Targeted Brownfields Assessments
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Serving the people of Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, Washington and 270 Native Tribes

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Targeted Brownfields Assessments

What is a Targeted Brownfields Assessment (TBA)? (Top)
A Targeted Brownfields Assessment (TBA) is a study conducted by EPA to determine the nature and extent of contamination. If requested, the assessment may also include an analyses of options and cost estimates associated with these options. This assessment work will be conducted by environmental consultants already under contract with EPA. The value of these is assessments is approximately $50,000.

Who is Eligible to Apply? (Top)
These environmental site assessments are available to public, quasi-public or non-profit entities (such as, municipalities, tribal governments and community development organizations) interested in redeveloping abandoned or underutilized properties. To qualify for an assessment, there must be a potential release of hazardous substances at the site.

EPA will generally approve expenditures for targeted Brownfields assessments when the property is publicly held. If a public or non-profit entity is aware of a Brownfields site that is privately held but has potential for redevelopment that will offer significant public benefit, EPA will consider spending TBA funds at the site. The EPA's selection process will be aimed at projects where a party has concrete redevelopment plans for the site once the assessment is complete. Redevelopment can involve the creation of commercial, industrial, recreational or conservation uses.

How to Apply (Top)
If you are interested in receiving assistance from EPA in the form of a Brownfields Targeted Site Assessment, you should complete the attached questionnaire and return it to EPA at the following address: read about .pdf
c/o Joanne LaBaw
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency - Region 10
1200 Sixth Ave. Suite 900 (ECL-115)
Seattle, WA 98101
Application Assistance (Top)
If you have any questions regarding this program or the application process, please contact Joanne LaBaw (206)553-2594

For sites in Oregon, you can also contact Gil Wistar (503) 229-5512

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Point of contact: Joanne LaBaw
Phone Number: (206) 553-2594
Last Updated: 10/04/2007