_NEW
Field of second major (or minor) for third highest degree (minor group) Q_ED_3RD_HD_MAJOR_2ND_MAJ_ED_GRP_MINOR
Field of study of second major (or minor) for third highest degree (minor group) Q_ED_3RD_HD_MAJOR_2ND_MAJ_ED_GRP_MINOR_NEW
Field of major for third highest degree (best code) Q_ED_3RD_HD_MAJOR_ED_CAT
Field of study for third highest degree - best code Q_ED_3RD_HD_MAJOR_ED_CAT_NEW
Field of major for third highest degree (recoded for public use) Q_ED_3RD_HD_MAJOR_ED_CAT_PUB
Field of major for third highest degree (reported code) Q_ED_3RD_HD_MAJOR_ED_CAT_RPTD
Field of study for third highest degree - reported code (do not use for analysis - use best code) Q_ED_3RD_HD_MAJOR_ED_CAT_RPTD_NEW
Field of major for third highest degree (major group) Q_ED_3RD_HD_MAJOR_ED_GRP_MAJOR
Field of study for third highest degree (major group) Q_ED_3RD_HD_MAJOR_ED_GRP_MAJOR_NEW
Field of major for third highest degree (minor group) Q_ED_3RD_HD_MAJOR_ED_GRP_MINOR
Field of study for third highest degree (minor group) Q_ED_3RD_HD_MAJOR_ED_GRP_MINOR_NEW
Carnegie classification for school awarding third highest degree - 1994 Carnegie code Q_ED_3RD_HD_SCHOOL_CARNEGIE_CLS
Carnegie classification for school awarding third highest degree - 2005 Carnegie code Q_ED_3RD_HD_SCHOOL_CARNEGIE_CLS_NEW
Institution code for school awarding third highest degree Q_ED_3RD_HD_SCHOOL_CODE
Public/private status of postsecondary institution awarding third highest degree - 1994 Carnegie value Q_ED_3RD_HD_SCHOOL_PUB_OR_PRIV
Public/private status of postsecondary institution awarding third highest degree - 2005 Carnegie value Q_ED_3RD_HD_SCHOOL_PUB_OR_PRIV_NEW
Location of school awarding third highest degree (region code) Q_ED_3RD_HD_SCHOOL_REGION
Location of school awarding third highest degree (region code, recoded for public use) Q_ED_3RD_HD_SCHOOL_REGION_PUB
Location of school awarding third highest degree (U.S./Non-U.S.) Q_ED_3RD_HD_SCHOOL_REGION_US_NONUS
Location of school awarding third highest degree (state/country code) Q_ED_3RD_HD_SCHOOL_ST_CTRY_CD

R- Fourth Highest Degree (4th_HD)

