Preliminary Assessment Petitions
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Preliminary Assessment Petitions

Preliminary Assessment Petitions (PDF) About PDF - Fact sheet. Print and complete the last page for your own petition (4pp, 260K) .

FROM THE National Contingency Plan (NCP) (key part bolded):

(5) Any person may petition the lead federal agency (EPA or the appropriate federal agency in the case of a release or suspected release from a federal facility), to perform a PA of a release when such person is, or may be, affected by a release of a hazardous substance, pollutant, or contaminant.
Such petitions shall be addressed to the EPA Regional Administrator for the region in which the release is located, except that petitions for PAs involving federal facilities should be addressed to the head of the appropriate federal agency.
    (i) Petitions shall be signed by the petitioner and shall contain the following:
      (A) The full name, address, and phone number of petitioner;
      (B) A description, as precisely as possible, of the location of the release; and
      (C) How the petitioner is or may be affected by the release.

    (ii) Petitions should also contain the following information to the extent available:
      (A) What type of substances were or may be released;
      (B) The nature of activities that have occurred where the release is located; and
      (C) Whether local and state authorities have been contacted about the release.

    (iii) The lead federal agency shall complete a remedial or removal PA within one year of the date of receipt of a complete petition pursuant to paragraph (b)(5) of this section, if one has not been performed previously, unless the lead federal agency determines that a PA is not appropriate. Where such a determination is made, the lead federal agency shall notify the petitioner and will provide a reason for the determination.

    (iv) When determining if performance of a PA is appropriate, the lead federal agency shall take into consideration:

      (A) Whether there is information indicating that a release has occurred or there is a threat of a release of a hazardous substance, pollutant, or contaminant; and
      (B) Whether the release is eligible for response under CERCLA.

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Point of contact: Monica Tonel
Phone Number: (206) 553-0323
Last Updated: 09/14/2007