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While the following groups do not necessarily have formal, legal partnership arrangements with the National Wind Technology Center or the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, they are nonetheless key contributing organizations within the wind-energy-related systems integration collaboration sought by the Department of Energy.

American Wind Energy Association — Utility Section

This Web site features a wind power and utilities fact sheet, resources such as wind interconnection and integration publications, and contact information for the AWEA Utility Liaison.

Bonneville Power Administration

The Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) is a federal agency under the U.S. Department of Energy. BPA serves the Pacific Northwest by operating an extensive electricity transmission system and marketing wholesale electrical power at cost from federal dams, one non-federal nuclear plant, and other nonfederal hydroelectric and wind energy generation facilities.

California Energy Commission

The California Energy Commission (CEC) has been an innovative leader when it comes to energy policy and encouraging the development and application of energy efficiency and renewable energy technologies. As such, they are a valued partner in several projects managed by the Systems Integration staff. The CEC also represents a considerable R&D and information resource due to its own efforts and projects over the years.

IEEE Power Engineering Society

The IEEE Power Engineering Society (PES) is a worldwide, non-profit association of more than 21,000 individuals engaged in electric power engineering. The PES provides the world's largest forum for sharing the latest in technological developments in the electric power industry, for developing standards that guide the development and construction of equipment and systems, and for educating members of the industry and the general public.

Midwest ISO

The Midwest Independent Transmission System Operator is an essential link in the safe, cost-effective delivery of electric power across much of North America. The Midwest ISO is committed to reliability, the nondiscriminatory operation of the bulk power transmission system, and to working with all stakeholders to create cost-effective and innovative solutions for our changing industry.

Utility Wind Integration Group

The mission of the Utility Wind Integration Group is to accelerate the appropriate integration of wind power into the electric system through the coordinated efforts and actions of its members, in collaboration with wind industry stakeholders, including federal agencies, trade associations, and industry research organizations. Membership is open to utilities and other entities that have an interest in wind generation.

Western Area Power Administration

Western Area Power Administration markets and delivers hydroelectric power and related services within a 15-state region of the central and western United States. It is one of four power marketing administrations within the U.S. Department of Energy whose role is to market and transmit electricity from multi-use water projects.

Western Electricity Coordinating Council

The Western Electricity Coordinating Council's (WECC's) interconnection-wide focus is intended to complement current efforts to form Regional Transmission Organizations in various parts of the West. It is the largest and most diverse of the ten regional councils of the North American Electric Reliability Council. WECC's service territory extends from Canada to Mexico.

Western Governors' Association

Western Governors' Association (WGA) addresses important policy and governance issues in the West, advances the role of the Western states in the federal system, and strengthens the social and economic fabric of the region. WGA develops policy and carries out programs in the areas of natural resources, the environment, human services, economic development, international relations, and state governance.