Description Variable Name
Reason for obtaining this degree: acquire further skills in field R_ED_4TH_DEGREE_REAS_ACQ_SKILL
Reason for obtaining this degree: increase advancement opportunities R_ED_4TH_DEGREE_REAS_ADVANCEMT
Reason for obtaining this degree: further education before career R_ED_4TH_DEGREE_REAS_BEGIN_CAREER
Reason for obtaining this degree: change academic/occupational field R_ED_4TH_DEGREE_REAS_CHG_FLD
Reason for obtaining this degree: expected/required by employer R_ED_4TH_DEGREE_REAS_EMPR_REQ
Reason for obtaining this degree: licensure/certification R_ED_4TH_DEGREE_REAS_LICENSING
Reason for obtaining this degree: other R_ED_4TH_DEGREE_REAS_OTHR
Reason for obtaining this degree: leisure/personal interest R_ED_4TH_DEGREE_REAS_PERSONL
Reason for obtaining this degree: prepare for graduate school/further education R_ED_4TH_DEGREE_REAS_PREP_GRAD_SCHL
School related costs for fourth highest degree paid by employer R_ED_4TH_EMP_ASSISTANCE_Week
Academic year of award for fourth highest degree R_ED_4TH_HD_DEGREE_AWARD_ACADEMIC_YR
Month of award of fourth highest degree R_ED_4TH_HD_DEGREE_AWARD_MO
Year of award of fourth highest degree R_ED_4TH_HD_DEGREE_AWARD_YR
Year of award of fourth highest degree (3 year intervals) R_ED_4TH_HD_DEGREE_AWARD_YR_3_YR_GROUPING
Year of award of fourth highest degree (5 year intervals) R_ED_4TH_HD_DEGREE_AWARD_YR_5_YR_GROUPING
Fourth highest degree type R_ED_4TH_HD_DEGREE_TYPE
Sources of financial support: earnings from employment R_ED_4TH_HD_FINAN_SUPP_EARNINGS
Sources of financial support: employer R_ED_4TH_HD_FINAN_SUPP_EMPR
Sources of financial support: gifts parents/relatives R_ED_4TH_HD_FINAN_SUPP_GIFTS
Sources of financial support: tuition waiver/grants/scholarships/fellowships R_ED_4TH_HD_FINAN_SUPP_GRANTS
Sources of financial support: loans school/bank/government R_ED_4TH_HD_FINAN_SUPP_LOANS
Sources of financial support: loans parents/relatives R_ED_4TH_HD_FINAN_SUPP_LOANS_PARENT
Sources of financial support: other R_ED_4TH_HD_FINAN_SUPP_OTHR
Sources of financial support: assistantships/work study R_ED_4TH_HD_FINAN_SUPP_WRK_STUDY
Field of second major (or minor) for fourth highest degree (best code) R_ED_4TH_HD_MAJOR_2ND_MAJ_ED_CAT
Field of study of second major (or minor) for fourth highest degree - best code R_ED_4TH_HD_MAJOR_2ND_MAJ_ED_CAT_NEW
Field of second major (or minor) for fourth highest degree (recoded for public use) R_ED_4TH_HD_MAJOR_2ND_MAJ_ED_CAT_PUB
Field of study code for second major (or minor) for fourth highest degree (reported code) R_ED_4TH_HD_MAJOR_2ND_MAJ_ED_CAT_RPTD
Field of study of second major (or minor) for fourth highest degree - reported code (do not use for analysis - use best code) R_ED_4TH_HD_MAJOR_2ND_MAJ_ED_CAT_RPTD_NEW
Field of second major (or minor) for fourth highest degree (major group) R_ED_4TH_HD_MAJOR_2ND_MAJ_ED_GRP_MAJOR
Field of study of second major (or minor) for fourth highest degree (major group) R_ED_4TH_HD_MAJOR_2ND_MAJ_ED_GRP_MAJOR_NEW
Field of second major (or minor) for fourth highest degree (minor group) R_ED_4TH_HD_MAJOR_2ND_MAJ_ED_GRP_MINOR
Field of study of second major (or minor) for fourth highest degree (minor group) R_ED_4TH_HD_MAJOR_2ND_MAJ_ED_GRP_MINOR_NEW
Field of major for fourth highest degree (best code) R_ED_4TH_HD_MAJOR_ED_CAT
Field of study for fourth highest degree - best code R_ED_4TH_HD_MAJOR_ED_CAT_NEW
Field of major for fourth highest degree (recoded for public use) R_ED_4TH_HD_MAJOR_ED_CAT_PUB
Field of major for fourth highest degree (reported code) R_ED_4TH_HD_MAJOR_ED_CAT_RPTD
Field of study for fourth highest degree - reported code (do not use for analysis - use best code) R_ED_4TH_HD_MAJOR_ED_CAT_RPTD_NEW
Field of major for fourth highest degree (major group) R_ED_4TH_HD_MAJOR_ED_GRP_MAJOR
Field of study for fourth highest degree (major group) R_ED_4TH_HD_MAJOR_ED_GRP_MAJOR_NEW
Field of major for fourth highest degree (minor group) R_ED_4TH_HD_MAJOR_ED_GRP_MINOR
Field of study for fourth highest degree (minor group) R_ED_4TH_HD_MAJOR_ED_GRP_MINOR_NEW
Carnegie classification for school awarding fourth highest degree - 1994 Carnegie code R_ED_4TH_HD_SCHOOL_CARNEGIE_CLS
Carnegie classification for school awarding fourth highest degree - 2005 Carnegie code R_ED_4TH_HD_SCHOOL_CARNEGIE_CLS_NEW
Institution code for school awarding fourth highest degree R_ED_4TH_HD_SCHOOL_CODE
Public/private status of postsecondary institution awarding fourth highest degree - 1994 Carnegie value R_ED_4TH_HD_SCHOOL_PUB_OR_PRIV
Public/private status of postsecondary institution awarding fourth highest degree - 2005 Carnegie value R_ED_4TH_HD_SCHOOL_PUB_OR_PRIV_NEW
Location of school awarding fourth highest degree (region code) R_ED_4TH_HD_SCHOOL_REGION
Location of school awarding fourth highest degree (region code, recoded for public use) R_ED_4TH_HD_SCHOOL_REGION_PUB
Location of school awarding fourth highest degree (U.S./Non-U.S.) R_ED_4TH_HD_SCHOOL_REGION_US_NONUS
Location of school awarding fourth highest degree (state/country code) R_ED_4TH_HD_SCHOOL_ST_CTRY_CD

