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National Science Board
Governing Board of the National Science Foundation & Policy Advisors to the U.S. President and Congress
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Committee on Programs and Plans (CPP)

The Committee on Programs and Plans reviews:

  1. program initiatives and major new projects/facilities (except for those pertaining to education and human resources),
  2. "long-range" plans,
  3. proposed awards for NSB approval except for those pertaining to education and human resources,
  4. major program implementation issues, and
  5. other programs and projects on an exceptions basis.

It also conducts research directorate reviews of NSF programs. View the Charge for the Committee on Programs and Plans.

Chairman: Dr. Kelvin K. Droegemeier
Members: Dr. Mark R. Abbott
Dr. José-Marie Griffiths
Dr. Louis J. Lanzerotti
Dr. Alan I. Leshner
Mr. Arthur K. Reilly
Dr. Richard F. Thompson
Consultants: Dr. Barry C. Barish
Dr. Ray W. Bowen
Dr. Kenneth Ford
Dr. Karl Hess
Executive Secretaries: Ms. Sonya E. Mallinoff
Ms. Patricia L. Crumley

On August 13, 2008, the National Science Board approved the release of its Report to Congress on Interdisciplinary Research at the National Science Foundation. This report was developed by CPP and focuses specifically on the issues raised by Congress in the America COMPETES Act.

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