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Fossil Fuel Combustion Waste


Fossil fuel combustion (FFC) wastes are the wastes produced from the burning of fossil fuels (i.e., coal, oil, natural gas). This includes all ash, slag, and particulates removed from flue gas. FFC wastes are categorized by EPA as a "special waste" and have been exempted from federal hazardous waste regulations under Subtitle C of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). In addressing the regulatory status of FFC wastes, EPA divided the wastes into two categories:

Photo: coal combustion factilityIn two separate regulatory determinations, EPA determined that neither large-volume wastes, nor the remaining FFC wastes, warrant regulation as a hazardous waste under Subtitle C of RCRA and therefore remain excluded under 40 CFR §261.4(b)(4). EPA did determine, however, that coal combustion wastes (CCWs) that are disposed in landfills and surface impoundments should be regulated under Subtitle D of RCRA (i.e., the solid waste regulations), whereas CCW used to fill surface or underground mines (minefill) should be regulated under authority of Subtitle D of RCRA, the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act (SMCRA), or a combination of these authorities.

This Web page provides an outline of the legislative and regulatory history and current status of the FFC waste exemption. Links to key regulatory and technical documents are also provided.

Additional information about coal combustion products (CCPs) is available through EPA’s C2P2 Web site which addresses the beneficial use of CCPs. Coal combustion products are FFC wastes which are recycled and put to beneficial use rather than disposed. EPA strongly supports the beneficial use of CCPs in appropriate circumstances and established a goal in its Strategic Plan to achieve a recycling rate of 50 percent of all CCPs by 2011.

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Supporting Technical Documents

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Supporting Materials: March 1999 Report to Congress - Wastes from the Combustion of Fossils Fuels


EPA Minefill Regulatory Concerns, Draft - August 14, 2003 (PDF) (11 pp, 70K)
This document provides EPA's issues of regulatory concerns along with the pertinent RCRA citations and SMCRA approach.

Regulation and Policy Concerning Mine Placement of CCW in Selected States, Final Draft - December 2002 (PDF) (164 pp, 525K)
This report reviews and summarizes current state regulations and policy concerning the placement of coal combustion wastes (CCW) in surface and underground mines.

Mine Placement of CCW: State Program Elements Analysis, Final Draft - December 2002 (PDF) (23 pp, 278K)
This document summarizes (in tables) elements of state regulatory programs applicable to the placement of coal combustion waste (CCW) in surface or underground mines. This document does not comment on the adequacy of individual state programs.

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Related Programs

EPA's Coal Combustion Products Partnership Program is a cooperative effort between EPA, the American Coal Ash Association, the Utility Solid Waste Activities Group, the US Department of Energy, and the US Federal Highway Administration to help promote the beneficial use of Coal Combustion Products (CCPs) and the environmental benefits that result from their use.

US Office of Surface Mining's CCB Information Network Exit EPA Provides access to scientific and technical literature, researchers, and resources related to coal combustion byproducts and coal mining.

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