S- Fifth Highest Degree (5th_HD)

Description Variable Name
Reason for obtaining this degree: acquire further skills in field S_ED_5TH_DEGREE_REAS_ACQ_SKILL
Reason for obtaining this degree: increase advancement opportunities S_ED_5TH_DEGREE_REAS_ADVANCEMT
Reason for obtaining this degree: further education before career S_ED_5TH_DEGREE_REAS_BEGIN_CAREER
Reason for obtaining this degree: change academic/occupational field S_ED_5TH_DEGREE_REAS_CHG_FLD
Reason for obtaining this degree: expected/required by employer S_ED_5TH_DEGREE_REAS_EMPR_REQ
Reason for obtaining this degree: licensure/certification S_ED_5TH_DEGREE_REAS_LICENSING
Reason for obtaining this degree: other S_ED_5TH_DEGREE_REAS_OTHR
Reason for obtaining this degree: leisure/personal interest S_ED_5TH_DEGREE_REAS_PERSONL
Reason for obtaining this degree: prepare for graduate school/further education S_ED_5TH_DEGREE_REAS_PREP_GRAD_SCHL
School related costs for fifth highest degree paid by employer S_ED_5TH_EMP_ASSISTANCE_Week
Academic year of award for fifth highest degree S_ED_5TH_HD_DEGREE_AWARD_ACADEMIC_YR
Month of award of fifth highest degree S_ED_5TH_HD_DEGREE_AWARD_MO
Year of award of fifth highest degree S_ED_5TH_HD_DEGREE_AWARD_YR
Year of award of fifth highest degree (3 year intervals) S_ED_5TH_HD_DEGREE_AWARD_YR_3_YR_GROUPING
Year of award of fifth highest degree (5 year intervals) S_ED_5TH_HD_DEGREE_AWARD_YR_5_YR_GROUPING
Fifth highest degree type S_ED_5TH_HD_DEGREE_TYPE
Sources of financial support: earnings from employment S_ED_5TH_HD_FINAN_SUPP_EARNINGS
Sources of financial support: employer S_ED_5TH_HD_FINAN_SUPP_EMPR
Sources of financial support: gifts parents/relatives S_ED_5TH_HD_FINAN_SUPP_GIFTS
Sources of financial support: tuition waiver/grants/scholarships/fellowships S_ED_5TH_HD_FINAN_SUPP_GRANTS
Sources of financial support: loans school/bank/government S_ED_5TH_HD_FINAN_SUPP_LOANS
Sources of financial support: loans parents/relatives S_ED_5TH_HD_FINAN_SUPP_LOANS_PARENT
Sources of financial support: other S_ED_5TH_HD_FINAN_SUPP_OTHR
Sources of financial support: assistantships/work study S_ED_5TH_HD_FINAN_SUPP_WRK_STUDY
Field of second major (or minor) for fifth highest degree (best code) S_ED_5TH_HD_MAJOR_2ND_MAJ_ED_CAT
Field of study of second major (or minor) for fifth highest degree - best code S_ED_5TH_HD_MAJOR_2ND_MAJ_ED_CAT_NEW
Field of second major (or minor) for fifth highest degree (recoded for public use) S_ED_5TH_HD_MAJOR_2ND_MAJ_ED_CAT_PUB
