SAVE Program Access Methods

The Systematic Alien Verification for Entitlements (SAVE) Program utilizes two methods, automated and manual, for accessing information to verify applicant's status when requesting public benefits.  SAVE Program staff will determine your access method when you register.


Automated Verification & Technical Requirements

The Verification Information System (VIS) is the foundation of all immigration information accessed through the SAVE Program.  VIS can be accessed by user agencies using the Customer Processing System (CPS).  There are currently five automated access methods available to user agencies.  User agencies must first go through the registration process before accessing VIS-CPS.  The access method a user agency will use is determined by SAVE Program staff during the registration process.  All automated verification methods are accessed via a secure connection. 

VIS-CPS Access Methods

  • VIS-CPS Web 1
    User agencies using Web 1 are required to enter the non-citizen’s alien number to submit an initial verification request.
  • VIS-CPS Web 2
    Web 2 is similar to Web 1 except that the user agency must enter additional information from the non-citizen’s immigration document to run an initial verification request.  This includes the non-citizen’s alien number, first, middle, and last name, date of birth, user case number, the immigration document type and its expiration date. 
  • VIS-CPS Web 3
    Web 3 is very similar to Web 1; however Web 3 user agencies can submit initial verification requests using the non-citizen’s alien number or I-94 arrival/departure number (known as “I-numbers”).
  • VIS-CPS Web Services
    Web Services functions via a secure system-to-system Internet connection between VIS and the user agency.  Web Services functions much like VIS-CPS Web 1 and 3 in that it allows user agencies to submit initial queries using the applicant’s alien number or I-number. 
  • VIS-CPS Priority Batch
    Priority Batch is an automated access method designed for user agencies with high-volume query requirements. 

Technical Requirements 

  • Web 1, 2, 3
    The entire SAVE Program Web access methods connects to VIS-CPS via a secure Internet connection.  Web access methods require the user agency use a specified Web browsers.  SAVE Program personnel will provide user agencies with the specified Web browsers when contact after registration.
  • Priority Batch
    To access Priority Batch, user agencies must have Internet access, Secure File Transfer Protocol connectivity, and custom software for formatting queries and interpreting the output file.  The Priority Batch interface is non-interactive like the Web access methods.
  • Web Services
    Commercial off-the-shelf software that enables development of a client web service application is required. 

Manual Verification

If a user agency cannot use one of the automated access methods then the SAVE Program offers a manual verification method. 

To use manual verification, a user agency is required to:

  • Fill out a G-845 form
  • Include copies of the applicant’s immigration papers
  • Mail the information to United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS)

Manual verification requests can take up to 10 federal workdays to process for federally-mandated agencies and up to 20 federal workdays for non-mandated agencies.  Starting October 1, 2008, all initial manual verification requests will cost $2.00 to process.  See the “SAVE Program Transaction Charges” section on the left of this page for more information.

Last updated: 07/03/2008