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Temporary Protected Status - SUDAN

Temporary Protected Status - SUDAN
TPS Extension Re-registration Deadline:  10/14/08
EAD Auto-extended Until:  05/02/09

TPS Expiration Date:  05/02/10

Filing Location: The filing address depends on whether (1) you are re-registering during the registration period, (2) you are re-registering after the registration period, or (3) you are registering for TPS for the first time.

(1) Re-registration during the Registration Period (8/14/08-10/14/08): Submit your application to the USCIS Lockbox at:

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services
Attn: TPS Sudan
P.O. Box 8677
Chicago, IL 60680-8677
Or, for courier deliveries:

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services
Attn: TPS Sudan
131 S. Dearborn - 3rd Floor
Chicago, IL 60603-5517
If one or more of the questions listed in Part 4, Question 2 of Form I-821 apply to you, you must provide an explanation on a separate sheet(s) of paper, and/or additional documentation with your application.

If you do not need to submit supporting documentation with your application, you may file your application electronically.  To file your application electronically, follow directions on the USCIS Web site at:  Please note that e-filing is only available for re-registration applications during the open re-registration period.

(2) Re-registration after the Registration Period ends (October 14, 2008): The USCIS Lockbox cannot accept late re-registration applications from aliens from Sudan after the registration period has ended. If you believe you have good cause for your failure to timely file, you may submit your application with a letter explaining your situation to the Vermont Service Center at:

Vermont Service Center
Attn: TPS Good Cause Exception
75 Lower Welden Street
St. Albans, VT 05479-0001
(3) Registration for TPS for the first time as a late initial registrant or if you were granted TPS by an Immigration Judge or the Board of Immigration Appeals: Send your application to the USCIS Lockbox at:

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services
Attn: TPS Sudan
P.O. Box 8677
Chicago, IL 60680-8677
Or, for courier deliveries:

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services
Attn: TPS Sudan - Late Initial Registrant
131 S. Dearborn - 3rd Floor
Chicago, IL 60603-5517

If you were granted TPS by an Immigration Judge or the Board of Immigration Appeals, you must submit evidence of the grant of TPS (such as an order from the Immigration Judge) with your application. Your order must be final.

Registration for TPS without employment authorization:
If you are only seeking to re-register for TPS and NOT requesting an EAD or applying for an extension of your EAD, you must still file Form I-765, but should NOT check any of the following boxes on this form in response to the question “I am applying for:”
  • Permission to accept employment;
  • Replacement;
  • Renewal of my permission to accept employment.
 If you are NOT applying for an EAD and incorrectly check any of these boxes without submitting applicable filing fee(s) with your I-765, the processing of your application may be delayed. No fee is required for the Form I-765 filed as part of TPS registration if employment authorization is not being requested. (Form I-821 has separate fee requirements.)

For minimal disruption of employment authorization while TPS re-registration applications are processed and new EADs (valid through May 2, 2010) are issued to eligible re-registrants, current EADs of eligible Sudanese have been auto-extended through May 2, 2009.

Federal Register Notices
Extension 8/14/08 text 73 FR 47606
DHS Announces 18-Month Extension of Temporary Protected Status (TPS) for Nationals of Sudan, 8/14/08
Q&A: DHS Extends Temporary Protected Status (TPS) for Sudan for 18 Months, 8/14/08

Last updated: 08/15/2008

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