Field of study code for second major (or minor) for fifth highest degree (reported code) S_ED_5TH_HD_MAJOR_2ND_MAJ_ED_CAT_RPTD
Field of study of second major (or minor) for fifth highest degree - reported code (do not use for analysis - use best code) S_ED_5TH_HD_MAJOR_2ND_MAJ_ED_CAT_RPTD_NEW
Field of second major (or minor) for fifth highest degree (major group) S_ED_5TH_HD_MAJOR_2ND_MAJ_ED_GRP_MAJOR
Field of study of second major (or minor) for fifth highest degree (major group) S_ED_5TH_HD_MAJOR_2ND_MAJ_ED_GRP_MAJOR_NEW
Field of second major (or minor) for fifth highest degree (minor group) S_ED_5TH_HD_MAJOR_2ND_MAJ_ED_GRP_MINOR
Field of study of second major (or minor) for fifth highest degree (minor group) S_ED_5TH_HD_MAJOR_2ND_MAJ_ED_GRP_MINOR_NEW
Field of major for fifth highest degree (best code) S_ED_5TH_HD_MAJOR_ED_CAT
Field of study for fifth highest degree - best code S_ED_5TH_HD_MAJOR_ED_CAT_NEW
Field of major for fifth highest degree (recoded for public use) S_ED_5TH_HD_MAJOR_ED_CAT_PUB
Field of major for fifth highest degree (reported code) S_ED_5TH_HD_MAJOR_ED_CAT_RPTD
Field of study for fifth highest degree - reported code (do not use for analysis - use best code) S_ED_5TH_HD_MAJOR_ED_CAT_RPTD_NEW
Field of major for fifth highest degree (major group) S_ED_5TH_HD_MAJOR_ED_GRP_MAJOR
Field of study for fifth highest degree (major group) S_ED_5TH_HD_MAJOR_ED_GRP_MAJOR_NEW
Field of major for fifth highest degree (minor group) S_ED_5TH_HD_MAJOR_ED_GRP_MINOR
Field of study for fifth highest degree (minor group) S_ED_5TH_HD_MAJOR_ED_GRP_MINOR_NEW
Carnegie classification for school awarding fifth highest degree - 1994 Carnegie code S_ED_5TH_HD_SCHOOL_CARNEGIE_CLS
Carnegie classification for school awarding fifth highest degree - 2005 Carnegie code S_ED_5TH_HD_SCHOOL_CARNEGIE_CLS_NEW
Institution code for school awarding fifth highest degree S_ED_5TH_HD_SCHOOL_CODE
Public/private status of postsecondary institution awarding fifth highest degree - 1994 Carnegie value S_ED_5TH_HD_SCHOOL_PUB_OR_PRIV
Public/private status of postsecondary institution awarding fifth highest degree - 2005 Carnegie value S_ED_5TH_HD_SCHOOL_PUB_OR_PRIV_NEW
Location of school awarding fifth highest degree (region code) S_ED_5TH_HD_SCHOOL_REGION
Location of school awarding fifth highest degree (region code, recoded for public use) S_ED_5TH_HD_SCHOOL_REGION_PUB
Location of school awarding fifth highest degree (U.S./Non-U.S.) S_ED_5TH_HD_SCHOOL_REGION_US_NONUS
Location of school awarding fifth highest degree (state/country code) S_ED_5TH_HD_SCHOOL_ST_CTRY_CD

