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A Billion + Change: Join Now


Corporation for National and Community Service


Join leaders across the country and become a contributor to A Billion + Change. Your experience and leadership will help strengthen the service ethic in the business community and make clear the transforming role professionals and skilled volunteers can play in communities across our nation and around the globe.

The Corporate Commitment

As a corporate contributor, you pledge to take the following actions:

  • Establish or expand your organization’s delivery of donated or volunteered professional services to the nonprofit sector by providing your employees with new opportunities to share their talents.
  • Pledge a quantifiable three-year commitment to expand pro bono service and skills-based volunteering.
  • Work with other coalition members to define the systems to appropriately quantify and track your company’s contributions (whether valued as time, money, or a combination).
  • Share best practices and participate in the ongoing dialogue to expand the pro bono service ethic in the private sector.

Determining Your Pledge

We need your experience and leadership to expand the pro bono service ethic in the business community. To calculate your pledged contribution, you can use one of the following three formulas or your own valuation:

  1. Percentage of Skilled Workforce

___ % of your company’s employees will donate _____ hours of pro bono service or skills-based volunteering during the next year. At an estimated value of $150 per professional hour, your commitment is worth $________________.

  1. Number of Pro Bono or Skills-Based Volunteer Hours

Your company will contribute _______ hours of pro bono service or skills-based volunteering during the next year. At an estimated value of $150 per hour, your commitment is worth $_____________.

  1. Pre-Determined Dollar Value

Your company will contribute $____________ worth of pro bono service or skills-based volunteering during the next year or $_____________ over the next three years.

Visibility Opportunities

Participating companies will be highlighted and featured through the following opportunities:

  • Invitation to speak at the National Conference on Volunteering and Service
  • Participation in VIP roundtables and forums on the topic
  • Public recognition of your commitment incorporated in related media outreach
  • Inclusion on website and materials
  • Support for company volunteer recognition ceremonies

The Nonprofit Commitment

As a nonprofit contributor, you pledge to take the following actions:

  • Establish or expand your organization’s solicitation and use of pro bono and skills-based volunteering.
  • Work with other coalition members to define the standards that designate a nonprofit’s readiness to effectively utilize pro bono service.
  • Share best practices and participate in the ongoing dialogue to expand the pro bono service ethic.

The Benefits

Companies benefit from:

  • Increased employee morale, loyalty and productivity
  • Enhanced recruitment, especially among millennials and boomers
  • Stronger customer goodwill and loyalty
  • Enhanced profitability
  • Additional investors
  • Improved return on community investment

Employees benefit from:

  • Enhanced organizational, leadership, communications and decision-making skills
  • Expanded and more-sophisticated core competencies
  • Larger, stronger networks, both inside and outside of the company
  • Additional opportunities to advance within the company
  • Improved morale, interest level and overall work experience

Communities benefit from:

  • Improved, expanded services
  • Fewer and less critical social problems
  • More civic engagement and long-term, dedicated volunteers
  • A stronger local, regional and national economy
  • Better quality of life overall

Current Contributors

  • Accenture
  • Booz Allen Hamilton
  • Butler Rubin Saltarelli & Boyd
  • Citi
  • Deloitte
  • Entrepreneur Foundation
  • General Electric
  • Harvard Business School (HBS) Community Partners
  • IBM
  • Intel
  • ING Americas
  • KPMG
  • LexisNexis
  • Manning Selvage & Lee
  • McKenna Long & Aldridge
  • Monitor Group
  • National Geographic Society
  • Pfizer
  • Public Architecture
  • Taproot Foundation
  • Target
  • UPS

Contact Us

For more information on becoming a contributor to A Billion + Change, please contact Jonathan Williams, Director of Corporate Relations, at 202-606-6644 or

VIEWED ON: Tuesday, September 16, 2008