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At NREL, we know it's important to support the growth of renewable energy and energy efficiency businesses. Through the Working with Entrepreneurs program, we can help clean energy businesses develop market orientations by catalyzing strong links with the financial community, as well as other key stakeholders in the commercialization process.

This site contains vital information on how you can get involved in one facet of our many Technology Transfer programs.

Also visit our main Technology Transfer site for additional information.

NREL Industry Forum NREL Growth Link provides an on-going web_based platform for keeping the clean energy investment community up-to-date on your progress and partnering needs. NREL Investor Directory MS Word 299 KB Results of the 19th Industry Forum.  October 24-26, 2006 Philadelphia, PA NREL Industry Growth Forum The National Alliance of Clean Energy Business Incubators Nrel Growth Link
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