T- First US S&E PhD

Description Variable Name
Academic year of award for first US S&E or health PhD T_ED_USDOC_DEGREE_AWARD_ACADEMIC_YR
Month of award of first US S&E or health PhD T_ED_USDOC_DEGREE_AWARD_MO
Year of award of first US S&E or health PhD T_ED_USDOC_DEGREE_AWARD_YR
Year of award of first US S&E or health PhD (3 year intervals) T_ED_USDOC_DEGREE_AWARD_YR_3_YR_GROUPING
Year of award of first US S&E or health PhD (5 year intervals) T_ED_USDOC_DEGREE_AWARD_YR_5_YR_GROUPING
Field of major for first S&E PhD T_ED_USDOC_MAJOR_ED_CAT
Field of study for first US S&E or health PhD T_ED_USDOC_MAJOR_ED_CAT_NEW
Field of major for first S&E PhD (major group) T_ED_USDOC_MAJOR_ED_GRP_MAJOR
Field of study for first US S&E or health PhD (major group) T_ED_USDOC_MAJOR_ED_GRP_MAJOR_NEW
Field of major for first S&E PhD (minor group) T_ED_USDOC_MAJOR_ED_GRP_MINOR
Field of study for first US S&E or health PhD (minor group) T_ED_USDOC_MAJOR_ED_GRP_MINOR_NEW
Carnegie classification for school awarding first US S&E or health PhD - 1994 Carnegie code T_ED_USDOC_SCHOOL_CARNEGIE_CLS
Carnegie classification for school awarding first US S&E or health PhD - 2005 Carnegie code T_ED_USDOC_SCHOOL_CARNEGIE_CLS_NEW
Institution code for school awarding first US S&E or health PhD T_ED_USDOC_SCHOOL_CODE
Public/private status of school awarding first US S&E or health PhD - 1994 Carnegie value T_ED_USDOC_SCHOOL_PUB_OR_PRIV
Public/private status of school awarding first US S&E or health PhD - 2005 Carnegie value T_ED_USDOC_SCHOOL_PUB_OR_PRIV_NEW
Location of school awarding first US S&E or health PhD degree (region code) T_ED_USDOC_SCHOOL_REGION
Location of school awarding first US S&E or health PhD (state/country code) T_ED_USDOC_SCHOOL_ST_CTRY_CD
Academic year of award for recent bachelor's or master's from a US institution T_ED_US_BSMS_DEGREE_AWARD_ACADEMIC_YR
Month of award of recent bachelor's or master's from a US institution T_ED_US_BSMS_DEGREE_AWARD_MO
Year of award of recent bachelor's or master's from a US institution T_ED_US_BSMS_DEGREE_AWARD_YR
Year of award of recent bachelor's or master's from a US institution (3 year intervals) T_ED_US_BSMS_DEGREE_AWARD_YR_3_YR_GROUPING
Year of award of recent bachelor's or master's from a US institution (5 year intervals) T_ED_US_BSMS_DEGREE_AWARD_YR_5_YR_GROUPING
Degree type of 'recent bachelor's or master's from a US institution T_ED_US_BSMS_DEGREE_TYPE
Field of study for recent bachelor's or master's from a US institution T_ED_US_BSMS_MAJOR_ED_CAT_NEW
Field of study for recent bachelor's or master's from a US institution (major group) T_ED_US_BSMS_MAJOR_ED_GRP_MAJOR_NEW
Field of study for recent bachelor's or master's from a US institution (minor group) T_ED_US_BSMS_MAJOR_ED_GRP_MINOR_NEW
Carnegie classification for school awarding a recent bachelor's or master's from a US institution - 1994 Carnegie code T_ED_US_BSMS_SCHOOL_CARNEGIE_CLS
Carnegie classification for school awarding a recent bachelor's or master's from a US institution - 2005 Carnegie code T_ED_US_BSMS_SCHOOL_CARNEGIE_CLS_NEW
Institution code for school awarding recent bachelor's or master's from a US institution T_ED_US_BSMS_SCHOOL_CODE
Carnegie classification for school awarding a recent bachelor's or master's from a US institution - 1994 Carnegie value T_ED_US_BSMS_SCHOOL_PUB_OR_PRIV
Carnegie classification for school awarding a recent bachelor's or master's from a US institution - 2005 Carnegie value T_ED_US_BSMS_SCHOOL_PUB_OR_PRIV_NEW
Location of school awarding recent bachelor's or master's from a US institution (region code) T_ED_US_BSMS_SCHOOL_REGION
Location of school awarding recent bachelor's or master's from a US institution (state/country code) T_ED_US_BSMS_SCHOOL_ST_CTRY_CD


U- Age, Birth, Gender, Race/Ethnicity

Description Variable Name
Age Group (5 year intervals) U_DEM_AGE_GROUP_5_YR_GROUPING
Age (recoded for public use) U_DEM_AGE_PUB
Birth date: Day U_DEM_BIRTH_DATE_DAY
Birth date: Month U_DEM_BIRTH_DATE_MO
Birth date: Year U_DEM_BIRTH_DATE_YR
Year, date of birth (recoded for public use) U_DEM_BIRTH_DATE_YR_PUB
Place of birth (region code) U_DEM_BIRTH_PLACE_REGION
Place of birth (state/country code) U_DEM_BIRTH_PLACE_ST_CNTRY_CD
Living in U.S. during April 1990 U_DEM_LIVING_IN_US_1990
Race/ethnicity (recoded for public use) U_DEM_MULTIPLE_RACE_ETHNICITY_CAT_PUB
Asian racial background indicator U_DEM_RACE_ASIAN
Black or African-American racial background indicator U_DEM_RACE_BLACK
Race/ethnicity (recoded for public use) U_DEM_RACE_ETHNICITY_CAT_PUB
Hispanic heritage category U_DEM_RACE_HISPANIC_CAT
New Hispanic heritage categories U_DEM_RACE_HISPANIC_CATEGORY
Hispanic origin indicator U_DEM_RACE_HISPANIC_ORIGIN_IND
New Hispanic origin indicator U_DEM_RACE_HISPANIC_ORIGIN_INDICATOR
Minority indicator U_DEM_RACE_MINORITY_IND
American Indian/Alaska Native racial background indicator U_DEM_RACE_NATIVE
Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander racial background indicator U_DEM_RACE_PACIFIC
White racial background indicator U_DEM_RACE_WHITE
Respondent location U_RESPONDENT_LOCATION
3-Digit Respondent Location (state/country code) U_RESPONDENT_LOCATION_STATE_COUNTRY
Respondent location (U.S./Non-U.S.) U_RESPONDENT_LOCATION_US_NONUS

V- Citizenship

Description Variable Name
Country of foreign citizenship (country code) V_DEM_CITIZENSHIP_CNTRY_CD
Country of citizenship (region code) V_DEM_CITIZENSHIP_CNTRY_REGION
Living in U.S. during reference week V_DEM_CITIZENSHIP_LIVE_IN_US
Year, came to U.S. to stay V_DEM_CITIZENSHIP_PERM_IN_US_YEAR
Citizenship or visa status V_DEM_CITIZENSHIP_STATUS
Never came to U.S. to stay V_DEM_CITIZENSHIP_TEMP_IN_US
U.S. citizenship status V_DEM_CITIZENSHIP_US_CITIZEN
Dual citizenship indicator V_DEM_DUAL_CITIZEN
Factors important in deciding to come to U.S.: educational opportunities V_DEM_FIRST_CAME_REASON_TO_US_EDUCATION
Factors important in deciding to come to U.S.: family-related reasons V_DEM_FIRST_CAME_REASON_TO_US_FAMILY
Factors important in deciding to come to U.S.: job/economic opportunities V_DEM_FIRST_CAME_REASON_TO_US_JOB
Factors important in deciding to come to U.S.: other V_DEM_FIRST_CAME_REASON_TO_US_OTHER
Reasons for coming to U.S.: most important reason V_DEM_FIRST_CAME_REASON_TO_US_PRIMARY
Factors important in deciding to come to U.S.: scientific/professional infrastructure V_DEM_FIRST_CAME_REASON_TO_US_SCIENCE
Reasons for coming to U.S.: second most important reason V_DEM_FIRST_CAME_REASON_TO_US_SECONDARY
The year first come U.S. for 6 months or longer V_DEM_FIRST_CAME_US_SIX_MONTHS_OR_LONGER
Type of visa held when first come to US V_DEM_FIRST_CAME_VISA_TYPE
Type of visa held when first came to US V_DEM_FIRST_CAME_VISA_TYPE_PUB
Visa type for non-US citizens V_DEM_NON_US_CITIZEN
Year obtained permanent residency V_DEM_VISA_OBTAINED_YEAR

W- Family Data

Description Variable Name
Rural/farming childhood residence W_DEM_CHILDHOOD_RURAL_FARMING
Children indicator: aged 12-17 (recoded for public use) W_DEM_Children_IND_12_17
Children living in household indicator: ages 12-18 W_DEM_Children_IND_12_18
Children indicator: aged 18 or Older (recoded for public use) W_DEM_Children_IND_18
Children living in household indicator: age 19 or older W_DEM_Children_IND_19
Children living in household indicator: ages 2-5 W_DEM_Children_IND_2_5
Children living in household indicator: ages 6-11 W_DEM_Children_IND_6_11
Children living in household indicator: under age 2 W_DEM_Children_IND_UNDER_2
Children living in household indicator: under age 6 W_DEM_Children_IND_UNDER_6
Children living in household indicator (all ages) W_DEM_Children_IN_HOUSEHOLD
Number of children: aged 12-17 W_DEM_Children_NBR_12_17
Number of children: aged 12-17 (recoded for public use) W_DEM_Children_NBR_12_17_PUB
Number of children living in household: ages 12-18 W_DEM_Children_NBR_12_18
Number of children: aged 18 or Older W_DEM_Children_NBR_18
Number of children: aged 18 or Older (recoded for public use) W_DEM_Children_NBR_18_PUB
Number of children living in household: age 19 or older W_DEM_Children_NBR_19
Number of children living in household: ages 2-5 W_DEM_Children_NBR_2_5
Number of children: aged 2-5 (recoded for public use) W_DEM_Children_NBR_2_5_PUB
Number of children living in household: ages 6-11 W_DEM_Children_NBR_6_11
Number of children: aged 6-11 (recoded for public use) W_DEM_Children_NBR_6_11_PUB
Number of children living in household: under age 2 W_DEM_Children_NBR_UNDER_2
Number of children: under age 2 (recoded for public use) W_DEM_Children_NBR_UNDER_2_PUB
Number of children living in household: under age 6 W_DEM_Children_NBR_UNDER_6
Number of children: aged Under 6 (recoded for public use) W_DEM_Children_NBR_UNDER_6_PUB
Total number of children (recoded for public use) W_DEM_Children_TOTAL_PUB
Children living in household indicator: under age 12 W_DEM_Children_UNDER_12_IND
Marital status indicator W_DEM_MARITAL_STAT_MARRIED
Father's education level W_DEM_PARENT_FATHERS_ED_LEVEL
Mother's education level W_DEM_PARENT_MOTHERS_ED_LEVEL
Spouse or partner working? W_DEM_SPOUSE_WORKING_IND
Technical expertise required by spouse/partner job: other W_DEM_SPOUSE_WORK_EXPERT_OTHER
Technical expertise required by spouse/partner job: engineering, computer, math, natural sciences W_DEM_SPOUSE_WORK_EXPERT_PHYS_SCI
Technical expertise required by spouse/partner Job: social sciences W_DEM_SPOUSE_WORK_EXPERT_SOCIAL_SCI

X- Disability

Description Variable Name
Physical abilities: earliest age experienced difficulties X_DEM_DISABLE_EARLIEST_AGE
Physical abilities: earliest age experienced difficulties (5 year intervals) X_DEM_DISABLE_EARLIEST_AGE_5_YR_GROUPING
Physical abilities: degree of difficulty hearing X_DEM_DISABLE_HEARING_SEVERITY
Physical disabilities indicator X_DEM_DISABLE_IND
Physical abilities: degree of difficulty lifting X_DEM_DISABLE_LIFTING_SEVERITY
No difficulty with physical activities X_DEM_DISABLE_NONE_IND
Physical abilities: degree of difficulty seeing X_DEM_DISABLE_SEEING_SEVERITY
Physical abilities: experienced difficulties since birth X_DEM_DISABLE_SINCE_BIRTH
Physical abilities: degree of difficulty walking X_DEM_DISABLE_WALKING_SEVERITY

Z- Survey Administrative Data

Description Variable Name
Reference/ID number Z_Reference_ID_NUMBER
Survey cohort Z_SURVEY_COHORT
Survey identifier Z_SURVEY_IDENTIFIER
Survey mode Z_SURVEY_MODE
Survey year Z_SURVEY_YEAR
Valid response indicator Z_VALID_RECORD_INDICATOR
Final survey-specific weight Z_WEIGHTING_FACTOR_SURVEY


National Science Foundation Division of Science Resources Statistics (SRS)
The National Science Foundation, 4201 Wilson Boulevard, Arlington, Virginia 22230, USA
Tel: (703) 292-8780, FIRS: (800) 877-8339 | TDD: (800) 281-8749
Text Only
Last Updated:
Jul 10, 2008